Carpentry Clippings, 15 May 2019

Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar

On 16 May 2019, at 14:00 UTC (check your time), the Communications Director of ORCID, Alice Meadows will be hosting the Library Carpentries Community Discussion with Terry Law, the Project Manager of User Program Services at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. They will speak about new features available via ORCID's API 3.0 to connect and share more of your own and community's contributions. Sign up to attend this call.

On 21 May 2019, at 11:00 UTC (check your time), the Senior Director of Equity and Assessment Kari L. Jordan will host a Themed Community Discussion on the topic Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Roadmap. Sign up to join this community call.

On 22 May 2019, at 12:30 PM North American Eastern time (check your time), the Regional Coordinators for Canada, John Simpson and James DesJardins, will host the community call on the topic ‘Constructing the Carpentries Community in Canada’. Sign up to join this community call.

On 23 May 2019, at 11.00 UTC (check your time), Bianca Peterson will host the monthly Carpentries Instructors in Africa call. More details about the call are available on this Etherpad.

Community News

The Carpentries Style Guide was recently added to The Carpentries Handbook. Developed by Belinda Weaver, this guide aims to standardize the usage of specific terms and styles in community documents such as using dates and times, and referencing The Carpentries.

Committee and Task Force News

CarpentryCon 2020 TaskForce
The deadline to submit CarpentryCon 2020 venue bids has been extended and the Task Force invites the Carpentries community to share suggestions. Where would you like to see CarpentryCon hosted in 2020?  Fill out this bid form and let us know! Any questions can be directly addressed to the CarpentryCon 2020 Task Force (

Instructor Training Team
In a recent Trainer meeting, the team discussed their priorities for the curriculum release scheduled in June as well as prospective plans and timeline for Code of Conduct related updates. Check out their notes and upcoming meetings on this Etherpad.

Library Carpentry
Library Carpentry will be hosting the Mozilla-Library Carpentry Global Sprint on 30-31 May 2019. Contribute to the sprint by improving existing materials or developing new ones. You can also participate by developing Learner Profiles, or the SQL Lesson episode on database design. Check out the current issues and pull requests on Library Carpentry’s GitHub repository.

Executive Council
The Executive Council is planning to involve a wider community to focus on the topics: articulating a set of core values for The Carpentries, exploring a sponsorship program to allow other organizations alternative methods to support The Carpentries, and considering an open membership model for individuals to facilitate inclusion in our community. Interested community members will be able to join and work on these issues in designated Task Forces. Watch out for announcements with more detail in the coming weeks.

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
Read this blog on Hosting Community Discussions by Martin Dreyer, our Community Discussions Coordinator, who answers questions posed by new hosts of such calls. Learn about the Instructor Development Committee in this blog. Check out the PyCon 2019 Education Summit talk (YouTube video) by Tracy Teal and Kari Jordan on ‘Inclusive pedagogy to support computational teaching’. Watch this video of a recent Lesson Maintainers Meeting hosted by April Wright that focussed on improving how we solicit and act on community contributions to Carpentries Lessons. Join our Topicbox discuss channel to discuss topics of interest with other members.

Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings

With only a month away, the organizers of CarpentryConnect Manchester are excited to host this conference from 25 to 27 June 2019. Check out who their sponsors are and see this A to Z index to plan your participation ahead of time. The conference program showcases 4 keynote talks, a number of tutorial, discussion, and workshop sessions, while taking environmental sustainability aspects into consideration.

Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
The Library Carpentry participated in their first Mozilla Sprint on 10-11 May 2018. Over 40 people contributed to lessons on git, shell, web scraping, data intro, open refine, python intro, SQL, and spreadsheets, and finished the sprint with 151 pull requests and issues. Read this blog on Building Carpentries Engagement in Your Communities published last year by Amy Hodge.

Other places to connect
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