"We are feeding and raising our animals well so our neighbors can be fed well."
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Canopy Street Market Connections
By Kerry Hoffschneider 

Marty Jantze - Meat Manager at Canopy Street Market holding Graze Master Ground Beef.

The circle of life can work in mysterious and surprising ways at times.  One of those fortuitous moments happened recently when Emely Hendl reached out to Canopy Street Market about the possibility of carrying Graze Master Beef and Anchor Meadow Farm eggs and honey.  After the products were confirmed for sale by the market, the Ficke family found out a family friend from the past was managing the meat department there, Marty Jantze.

“I was quite surprised when Del said, ‘Guess who is running the meat department at Canopy Street – Marty Jantze.’  It was good to hear,” said Beverly Ficke.

Beverly Ficke

“Del was born in 1967 and in the early 70s I had heard that Maurice Jantze was going to build a grocery store in Milford,” Ficke recalled.  “He had a locker and meat store in Crete, and we would take our meat there and I had already been acquainted with Maurice.  So, when I heard he was going to build that store, we were heading towards hard times and I asked if I could have some work.”   

“First I clerked and stocked and then I ran the bakery for awhile,” she recalled.  “Then, I don’t quite know how it came about when I started in the meat department.  I pretty well learned my cuts of meat and we sold chicken.  I did some trimming and thoroughly enjoyed the customers.”

“It was Maurice and his sons Butch and Marty most of the time. I worked in the meat department, checking and doing what needed to be done and then I retired after 25 years.  I can’t say enough how great it was being with all the people.  Even now I will run into people and they say, ‘Well, we haven’t seen you forever.’ It’s always good to see people I would see at the store all those years,” she recalled.    

“I also think back and ask myself, ‘How did you get everything done?’  I worked at the store two, three or four days a week, had a huge garden, was raising the kids and I made sure there was something to eat for everyone and any guests coming to the farm,” Ficke said, reminiscing. 

Beverly also said she couldn’t be more thrilled Ficke beef is at Canopy Street Market that is located in the same area of west Lincoln where she has many fond memories of growing up. 

“I was born in 1933 and where the Canopy Street Market is now, I can remember when it was all train tracks going west.  I can remember coming over the viaduct into Lincoln with my parents, everything was planks, no concrete and steel.  My folks had a little, black Ford if I remember right,” Ficke said. 

“We would take a right on 9th Street and go down one block.  Then, on the southwest corner of that intersection was Demmas Grocery.  As I think about it, I think that’s about the only place I remember my mother buying groceries when I was young,” she said. “My mother had a big strawberry patch and, in the evenings, my parents would market them at the Demmas Grocery.”

“A block or two away was the Beatrice Creamery.  That’s where my folks would take their cream.  They milked Hereford Cows,” she said.  “I think they took the eggs there too and used the money they earned to buy groceries.” 

“When we would go to town to take the cream, my dad would end up parking across the street from the Demmas Grocery and mom and I would walk from there to do our shopping.  Then, as you came over the viaduct going a block east, I remember Gourlay Brothers Piano Co.  They had a half of that store and we went through the back to the beauty shop.  It was the old-fashioned shop where if you got a perm it was the kind you got with those electric wires hanging down.”

While many things have changed throughout the years, Ficke said she appreciates being reconnected to the Haymarket area and Canopy Street Market – a grocery store that is dedicated to offering local products, “We have always invited people to come out and see where the cattle were raised and we still do.  On each package of meat there is a number and we can go back to that specific animal if there are problems.  We are willing to stand behind our beef and are looking forward to the Canopy Street Market connection.” 

If you are in Lincoln, Neb. stop by this great grocery store located in Lincoln’s Historic Haymarket at 140 South Canopy Street | Suite A | Lincoln, Neb. 68508. 

Ficke Cattle and Anchor Meadow Farm will also be at the Seward Farmer’s Market from May through October on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m.   We will have Graze Master Beef as well as Anchor Meadow Farm eggs and honey.

Remember to make your Graze Master Beef orders by calling Del Ficke at (402) 499-0329 or Emely Hendl at 402-613-5483. 

"I recently had the opportunity to tour these facilities.  I have long been a believer in their products, seen the benefits first-hand, and am excited to share more of the story about what Biozyme does with all of you." Del Ficke 

