ETER data for the year 2016 now on-line
The European Tertiary Education Register data for the year 2016 (academic year 2016/2017) are now available on-line. With this release, ETER now provides longitudinal data for the whole period 2011-2016; this allows examining changes over time in European higher education. This edition covers 2,970 HEIs in 37 countries (EU-28, EEA-EFTA, candidate and potential candidate countries). In this edition, ETER has been extended to include Albania (potential candidate country to the EU) and 57 French business schools.
The new release also includes a number of additional data and indicators:
  • Geographical information on satellite campuses.
  • Enhanced information on university hospitals.
  • New data on researchers’ mobility funded by the EU Framework Programs.
  • Six new indicators: Erasmus mobility intensity (incoming and outgoing), STEM orientation (students and graduates), master orientation (share of master student over total undergraduates), researchers’ mobility intensity.
ETER in a nutshell
  • 2,970 individual Higher Education Institutions in 37 countries
  • years covered: 2011 (2011/2012) - 2016 (2016/2017).
  • Countries covered: EU-28, EEA-EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland), candidate countries (Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).
  • 22,6 mio. undergraduate students and 0,7 mio. PhD students (2016/2017).
  • 85% of all tertiary education students in the participating countries.
  • Average Completeness of the data 71%.
The European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) is a database that provides a core set of data on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) delivering degrees at the tertiary level in Europe. It provides descriptive information, such as legal status and foundation year, geographical information, students and graduates, staff, HEI expenditures, research activities, as well as a set of pre-defined indicators characterizing relevant dimensions of HEI activities, like the extent of subject specialization, international mobility, gender balance.
ETER is a project supported by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education Youth, Sport and Culture and the Joint Research Centre for the years from 2013 to 2019. It is a joint undertaking of five partners - USI, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Joanneum Research, Graz, NIFU – Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Oslo, University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Pisa – in close collaboration with EUROSTAT, with a network of national experts and with the National Statistical Authorities of the participating countries
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Copyright © European Tertiary Education Register, Università della Svizzera italiana,  Lugano, Switzerland.

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