Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY!
Or actually from a Starbucks near Harrisburg, but I digress...
So Hollywood happened last week. And yes, I did actually run into David Tennant. No, I didn't have the guts to tell him how much I adore his work. But I did give him my spot in line. Does that count? The poor cashier at the cafe looked like she was about to explode into a fit of giggles and weeping at the same time when he walked out of the cafe.
"Was I ok?" she asked me. She was, I assured her.
Anyway, that was, believe it or not, NOT the highlight of the Hollywood trip. Our two-day script clinic intensive was seriously one of the most inspiring and wonder-inducing experiences of my life. To be able not only to learn from 2 absolute masters at screenwriters, but to actually brainstorm WITH them, to feel a similarity of vision with them, and then ...
... to actually have them sign on as co-writers of Viking Queen! I mean. What? Did I just have a very vivid dream that lasted two days? No. there's photographic evidence :

So we're writing a new version of the pilot, and now we have a team of dedicated and extremely talented people invested in this project. Slowly ,but surely, we seem to be moving in the right direction.
All this, by the way, means that I'm going to be putting a lot of my immediate attention to the script and not to the novella that I've promised you all. But there's good news on that front. It's about a quarter done, and I think I'll have it actually completed by the time I send you another email (2 weeks or so from now).
So there's that...
Bi-weekly links of internet interestingness
What I'm reading
A short email today, because I'm on my way to a recording of new music by my friend Benedict Sheehan (I'll share some of that music with you next time. It's sublime). But I thought I'd share that Adrian Tchaikovsky has written a sequel to one of my favorite sci-fi novels of the last few years, Children of Time.
It's called Children of Ruin, and it's very different in some way from the first book. I'll tell you more about it later, but I'm loving the audiobook. Completely riveted. And it's terrifying, much more than the first book (but in a good way).
Check it out if you like.
Thanks, as always, for coming along with me on my writerly adventures!
~Nicky |