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Streets for People: The Newsletter

a round-up of the news affecting our streets, parks, and other public spaces

Working to transform Louisville's streets and neighborhoods into vibrant, active places where biking is safe and convenient for everyone.

Advocacy Alert 

KYTC Projects in Louisville-Jefferson County

Last week, we published an article in Insider Louisville highlighting the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s (KYTC’s) plans for Jefferson County. We invite you to read the article in full, but here’s the Cliff’s Notes version: as part of a comprehensive plan called SHIFT, the state’s top 20 projects for Louisville are all interstate expansion or highway widening projects that will only further Louisville’s auto-dependence.

What’s doubly disappointing about the state prioritizing projects that will lead to more suburban sprawl is that Metro Government has published its own transportation plan (called Move Louisville) that the state is effectively ignoring. 

A number of the projects in the city plan are on state routes (Broadway is US 150, Dixie Highway is US 31W, etc.), and so the state could be helping and coordinating with the city on its transportation priorities. Instead, KYTC is undermining those priorities by building projects out in the far reaches of the county.

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For this advocacy alert, we are inviting you to do two things:

  1. Email KYTC’s lead engineer Andy Barber to ask that the state agency prioritize projects in the city’s core (inside I-264) and that align with Metro Government’s transportation master plan, Move Louisville. Email Andy Barber
  2. Email the Mayor’s Office to ask that Mayor Fischer’s team speak out against KYTC projects that will subsidize suburban sprawl — a development pattern that’s bad for the environment, detrimental to public health, and a drain on public finances. Email Mayor Fischer

As an aid to help you with the messages you write KYTC and the Mayor’s Office, here is a map of the KYTC routes within Jefferson County. State roads are the ones KYTC controls; city roads are the ones Metro Government maintains. What this means, for example, is that Jefferson Street is a “city road” but that Market and Main Streets are “state roads.”

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