
In a Nutshell
The Dept of Education thanked ECSFR for bringing this issue of harm to their attention, declared that they “share our genuine concern” and are currently “looking into it”.  ECSFR replied with more information and a request for urgent attention as every minute we waste is causing irrefutable harm to our most vulnerable.

Look into it?  But all you need to do is quote ARPANSA - right?

Not so fast, ARPANSA recently uploaded a DISCLAIMER to their website which states in writing that their advice "can't be relied upon"?   They now encourage the reader to "DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH".

OK then let's turn to ICNIRP  they're the scientific body responsible for setting the international EMR standards in whose loving arms ARPANSA likes to rest...but WAIT A MINUTE!...ICNIRP put up their own disclaimer way back in 2008,  no flies on them!

BUT WHAT ABOUT "THE SCIENCE", ARPANSA & ICNIRP have done the SCIENCE!!...haven't they?
(disappointing fine print about the science from the ARPANSA website)

I guess we need to take ARPANSA's advice and do our own research then?

One young mother took ARPANSA at their word, did her own research and to her horror discovered that her young child was being exposed to a poison called EMR that the WHO has rated as a Class 2B Carcinogen?  A rating shared by our old friends Agent Orange (DDT), lead and asbestos.

So where exactly does that leave us in terms of having a science based AUSTRALIAN STANDARD to protect us?

Independent Research Findings vs Industry Funded Research Findings

It would appear from reading the ARPANSA website that the industry paid for it's own research and they found everything to be just fine, no problems at all.  To our knowledge ARPANSA still do not employ even one single doctor nor medical professional.

But what about the 2001 Senate Inquiry into the health effects of EMR, did the government employ independant medical professionals for that? 

Yes of course they did and these independent medical professionals found all kinds of nasty health effects caused by EMR exposure and advised our government to IMMEDIATELY ADOPT THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE (think banning every peanut butter sandwich just in case), however for reasons that are still unclear the Australian Government chose to ignore the independent research in favour of the "can't be relied upon" by their own admission, scientific research provided to ARPANSA by the telecommunications industry itself.

What could possibly go wrong?

Really ponder on that one folks!
Go To Unpacking
Go To Parents Against Wifi in
ECSFR Chairman : 'This one is for the PARENTS'
Dept of Education Responds

Further to our last newsletter where we published ECSFR's letter to the Dept of Education alerting them to the negative health effects associated with the daily "wifrying" of our children, teachers and parents, we have......GOOD NEWS, we've received a response and permission to publish their letter!                                                                             
(click here for the Dept's response and ECSFR's reply to their response)

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