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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 17th June 2019

Midwinter Festival

Dear Friends, the Midjimberry Playgroup co-ordinated by Katie Alini and the Hummingbird Playgroup co-ordinated by Zuzana Buckley are inviting you to share our traditional winter festival.

This outdoor festival gives each of us an opportunity to celebrate the change of the season through nature and to share the foods of the season.  It is a way to lift us towards a feeling of what we can become as human beings so that we may learn to care rightly for the earth and each other.

Date:  Sunday 23rd June

Time:  4pm to 6.30pm

RSVP:  Wednesday 19th June
RSVP is a MUST for this occasion - for catering we require exact numbers.
        ADULTS            CHILDREN
Please indicate the number and choice of soup
        VEGAN            VEGETARIAN

Please email Katie:

Joan Park Community Garden
32 Joan Street, Southport

  • Drinking mug for each family member.
  • Rug to sit on.
  • Warm clothes (it is an outdoor celebration).
  • No flowing clothes.

Parking:  Please park on the street and it is a little walk to the venue.

A donation towards the community garden will be appreciated.

As parents and carers you are each responsible for your children during the festival.

A friendly reminder that this venue is smoke, alcohol and drug free area.

We look forward to meeting up with you all.

Playgroup Dates

Playgroup dates - Now back at the Nerang Uniting Church
  • 9.30am Tuesday 18th June Uniting Church, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 25th June Uniting Church, Nerang.

Time for Play, Every Day

Click the link below to read this article.


‘"Receive the child in reverence, educate them in love, let them go forth in freedom.‘
Rudolf Steiner
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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