Family Counselling Centre
of Cambridge & North Dumfries
May Newsletter, 2019
Issue 2


I came from a good family. There was no trauma and all of my needs were met. I have a brother and sister and we were all loved. There was something missing in me though, I can only explain it like having a hole inside me. This matters because even though things were good, I felt like something was missing. I didn’t understand it, I did well in school, was involved in extra activities, joined the sea cadets, went to summer camps, went sailing, graduated high school and went on to a three year post-secondary course in Marine Navigation.

The first time I drank, I got loaded. I was 13 and I can only say that alcohol fascinated me.  Continue reading...


Addiction Services offers assistance to individuals and families to access supports within our community including counselling referrals, justice services, mental health and addictions.

Our groups for Relapse Prevention/After Care for codependents as well as for chemical dependency (substance use & alcohol) on Tuesdays, 2:00-3:00 pm., Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 pm. 

Our recovery homes are always in need of the necessary staples like paper towels, toilet paper, coffee and sugar.  Single sheets and pillow cases are always welcome. At times we need bus tickets. 

To make a donation go to: (click on Cambridge Addiction Services)
Or donate to Cambridge Addiction Services through Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge & North Dumfries

Addiction Services Office
6 Cambridge St.
Cambridge, ON
N1R 3R6

A recent article ranked the Waterloo Region one of the least safe places for women. The Sexual Assault Centre of the Waterloo Region is facing an unprecedented wait list for services. FCC has space in our group for women who have experienced or are currently in an abusive relationship. “Women Helping Women"
In addition to subsidized funding for individual counselling for women currently in or who have left an abusive relationship, we are here to help women who have been sexually abused in childhood or experienced a recent sexual assault.  You can contact the agency (519) 621-5090 or come to our Weekly Walk-in Counselling Clinic on Thursdays to learn healthy ways to cope and ground yourself.
May 6- 12th is Mental Health Week. Why not consider making a donation to our agency to promote emotional and mental wellness in your community?
You can go to our website to read past blogs on a variety of issues related to mental health and wellness or contact our ED about how you can get involved as a volunteer or Corporate sponsor for an upcoming event.
June 11- 17th Canadian Men’s Health Week – Our “Healthy Living Group”  is dedicated to equipping men with healthy tools for coping.  Vulnerability is Strength! Help us spread the word about this group by posting flyers in your staff rooms or places of worship  or share online.
Get your tickets online now!
“Bounce Back”- FCC'S Nancy, presented to parents in North Dumfries on building resilience in children.
“Why Suicide?”- Nancy and Cecil, in collaboration with the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council started their latest offering of this powerful support group for family and friends grieving
The “Children’s Mental Health Wellness Hub” at the Cambridge Self-Help Foodbank is officially open! FCC's Judy and Dalia are providing group and individual support to participants of the Food Bank as well as members of the community struggling to afford parenting support and counselling for their children or grandchildren. Samantha, the Hub’s Community Connections Coordinator, is helping to spread the word and connect caregivers and children to other community resources.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook for updates on services and new programs offered at the Hub and how you can invest in this much needed community collaboration focused on prevention and empowerment

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Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge & North Dumfries · 18 Walnut Street · Cambridge, Ontario N1R 2E7 · Canada

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