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Youth. Sex. Relationships.  
Leading the National Conversation 


The Update: May 23, 2019

Who's Parenting Our Kids?
Do parents have a right to determine what their kids learn in school, especially as it pertains to sex-ed, or are those decisions best left up to teachers and legislators? In light of the massive power grab from parents in Colorado and California recently, the answer to this question becomes increasingly important. Parent concerns have often fallen on deaf ears with legislators simply saying that the proposed curriculum is “objective” and “unbiased,” when this is often clearly not the case. This article rightly contends that “Parents, not state legislatures or education bureaucrats, should be the stewards of the public dollars allocated to educating their children, and able to direct them towards educational experiences that buttress the values taught around their dinner tables instead of conflicting with them.”

International News 

England & Wales: Sex Ed "Undermines Parents"
Members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons expressed "serious concerns" over the government's Relationships and Sex Education plans, saying the government should do all they can to empower parents”, rather than undermine their authority and responsibility over their children. More than 11,000 people responded to a government survey last month with 58 per cent saying the proposed content for Relationships Education in primary schools was not “age-appropriate” and 64 per cent, saying the same about Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools. The new guidelines are scheduled to take effect September 2020.

South Africa: Life Education "Must Be Enhanced"
In a recent interview, the Basic Education Department didn't discuss reports that the new Life Orientation curriculum would teach 9-year-olds how to self stimulate for sexual pleasure, only stating, "It needs to be improved, it needs to be enhanced...We will monitor the outcomes on an ongoing basis."  Not surprisingly, parents wanted to know why their children would be exposed to topics like this at school. The new textbooks are scheduled to be rolled out next year. 

State News

California: Middle Parents Left in the Dark
Parents in Pacific Grove were taken by surprise when they discovered that Planned Parenthood would be the ones making the sex ed presentation to their middle schoolers. State law requires that parents receive at least 2 week's notice and an opportunity to remove their children from a sex ed presentation, but they were given less than one week's notice prior to the Planned Parenthood presentation. Given the explicit nature of the California Healthy Youth Act's requirements for sex ed, it comes as no surprise that parents say, "What we want is transparency, we also want to be involved in knowing what our children are taught." 

CA Department of Education Approves Controversial New Guidelines
In spite of intense and continued protests from parents, the radical sex ed that some describe as pornographic was approved by the California Department of Education. While five of the sexually explicit books were removed from the curriculum, one board member's comments showed how tone deaf the school board is. "We're not saying that the books are bad, but the removal will help avoid the misunderstanding that California is mandating the use of these books."

North Dakota: SRAS Training in the News

On May 8-9, Dakota Hope, hosted Ascend's SRAS training in Minot that was attended by many nurses, teachers, and social workers. The local CBS affiliate was there to cover the story and get comments from attendees who were eager to take the information they learned back to their school districts. 


Social Capital: An Invaluable Source of Wealth
At a recent Joint Economic Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Mike Lee said, “Economic wealth is no doubt important, But to see opportunity exclusively in those terms fails to [adequately] capture an invaluable source of wealth on which human beings draw and one that is in fact key to expanding opportunity: social capital."  So what exactly is social capital and how does family structure effect it? Social capital is what is available to us in terms of relationships. "In particular, the people to whom we are born and around whom we live are consequential for our opportunities." In a new report entitled "The Wealth of Our Relations," it discusses policy goals on improving family structure as essential to improving social capital and details the advantage of "two happily married parents" and family stability as an important factor for children to thrive. 


Did you Know?
Of the almost 40,000 new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. in 2017, 19% were among women.  This graphic from the CDC breaks down the statistics by transmission category and race/ethnicity.


Funding Opportunity Announced - CORRECTION!
The Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children & Families - ACYF/FYSB has released the funding announcement for the SRAE Grant.  The total estimated program funding is $19 million with a total of 20 grant awards.  Application deadline is July 1, 2019. (Last week's announcement incorrectly stated that the application deadline was July 31st.)

Job Opening for SRA Instructor 
Bright Healthy Relationships Initiative, Louisville, KY is seeking an instructor to teach the SRA message to middle and high school students. Bright visits 40 schools in the greater Louisville area each year. Bachelor's degree preferred. If interested, please send letter and resume.

Parent Corner 

Parenting with Emotional Intelligence
May is the time of year for graduation, which means a time when teens are getting ready to launch into greater independence whether it's going to college or starting out on their own right after high school.  Many parents worry that they haven't taught their young adult kids basic life skills like cooking, managing money or changing a car tire, but often don't even consider if they have focused on the emotional intelligence of their kids.  But what exactly is emotional intelligence? According to Wikipedia, “Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.” This article shows how parents are key in preparing teens for their increased independence and enhancing their ability to make wise decisions as they launch out on their own.

                  2019 iSucceed Youth

Leadership & SRA 

Advocacy Summit! 


Registration now open!
Youth and Adults:  Start making plans to join us in D.C. on
June 13-14! We've compiled a list of nearby hotels to make it easy for you to begin making your travel arrangements. Register today so that we can be sure to reserve a spot for your group!  More details soon. We look forward to seeing you in D.C!

Find out more info here.  

Sexual Risk 





SRAS Recertification:  Has Your SRAS Credential Expired?

If you were SRAS certified in 2017 or renewed your certification in 2017, your SRA credential expires this year!  Make sure you stay current by completing our new online SRAS Recertification program.  Not sure when your certification expires?  Contact us and we'll be happy to check for you!

SRAS Trainings 

Check Out These Comments From Past SRAS Attendees!

"I  thoroughly enjoyed the scientific and medical evidence behind SRA."

"Presenters were excellent Information enlightening."


Kirksville, MO - July 23-24, 2019

More 2019 dates and locations to be added soon!

For more information on all upcoming SRAS trainings, Click here. 

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