
18 Juni 2019 9.30-12.30u 

Engine developments and renewable fuel options
HAN Automotive, Arnhem

Professional heavy duty riders often ask us which options to consider to green their rides. What are available renewable fuel options for existing trucks, or which portfolio of options unfolds when considering a new truck. Business drivers pose similar questions. In this seminar we will assess options for renewable fuels for gasoline engines, diesel-engines, adapted diesel-engines, gas-engines, their impacts on price (TCO), performance with respect to local emissions, as well as on impacts on preventing climate change (reduction of CO2-emissions). Where available experiences of users is addressed too. For the discussion: is retrofit an option? Last but not least, the seminar will touch on new and innovatieve fuel-engine-combinations*.

Lunch is included. (Please let us know whether you stay for lunch).

This seminar is developed in cooperation with HAN Automotive and TUe.
Read full program on website.

Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen will be publishing these findings in a factsheet. 

Location: HAN Automotive (yellow building), Ruitenberglaan 29, Arnhem

* the LNG-option and electrification of powertrains are discussed in the afternoon event organized by HAN Automotive and Logistics Valley,  following this seminar more information.  

Yes, please, sign me up for this seminar 18th June at HAN Automotive

Aankondiging (werkgroep)-bijeenkomsten Platformleden

27 juni 2019 15-17u, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam
Bijeenkomst werkgroep scheepvaart, met o.a. Green Deal Scheepvaart energie-labels en kennisprogramma voor zeevaart, bio-methanol, factsheets voor scheepvaartmotoren en fuels
Locatie: Havenbedrijf Rotterdam 

2 juli 2019 16-21u, Algemene Ledenvergadering (inclusief diner)
Locatie: Akzo Nobel Art Space Common Ground
Programma: Effective sustainability criteria and verification

Recente nieuwsberichten op website Platform

Onderstaande berichten staan op

Eerste Europese raffinaderij voor duurzame vliegtuigbrandstof komt in Nederland

ILT constateert fraude met certificering biodiesel

Factsheet innovatieve energiedragers van de toekomst

Avantium locates biorefinery demonstration plant in Delfzijl

Swedish shipping industry prepares to go fossil-free by 2045

Port of Antwerp brings different players together to produce sustainable methanol

Nieuwe rapporten en publicaties

PDF's van onderstaande rapporten zijn te downloaden via

A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe – Updated strategy

Booklet on Technologies from 2nd EU India Conference on Advanced Biofuels

Potential advanced biofuels in Europe – focus on biomass production

2018 Update – Technology status advanced and renewable biofuels value chains

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