
Musculoskeletal Events & Opportunities - June 2019

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CCMBM Musculoskeletal Events & Opportunities
The Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine (CCMBM) defines itself
by emphasizing musculoskeletal-specific education and services that are critical to its members but not available elsewhere in the university system.

“As a member of the CCMBM, I had the opportunity to apply for a RAP feasibility grant funded by CCMBM. This is a great opportunity for young researchers interested in Musculoskeletal research. I was also paired with an experienced researcher who helped review my grant proposal. This was a resource I would not have had without CCMBM.”

Ramya Srinivasan, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

If you have received a CCMBM grant, formed a collaboration at one of our events, or used one of our cores, please acknowledge the CCMBM in related publications and presentations. We suggest stating:

Research reported in this publication was supported by the UCSF Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine (CCMBM) of the National Institute of Health's National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) under the award number P30AR066262 .

June 13th - 5:30-6:30pmam; Social Kitchen, 1326 9th Ave
Junior Investigator Networking Night - Come join the Junior Investigator Committee to learn about the CCMBM and its core services. Network with your peers and colleagues. Food and drink will be served with RSVP:
August 19th - RAP application deadline for the fall cycle of the CCMBM Pilot/Feasibility Grant - Awards are up to $50,000 for established investigators; and up to $40,000 for junior investigators to encourage new project ideas in musculoskeletal research, especially those that are translational in nature. Plan ahead with your application or resubmission by making an appointment for a CCMBM Specific Aims Review.
Specific Aims Review - Increase your chances of being funded for the next RAP cycle submission and upcoming NIH R01 and K grants! Have CCMBM established investigators give you personalized feedback on your specific aims page that can help focus your aims and improve your overall application for funding opportunities. 

Review appointments are limited and only available for CCMBM members (check if you are a member) at the following locations:
1. General sign up (Mission Bay, 1700 Owens)
2. Ortho-related sign up (Parnassus, Medical Sciences)
3. Radiology-related sign up (Mission Bay, Mission Hall)

CCMBM Mentorship Program
Responding to the results from the CCMBM Member Survey, we are forming a Mentorship Program to support our Early Investigator members who are Assistant Professor Faculty. If you are an Assistant Professor and would like to be matched with a CCMBM mentor, click one of the icons below.



Please make sure you leave a method of contact so we may reach you for further instructions for program launch. 

We are still seeking mentors in the areas of career coaching, research, grants and funding.
Share your expertise, knowledge and wisdom by becoming a mentor!

YES                 NO    

Upcoming Partner Events
June 12, 7:30-8:30am; Parnassus, N-225
Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds - Cervicothoracic Deformities: A Quest to Optimize Outcomes
Alekos Theologis, MD, Assistant Professor - Spine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery,UCSF

Hosted by Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
June 12, 1:00-2:00pm; Mission Bay, Byers Hall Rm 212
Join us for a special talk by Kay Crossley, PhD, on “Early OA in the Athlete: Femoroacetabular Impingement and ACL Injury.” Dr. Crossley is Director of the La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia, and a collaborator with Drs. Richard Souza and Sharmila Majumdar of UCSF. To join via Zoom, please use this link:

Hosted by the Depts. of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging & Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
June 17, 9:00am, UCLA Luskin Conference Center
UC-wide AI in Biomedicine Conference - Please join us this summer for this first-of-its-kind meeting focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence methods to topics in biology, health, and medicine across the entire University of California system. Affiliates from ALL UC CAMPUSES are welcome. Event agenda and other details can be found at:
June 19, 7:30-8:30am; Parnassus, N-225
Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds - An Integrated Approach: Exercise as Treatment for Back Pain
Patricia Zheng, MD, Assistant Professor - Non-operative Spine and Physiatry,Department of Orthopedic Surgery,UCSF

Hosted by Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
June 19, 1:30-5:30pm; Mission Bay, Byers Auditorium
The 6th Annual Rosenman Symposium - Join us for our annual symposium that brings together industry leaders, experts, and medical device entrepreneurs on topics exploring the intersection of medicine and technology. Reception to follow symposium. Registration required.

Hosted by QB3
June 27, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-301
Craniofacial Seminar Series
Valerie Horsley, PhD, Yale University

Hosted by Program in Craniofacial Biology

July 11-12; Marines’ Memorial Hotel
16th Annual Osteoporosis: New Insights in Research, Diagnosis, and Clinical Care
This 2-day course features an expert faculty that will discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis. Discount for CCMBM P30 members. Email Lucy Wu at for more information.

Hosted by Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Career Development - Partner Events
June 13, 8:30-10:00am; Parnassus Library, CL-355
Manage your Citations with EndNote (In-Person/Online) - This class will take you through set up, importing information into EndNote, organizing that information, and then using it to add citations and references to a paper or article you are writing.

Hosted by UCSF Library
June 19, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus Library, CL-355
PubMed for Clinicians @ Parnassus - After just 30 minutes, you will be able to use PubMed to quickly incorporate evidence-based information into your clinical practice. We’ll get there by showing you how to use: keyword searching, medical subject headings (MeSH), filters, and Clinical Queries. For those wanting hands-on practice, the session extends to an hour to work through your clinical questions.

Hosted by UCSF Library
June 27, 1:00-4:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-1407
Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis with R Bioconductor - In this workshop, we will demonstrate how to process and analyze single cell RNA-seq data using R Bioconductor packages, focusing primarily on seurat. It is intended for those with intermediate R programming skills who are familiar with the biological concepts of single cell RNA-seq.

Hosted by UCSF Library
UCSF Education & Research Events

> UCSF Data Science Events
Students & Postdocs Only - Events/Career Development
June 20, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-1407
The Ins and Outs of Being a Postdoc at the NIH - In this seminar, we will share an overview of the NIH and what it is like to be an NIH postdoctoral researcher. NIH offers a large amount of career support for many career paths, including those outside of academia and away from the bench. Participants will also learn how to find and apply for NIH postdoc opportunities. Registration required.

Hosted by Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD)
Office of Career and Professional Development Events

> Office for Postdoctural Scholars Events
Additonal Seminars/Events
We want to hear from you! Is there a speaker you want us to invite to UCSF? We are open to hosting and/ or co-sponsoring speakers that reside in the Bay Area, or are visiting UCSF from another institution. 

Additions to our next Events and Opportunities listing may be sent to Pui Yee Law by June 26th.
Acknowledging the CCMBM
If you have received a CCMBM grant, used one of our cores, or formed a collaboration at one of our events that led to a publication, please acknowledge our Center in related publications and presentations. We suggest stating:

Research reported in this publication was supported by the UCSF Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine (CCMBM) of the National Institute of Health's National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) under the award number P30AR066262.
Copyright © 2019 Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine (CCMBM)
513 Parnassus Avenue, S-1161, San Francisco CA 94143

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CCMBM · 513 Parnassus Ave, S1161 · San Francisco, Ca 94143 · USA

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