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We’ll call him W.A. Following this paragraph is most of W.A.’s letter to me after he went through the angels messages that are now found in this playlist online. More messages produced in the in-home-studio (what used to be our dining area) will be populating that playlist shortly. Please visit there regularly if you haven’t subscribed to the RevelationWithDaniel YouTube channel to be notified of forthcoming videos. I plan to release messages explaining in brief each of the 28 Fundamental Principles from 1889 that will go along with the study notes at RwD, short messages on health, and a few other things that will be expressed as I get past these initial plans. =) Please pray with me. Here’s the letter:

Angels in MI Part 1 image“I [W.A.] have been immersed in the angels motif… (12 hours a day). [It’s] really about the non-trinitarian Holy Spirit not being a spiritualistic entity... 

I am no longer a spiritualist in my thinking re: the Holy Spirit… It has been a hard road... It is finally coming into focus.

I see this [study] as the trinity part two... I didn't realize that I had exited the trinity and had adopted another spiritualistic view... 

I don't know what all this means and where it is going, but I see God leading...

To be honest I have swayed back and forth all week... But I have settled into this camp and I am marveling at Jacob's ladder. 

I am seeing that if ministers are not gaining their knowledge via the covering cherubs representing the angels as they receive oil from the throne of God, that they are probably being influenced by the devil and we should only seek the oil from the olive trees.

What this means is we should probably avoid [another] counterfeit...

I just could not see it clearly… I couldn't get around Christ [actually] in you the hope of glory… Anyhow…

I have cursed you and blessed you this week... but I think [God is leading]… It was so hard to wrap my mind around this thing... But i see the spiritualism... I wonder if this is like 2015 where God took the reins [into] His own hands... 2019 and then, Home...


Wow! That is really inspiring to me! I’ve heard SO many people give a similar testimony—that they’ve seen the messages of angels as clearly revealing that many have been spiritualists without knowing it! I too have been walking in that deception without even realizing… BUT, it’s time for truth, as “doctrine shall drop as the rain” (Deuteronomy 32:2). What rain? I’ll give you one guess…

We’re living at the end of time. This is what it looks like just before the coming Sunday laws, persecution, economic crisis, and the gospel spreading like fire. 

In the fall of 2018 I was invited to go to Kenya by three different groups. I was a little leery about going as we were expected to purchase the plane ticket and I knew nothing of the people there. I got ahold of all three different ministries in that area and communicated with them about the veracity of the invitations. It all seemed legit, so the ticket was purchased and over the continents I traveled. Whoa! The young people were radiating with God’s Spirit! I was deeply impressed. I wanted to stay longer to help, but I was only able to be there for three days, teaching often each day.

Gospel Sounders Camp Meeting Image for 2019Now, I’ve been invited to come back for just over a week, but again, they don’t have the funds to help alleviate the expense of the plane ticket. God has provided RwD just the amount for next month’s allotted salary and the plane ticket. So I’m going to purchase it. God will provide—and perhaps you’ve heard God’s messengers impress you to help. Please do so here, and thank you. I have asked God to bless each person that has supported, personally praying, as I really do appreciate those who have entrusted me with financial help in spreading the gospel. I take that responsibility seriously. 

More information to come, and lift up your heads, as our redemption is drawing nigh.

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