Welcome to The Musky Hunter Television Summer newsletter.  In this edition, we'll cover some tips and tricks for catching summer muskies, and showcase some new products to help you boat more fish.  If you love muskies, please like and follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram to get in on all the action!  If you missed an episode of the TV show this winter, you can download them HERE. Please share this newsletter with your friends and encourage them to subscribe. Click HERE to subscribe to our You Tube Channel.

By Jim Saric
Filming The Musky Hunter television show, I rely on years of data from my fishing logs, moon phases and insight from local guides and resorts to help plan my trips. Generally, by April 1st, our schedule is set and there is no chasing hot bites during the season, or sending in a scout team to dial-in the pattern.  We arrive and have to deal with the existing conditions, and try to catch muskies.  
            Last summer Tom Sullivan and I arrived at one of our favorite summer haunts only to find that big rains and a cold spring had muddied the water and delayed weed growth.   Then, what came from nowhere was a forecast for 3 days of giant wind. Sitting at breakfast that morning, our spirits went from high to low, as we could see the tree branches moving and the white sky to the west, which is a tell-tale sign of building winds. Fortunately, by the end of breakfast we had managed to give ourselves an attitude adjustment, and changed our mindset to making the most of the situation.  Our approach was to focus on spots that were fishable and use some bigger and bolder colored baits.   Over the next couple days we managed to find one large spot that was fishable and produced a bite each day at moon under foot and moon rise.  Given the wind, we only had a handful of spots to fish, so we cycled through them switching lures and changing approaches fishing them deeper and shallower each time.  The pattern was simply fishing hard, staying focused and counting on that one spot to produce! The trip was a struggle, but perseverance and paying attention to detail -- which really was ensuring we fish a particular spot during prime daily moon periods  -- produced muskies on queue, and we filmed a great episode.
            A successful musky season relies on having an arsenal of strategies in your mental hard drive, and the willingness to make adjustments when necessary.  Here’s a few strategies to consider this summer, that will help you put a few more muskies in your boat.
            As many of you are aware, I am a big fan of fishing Cowgirls when fishing any big-musky water.  This lure has proven itself time and time again as a trophy musky weapon.  There is no question that when the muskies are active there simply isn’t a better lure to cast.   However, we know the muskies aren’t always active.   Over the last five or six years, I have definitely seen a trend that when the muskies are located around shallow cover that downsizing to a size 9 blade such as a Junior Cowgirl, is usually all it takes to start getting musky action.  It’s interesting that downsizing to size 8 blades hasn’t seemed to have the positive response that the 9 blades have produced.  Currently there are lots of guides and savvy weekend warriors utilizing double 9s.   So, I would make a point of stocking up on a few before your trip.  
             We all spend time on the water trying to find spots holding muskies.  Throughout the day, if I am approaching a spot where I have seen or caught muskies, I make a point of trying to extend the spot.  If a spot seems to recycle rapidly and muskies tend to show up most of the time you fish the spot, it could be you have encountered a pack of muskies working the spot.  So, rather than pulling up right to the sweet-spot, extend the spot by starting 100 yards from your cluster of waypoints.  It’s amazing how utilizing this approach will let you find where other muskies are holding nearby.  In the evening, you can now return to multiple waypoints on a spot where you spotted or caught muskies.  Also, if you are fishing in the evening, and the spot is frequently fished by others, more than likely the area you found that extends the spot will not get fished.  So, you can drive by the spot, while others are fishing and return after they leave knowing you have another sweet-spot that is holding a musky, besides the most popular portion of the spot.
             While on the subject of extending the spot, an often more effective approach is looking for adjacent spots that might hold muskies. Last summer one early evening we found muskies relating to points that were relatively sharp breaking and not a “traditional” summer spot.  After catching one musky for such a spot, we visually looked around and drove to four adjacent points that looked similar both visually and on the map chip. Amazingly, all of the other four points held muskies that evening, and it was a great end to the day.   The next day the pattern changed and the muskies were not using these points, however, it was a lesson in searching for adjacent spots to capitalize on the situation.
            The more traditional approach to searching for adjacent spots is to look for a nearby reef or point if you find a bay holding muskies.   Likewise, if muskies are using a particular point, look for an adjacent bay to hold muskies, particularly if the muskies seemed to have disappeared from the point. So often, maximizing your day and catching another musky can happen by simply fishing an adjacent spot. 
            Every musky season is different, as is each trip.  As musky hunters we all meticulously plan, review maps, research waters, and stock up on the best lures we believe will be most productive.   However, when conditions aren’t what you expect, you’ll need to have some strategies to adapt, and hopefully these will help you turn your day into a multiple-musky day. 

       LUNGE GEAR         

New Glow Tinsel from JBO

It's no secret that glow color patterns can trigger strikes from muskies.  Joe Bucher Outdoors has developed a variety of glow colors that store light from both natural and artificial light and then glow in the dark.  These are perfect for dawn, dusk and overcast conditions, as well as night fishing.  The new Glow Buchertail is available in both 500 and 700 versions.  This is a must have item for summer muskies!
       LUNGE GEAR         
VesselView Mobile

With VesselView Mobile you can use your mobile device (smartphone or tablet, Android or iPhone) to connect via Bluetooth with your Mercury engine to display VesselView data on your device. The plug-and-play module provides quick, convenient access to your engine’s data. You can: 

·       See all the SmartCraft engine parameters: fuel flow, water temperature, oil & water pressures, battery voltage, rpm, etc.  

·       Get fault code diagnostic information so you know and understand if that fault is something to be addressed when you return back to the dock or something more significant 

·       Get mapping information for your body of water: location, record a moment on the water, fuel & restaurant locations and more 

·       . . . and many other uses 

One module can monitor up to four engines. You can even customize the data points across three screens to fit your boating lifestyle. VesselView Mobile is compatible with all SmartCraft-compatible Mercury outboard and sterndrive engines that are 2004 and newer, 40hp and up.  

       LUNGE GEAR         
New G. Loomis Musky Fly Rods  
Nothing’s easy about coaxing musky with a fly. With massive tactical demands, the battle is downright physical. Because your rotator cuff just isn’t enough, IMX-PROm feature “all- day” actions that ooze shoulder-saving sweetness. Mega-durable cloud cork top/bottom grips keep both hands busy long after everyone else is warming theirs back at the cabin. Partnered with professional guide and Elite Ambassador, Chris Willen, G. Loomis developed the most advanced tools for modern musky angling to match your intense drive for ultimate success on the water.

We are looking for four more anglers to experience this great opportunity on Lake of the Woods.  CALL 715.358.0754 TO SIGN UP NOW!

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