This story first ran in the May 16, 2019 edition of the Midwest Messenger
By Kerry Hoffschneider
Lisa Norton – President/Chief Operating Officer, BioZyme®.
Ignacio Ipharraguerre, Ph.D., Director of Research and Innovation for BioZyme standing next to a diagram of the fungi, Aspergillus oryzae.
Tyson Vorderstrasse, holding up a beaker of the base component in the creation of Amaferm. 
 Cody Jensen, Production Manager, gives a tour of the plant.  This is one of their warehouse areas. 
It all began in 1945, when a former Cargill salesman named Larry Ehlert took a $2,500 loan and purchased the St. Joseph Feed & Supply Company on Packers Ave. in St. Joseph, Mo. across from the stockyards.  He started his own brand, Ehlert’s Guaranteed Feeds. 
Just over a decade after he set forth in the feed business, Ehlert started the “Vita Ferm System” with a key component called Amaferm, a direct-fed microbial that was discovered in 1943 and patented by H.E. Kistner Sr. in 1959.  It is an extract produced from a select strain of the fungi, Aspergillus oryzae.
In 1968, Larry Ehlert purchased the patent and the rights to Amaferm and founded BioZyme Enterprises Inc. In 1978, the name was changed to BioZyme Incorporated, and the location moved to its present-day location on Stockyards Expressway.  Amaferm has been the key ingredient in every product that BioZyme has ever produced.
Today, BioZyme Inc. continues to serve the agriculture industry as an innovator in the fields of animal nutrition and microbiology. The company offers a complete line of high-quality vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and protein supplements with what they call the, “Amaferm® advantage - a precision prebiotic that promotes feed and water intake, increases feed digestibility and maximizes nutrient absorption.  Today, Amaferm has more than 100 published research studies on its mode of action, impact on digestion and its increase in animal performance.”
“BioZyme is committed to developing innovative products that support sustainability in livestock production, so the next generation of young people have the opportunity to go to work in their passion, the family farm,” said Lisa Norton, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO).
AO-Biotics®, a “sibling” to Amaferm was discovered in 2016 by
Ignacio Ipharraguerre, Ph.D. Although closely related to Amaferm, he explained, “AO-Biotics has a different mode of action that allows it to target the intestine to assist with gut health and overall immunity.”
Ipharraguerre grew up in Argentina where he was exposed to agriculture through his parents who were John Deere dealers.  He studied in Argentina and came to the U.S. in the late 1990s where he went to school to study nutrition in dairy cattle.  Today he wears two hats, one is serving as the
Director of Research and Innovation for BioZyme.  The other is a professor at the Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science in Kiel, Germany. 
“Aspergillus belongs to a group of fungi that grows in your bread and makes mold,” explained Ipharraguerre, as he showed a diagram of the microscopic creature.  “The aspergillus is the building block, the power house.  Amaferm is a precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying the nutrient supply for maximum performance.  It promotes intake, increases digestibility and maximizes nutrient absorption.” 
“The way we are living, we are losing some key elements of the ecosystem.  This decrease in diversity deprives us of the microorganisms that are essential for health and wellbeing.  Amaferm is the whole biomass.  It has different stages of fermentation and through those processes the biomass is produced.  When you put that biomass in an animal, it stimulates the gut microbiota,” Ipharraguerre explained, as he shared an illustration that shows the branching of fungi to assist in the breakdown of the forage/fiber.  He said the increase in fungal branching allows for more attachment sites for the good bacteria to digest provided nutrients.   
As they look towards the future of their products, Ipharraguerre said, “We will continue to be very much interested in the gut and understanding how it works and what it does for us and for animals and people.”
“Care that comes full circle is how we like to do business at BioZyme,” said Norton in closing.  “If you care for someone, something or actually anything, that care will eventually come full-circle and care for you.  If you believe in this enough to take the first step of care, there will be a boomerang back.”

Learn more at:

Depreciating vs. Appreciating
By Kirk Peterson 
Business owners, like myself, are responsible for our own income taxes. While most people filing W2’s have taxes withheld from their paychecks and are getting money back in May, fellow business owners like myself can sometimes hope our 1099 shows no income or a loss so we don’t have to pay Uncle Sam.
While I believe deductions are a must to run a successful business, I also believe paying some taxes is also a good sign your business is doing well!  In this article, I want to open up the conversation and poise this question, “Would you rather pay your hard earned money to your implement dealers for a depreciating asset, or would you rather pay yourself into an appreciating, tax deductible, and tax deferred account?”
The illustration below is an example of a “Single 401k.”  What this graphic illustrates is a business owner who is showing a gross income of $500,000 and then can pay him or herself $220,000 while only having to pay taxes on $280,000.
As a business owner myself, I would rather pay taxes on half my wages while paying myself the other half.  Instead of buying new equipment every year or every other year because of deductions, now you can get back into the habit of buying new equipment only when you need new equipment.

Estimate $92,000 Federal and State Tax Savings (assuming 37 percent Fed and five percent State).

This could potentially reduce taxable income to a level that makes available 199A deduction.

This could add 20K to a 401(h) account in CB Plan instead of after-tax in 401(k) Plan.  
If you would like to learn more about this concept and similar strategies, please reach out to me anytime via phone, email, or text.
Kirk Peterson, FIC, CFFM
Financial Representative
401 E. 4th Street, Suite 101
Minden, NE 68959
Cell – 402-519-0330

Considering Cover Crops in the Ups and Downs of Agriculture
By Nate Belcher 

A healthy stand of rye in one of Del's many fields where he has introduced cover crops.
This has been a rollercoaster of a spring with more ups and downs than I can count with record amounts of rainfall throughout the nation. This has obviously slowed down planting and many farmers are looking at situations where fields will be going into prevented planting. 

While this is not an ideal situation, it is a great opportunity to focus 2019 on building up your soils for next year’s crops.  Cover crops are an effective way to increase soil nutrients and water-holding capacity and to reduce compaction. There are many cover crop options to address issues and this will be different for each farm.

We partner with growers, seed conditioners, and suppliers throughout the country to be able to provide high-quality cover crops at a discounted rate. Give us a call if you have acres going to prevented planting as we would love to help you make the most of a tough spring to maximize 2020 yields!

Call Nate Belcher at:  402-580-0015
"Don't miss the beauty my friends, before it's too late." Del Ficke  

Presenting . . .

Flowers at Ficke Cattle Company

No electronic or mechanical reproduction of The Liberator is permitted without direct consent of the author, Ficke Cattle Company.  Contact (402) 499-0329 or  Thank you so much for reading!

Copyright © Ficke Cattle Company - Graze Master Genetics, All rights reserved.

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