

International Knowledge Exchange with USA
PCF fosters exclusive opportunities for its members through its annual budget on Social Actions

Dear PCF Member, 

As a result of the actions that PCF has carried out in recent years and the relationships that have been established, we would like to share a new opportunity with you: an International Knowledge Exchange in the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), Incident Operations, N/A 

The aim of the International Knowledge Exchange is to participate in the search of information concerning policy relating to UAS training and operation profiles - including platforms, payloads, and mission profiles in Europe. Since this is a relatively new technology for USA wildland fire fighting agencies, USA is very interested in learning what others are doing - rather than “reinventing the wheel,” so the porpuse is to maintain a safe and efficient evolution of UAS operations in USA.

February 2020 
More information here

If you are interested, please send us an email showing your interest.

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If you know someone interested in the opportunities PCF is giving to its Members, tell them to join us!

Have a nice week! 

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