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Last week, we flew to NYC for our daughter's college graduation, and on the plane ride over, we worked on the final version of our book, The Mindful Couple - 52 Tips for a Great Relationship. It has been in the making for some time now, and we're very excited to know that it is finally on its way to copy-editing and soon we will have a release date. This book is truly a result of the many rich relationships we have in our lives including family, friends and clients.

Immediately after New York, Debbie went to Palm Desert for 7 days to work on her own book, Get the Muck Off. It is not finished, but it is getting close! Most importantly, writing both books is teaching us so much about the fun - and challenges - of the creative process, and the joy that is available when we make the time to engage with it.

Keep reading for more exciting updates!
As always, we'd love to hear from you.


Craig and Debbie

Couples Counseling and Parenting Issues

Although I have two grown children and three adult stepchildren, I am no expert on parenting. I can certainly talk about models for a healthy relationship, effective communication skills and conflict management, but when it comes to issues around how to discipline children, different parenting styles, the quality and quantity of time spent with children, or sharing in the responsibilities of raising children - I still have a lot to learn. 

Just as with marriage, parenting does not come with an instruction manual. Although, my feeling is that couples should be required to take parenting classes before they’re allowed to have a child. Enter Patti Aretz. I recently started providing co-joint couples therapy with Patti. If a couple is struggling with any parenting issues, Patti can provide excellent coaching. Her gentle approach and clarity help couples understand how to address many of the challenges they are facing with their parenting roles. 

I am pleased to welcome Patti to the practice and I’m excited to be able to work with her and provide this invaluable resource to clients. For any couples struggling with parent issues, we are here to help!


Meet Patti Aretz

Patti Aretz has been an early childhood and parent educator in the San Diego area for over 25 years. Her experience at The Children's School in La Jolla, CA and The Hanna Fenichel Center for Child Development in Solana Beach, CA, provided fertile ground to hone the skills of understanding the needs and emotional drives of children and families. Her perspective has empowered countless parents at all points along the journey of parenting through private sessions and parenting group work. It is second nature for her to actively listen, understand and provide clear, success-oriented strategies for parenting challenges. Throughout her career, the positive impact she has made as a pivotal role in the lives of families is immeasurable. She sincerely looks forward to getting to the heart of the matter with your family.

What does the flute got to do with it?

What does the flute got to do with it?One of my favorite things to do is to watch Craig play the flute. I love to see him become totally embraced in the moment, both physically and spiritually. When he notices I am there, he will give me a little smile with a twinkle in his eye. His smile says to me, "I am completely floating with the rhythm  of the music, it's deep within my soul." His smile says to me, "Everything about this moment, including the feel of the flute in my hands, the notes that are being created, and my breath all fall together in this beautiful experience." Of course, his smile also says, "I love you, and I am glad that you are here so we share this sacred space."

So much in life has to do with intention. It would be easy to hear Craig play the flute and think other things like, "I am trying to get work done and its hard with the noise," "Why does he spend so much time with the flute?" or "If he wasn't playing the flute we could be at lunch right now."

Okay, the truth is I have had all of those thoughts before… until I realized that by resisting what is before me only lowers my vibration and the energy between us. I thought to myself, "I actually enjoy hearing him play, so why not truly embrace it?" So, one day, I walked into the room where he was playing, with the intention of fully embracing the experience, and everything changed. Now, when I hear or think of Craig playing the flute I am reminded of how important it is to have these "in the moment" experiences on our own, and also to share them together as a couple. 

What are you resisting that you could be embracing? What are you resisting that is changing the energy in your relationship unnecessarily?

August Dates Added for Torrey Pines Meditation Walk

If you haven't yet joined us on the Torrey Pines Meditation Hike through Airbnb, we'd love for you to join us in August!  We will be hiking on two of the most beautiful and less traveled trails in the park, visiting three of our favorite lookout areas, where you'll enjoy amazing views.

You are guaranteed to have fun, learn some very practical tools and techniques for mindfulness and meditation and definitely feel much more relaxed than you were before the hike. 
To learn more information about these walks and to sign up, please click here.

If you are interested in a private group walk, please call Debbie directly at (858) 354-4541. You can also follow Debbie on Instagram to view fun hiking moments and memories. 

Connect with us on Facebook! 

Why do we forget why we got marriedWhat is that, you say? You haven't yet connected with us on Facebook? 

Don't miss out on exclusive content that can't be found anywhere else. Our page is also a community where you can interact, ask questions, and learn - so Like our Facebook page today!


Craig Lambert and Debbie Seid are dedicated to helping couples rekindle their love, deepen their intimacy and strengthen communication. They have worked with hundreds of San Diego couples, helping them understand the often unconscious underpinnings of relationship conflict. Craig and Debbie offer premarital education to help couples prepare for the challenges and opportunities of married life, enriching the premarital stage and deepening their relationship, so both partners are even more excited to commit to each other for life. For more information about couples workshops, premarital education, and couples/marriage counseling, visit us online at
Copyright © 2019 Lambert Couples Therapy, All rights reserved.
Craig Lambert, LCSW (License # LCS14003)

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