Researchers gain insights into Tribal-Academic Partnerships at Center workshop
On May 21st, the CDTR and National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Center hosted investigators for the Strengthening Tribal-Academic Partnership workshop. The day consisted of an interactive training using the Holding Spaces toolkit and grant proposal consultations.
The Holding Spaces toolkit consists of resources and strategies to conduct community based participatory research and build relationships with tribal communities. The event included 20 participants representing investigators from CDTR, partner institutions, community-based organizations, and the Katheryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies.
In the afternoon, investigators were invited to apply these principles in a grant proposal development workshop where they received one-on-one consultations with CDTR leadership.
If you are interest in receiving administrative support for your proposal or manuscript, please contact center staff.
Recent Grant Awards
Cynthia Herrick, MD (PI) "Clinic to community connections: Enhancing prenatal to postpartum care transitions to prevent type 2 diabetes in low income women with gestational diabetes" (K23HD096204)
"Update on Obesity Treatment Engagement and Outcomes for African Americans" presented by Dr. Jeremy Ard, MD in partnership with the Council on Black Health (May 2019)
About the CDTR The CDTR is committed to supporting researchers working to advance diabetes translation research. CDTR Cores offer a range of support and services around the following:
Dissemination and Implemention in Diabetes Research
Health Communication and Health Literacy
Health Informatics in Diabetes Research
Policy and Systems Science Analysis
Research Partnerships with American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
Publications supported by CDTR should include this statement when submitted for publication: "This publication was made possible by Grant Number P30DK092950 from the NIDDK."