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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 27th May 2019

Playgroup Dates

Playgroup dates and venue changes
  • 9.30am Tuesday 28th May Uniting Church, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 4th June Country Paradise Parkland Rotunda, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 11th June Country Paradise Parkland Rotunda, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 18th June Uniting Church, Nerang.

Winter Festival

*Diary date for possible Winter Festival*
Sunday evening - June 23rd

As food will be provided at our Winter Festival the event is dependent on the assistance from our community members. Please consider helping us in any way you can, in the following areas…
  • Food gathering and preparation (soups, bread/buns, cake)
  • Musicians and singers (for performance)
  • Creation of the spiral (gathering of materials and construction)
RSVP to help, by May 30th to Katie Alini,

School Open Days

Samford Valley – 5 Narrawa Rd Wights Mountain, Samford.
9:15am Wednesday 15th May
9:30am Saturday 25th May (not a school day)

Shearwater Tour – 349 Left Bank Rd, Mullumbimby.
Mullumbimby Primary School
9:30am Wednesday 29th May

Cape Byron – Byron Bay 216 Balraith Lane, Ewingsdale.
Phone (02) 6639 9300

Pengari – Noosa 86 Nyall Rd, Doonan.
10am Wednesday 22nd May RSVP

Birali – 670 Beachmere Rd, Beachmere.
10am Thursday 6th June

Part 4 – an extract from a lecture by – Rudolf Steiner:
The Education of the Child

You need to pay attention, especially in earlychildhood, not to the development of theories and rules, but to making sure the child imitates, and that you live what the child is to imitate. This is particularly important because the desire to
imitate is one of the first capacities you can affect. Reprimands and rules are the least effective during that time.

Children imitate what they see because they necessarily develop according to how they are connected with their surroundings. We can form the first foundation for the entire personal essence of a child if, during the first seven years of childhood, we live what the child should imitate, after we have properly conceived of how we should act in the child's presence. For many people, this is, of course, a very strange principle of child rearing. Most people would ask how a child should behave, but anthroposophy comes along and says that adults should learn how to behave in front of children, even in words, attitudes, and thoughts. Children are much more receptive in their souls than people commonly think, and certainly
more receptive than adults. There are people, no doubt, who have a certain kind of sensitivity and immediately notice when someone comes into a room and ruins the previous good mood.

Even though people today notice little of this, it is particularly strong in children. What you do in detail is less important than the kind of person you try to be and the thoughts and ideas you carry. It is not enough to hide things from children while allowing yourself thoughts not intended for them. We must have and live the thoughts that we feel could and should live in the child. This is uncomfortable, but nevertheless true.
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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