
The Annual Lowry Neighborhood Yard Sale Is Almost Here!

We're just a week out from Lowry's Annual Yard Sale: Friday, May 31, Saturday, June 1, and Sunday, June 2, are the dates to remember! 

If you have not yet filled out the Lowry Yard Sale Participation Form and you want to be included on the online Lowry Yard Sale Map, please do so by Tuesday, May 28th. We have had quite a few responses so far and it looks like there are a lot of great sales planned, with kids' clothing and gear being the number one category of items. There will also be quite a few lemonade stands and bake sales!

Yard sale signs will go up Thursday evening throughout the neighborhood.  The LCMA is providing print and online advertising for the Yard Sale on Craigslist, YourHub Denver, and in the Denver Post. 

Please advertise your individual yard sale on Craigslist and social media to boost Lowry Yard Sale awareness! And if you would like your sale to be included on the Lowry Yard Sale Map, fill out the form by May 28.

Political Signage Rules

We are officially in a runoff campaign for Denver Mayor *and* District 5 City Councilmember, so please take a moment to review the updated guidelines for political yard signage:

Political Signs (signs that carry messages intended to influence outcomes of any ballot issues) (max size 6 sq. ft.) maximum one sign per ballot issue and/or candidate per election cycle, for a maximum of 45 days before any primary election through 7 days after the general election or the completion of a runoff election.

The full text of the neighborhood signage guidelines can be found here.
Crime Prevention in Lowry
The Denver Police Department is reporting that vehicle break-ins and vehicle theft are on the rise. In Denver, a stunning 57% of vehicle thefts were of cars that had the keys left in the vehicle. Many of these are what the DPD calls "puffers"--vehicles left running, keys in ignition, to warm up in cold weather; but many are simply forgotten keys in unlocked vehicles. Be especially aware if you have a newer keyless-ignition vehicle! Our newest Community Resource Officer, Matthew Grimsley, says that people forget their keyless ignition fobs in the vehicles, which makes theft simple.

Officer Grimsley also recommends never leaving anything in sight in your vehicle, and always locking the doors. Showing that charging cables are not connected to any devices helps prevent break-ins, as well as simply removing all belongings, or locking backpacks and purses in the trunk. 

As we all spend more time outside in the warmer weather, Officer Grimsley reminds us to not leave our garage doors open and unattended; to not leave the house with the windows open; and to use the security alarm if you have one. Keeping an eye on your home and that of your neighbors will help keep everyone safer!
Lung Force Walk 

The American Lung Association is holding a Lung Force Walk on Saturday, June 2, at 8:00 am in the Great Lawn Park. The Walk will raise money for lung cancer research, advocacy, and educational programs. Check it out here.

Boulevard One Progress
Ground has been broken on the major commercial space of the Boulevard One at Lowry development, at the corner of Lowry Boulevard and Pontiac Street, and there's a lot in store. The biggest anchor business will be a 25,000 square foot Lucky's Market, an organic-focused supermarket chain based in Boulder. A Logan House Coffee Company is also slated to join the center. Keep an eye on other businesses going into the development here. The project is scheduled for completion in late 2020.
One more thing...
Please make sure all your external lights are in good working order, with no burnt out bulbs. Good lighting helps keep everyone safe.
DPD has provided us with some safety tip flyers that are worth reviewing: Protecting Yourself; Protecting Your Home; Protecting Your Vehicle; Garage Safety.
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