
Mob Sitters Update and Card Sneak Peek!

It's been a hectic few months for the East Street Games team. We have been further developing Mob Sitters and one of the biggest hurdles has been the sheer amount of artwork for all of the cards.

We are excited to show off some of the new card designs that no one has ever seen before!
As you can see, the babysitters have been very busy working for the mobster boss! All of these different jobs are now unique to the babysitters. Each character will have their own set of jobs and steal cards, to give more flavour to each character.

For balance purposes they all have the same values. We have found that this gives players a fun choice deciding which babysitter to play while not giving anyone an advantage.
With all that money doing extra jobs for the boss, some of the other players are going to be taking note and will Squeal to the Cops! After all, if they successfully accuse you, you might be thrown in the slammer at the end of the game.

However, should you manage to avoid the blame and pass it onto someone else, you may escape jail, for now. You can use the finger pointing cards to pass the blame onto the player to your right, left or turn the blame back onto the person who accused you in the first place.

Kickstarter News

In our last newsletter we announced mob Sitters would be coming to Kickstarter in Q2 of 2019. While this may have been possible from a technical standpoint, we felt the game was not ready. Many hurdles have influenced our unfortunate decision to delay the campaign. There is a huge amount of artwork that has to be completed for the card designs and while we are close to having finished cards there are still going to be some tweaks and changes based on player feedback.

We are also going to be meeting with many manufacturers at the UK Games Expo this weekend which will help us decide who is best to work with. Our previous game Robot Royale, was predominately manufactured in the UK which meant it was faster and easier to communicate with the manufacturers and it helped keep delivery times to a minimal. We want to try and make sure that we are as upfront as possible with the next campaign we run and have a completely realistic fulfillment date.

We are attending the UK Games Expo!

Come say hello at stand 2-320 where we will have plenty of opportunities to try out Mob Sitters or Robot Royale. We even have a fun little surprise for those that come to see us!

We will of course be selling Robot Royale at the stand. Currently the only place to buy the game is directly through us at shows so don't miss out!

Robot Royale is Officially Released!

Since our last newsletter we have managed to finally launch Robot Royale into the board gaming world. We have received an amazing response from backers and we also recently sold the game at UNCON as well. If you have played the game we would really appreciate you giving us a rating and a comment on

The Kickstarter campaign was an incredible achievement for the tiny company we are and we can't thank everyone enough for their support throughout the process. If you would like to read a bit more and see some photos from the process you can read the last kickstarter update here
That is it for this issue of the newsletter. Be sure to keep an eye out for a future updates where we will be showing off more of the Mob Sitters artwork and letting you all know when you can back it on Kickstarter.
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