— Apple's Mac Pro is a Design Remix

Good Monday, <<First Name>>! Here's your weekly roundup of UX design case studies.

Apple's Mac Pro is a Design Remix →

[Article] Arun shares his fantastic take on the new Mac Pro. If you want to learn more about the concept of remixing, you should also check out this short indie documentary on YouTube.

Empowering People to Develop Long-lasting Nutrition Habits →

[Case Study] [Product] Joshua shares his team's process for designing a nutrition app. Even tho he's covered by an NDA, the insights are phenomenal.

Building a Web-Based Motion Graphics Editor →

[Case Study] [Concept] Alyssa shares her process for creating an MVP for a web-based motion graphics editor. An ambitious project. Love it!

Meet the New Dropbox →

[News] Dropbox just announced their brand new version of their product. Only available through early access as a team. It looks like they're taking the best from Notion, FYI and their current version (remixing!).

Understanding Mental and Conceptual Models →

[Article] Interesting article by Alana, where she explains the difference between mental and conceptual models. She even goes into explaining how you can implement these models into your own design process.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week and go make something amazing. Feel free to follow on Twitter too.

All the best,
Jan from Case Study Club

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