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May 2019

Upcoming events

On June 3 the Residential School History and Dialogue Centre is launching a new exhibit to coincide with Congress of the Humanities at UBC. The exhibit, on display until August 31, highlights the origins of the building, and explores engagement and research initiatives at the Centre. 

For the week of June 3 to 7, we will have expanded hours for Congress - visit the Centre 10 am to 4 pm, and explore the new exhibit.

Genocide, Residential Schools and the Challenge of [Re]Conciliation: Dialogue and Panel Discussion

Join us on June 6 for a panel featuring Professor David MacDonald (Guelph University), Dr. Paulette Regan, and Dr. Sheryl Lightfoot (University of British Columbia). 

Thursday, June 6 from 6 to 8 pm

The event is free and open to the public but space is limited - please RSVP.

Stay tuned for our summer newsletter, highlighting the latest news from the Centre. We will have more events over the summer and fall as we expand our programming. Keep an eye out for updates.

UBC Residential School History and Dialogue Centre
1985 Learners' Walk
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


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Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre · 1985 Learner's Walk · Vancouver, BC V6T1Z1 · Canada

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