Hello Again Dear Friends,

I know it has been just a short time since I sent you my latest newsletter and channelings, but I wanted to share something of great benefit that I have been working on that you might find interesting;  it starts on Monday June 17th and runs through Friday June 21st.    For the past month I have been working with the Goddess Awakens Project.  And starting June 17th a few of my Transference Healing colleagues from around the globe are facilitating a FREE 5 day Online Event that  works with awakening and embracing the energy of the Goddess.   I will be participating as a Healing Practitioner during the project.

But what exactly does that mean for you?
The Goddess energy is the archetypal energy of creation. It is this energy that creates a high, pure, energetic "space" for visions, dreams, desires and knowing to be 'born' through.  It's your birthright and your Divine connection to Source. It is not an absence of 'doing' but a delicate dance between the energy of the God and the Goddess.  Doing only one, or the other, will not result in manifestation, any more than half a seed will sprout a flower.

You need to learn the ways of the Goddess now, in order to:-

💜 Accelerate the activation of gifts and talents you were born to embody in this life time.

💜 Become the  mistress or master of your destiny - co-create with Spirit and not the lower "I AM".

💜Create balance and magical flow in your internal and external life.

💜 Step out of the 3 D way of simply 'doing' and learn to embody the faith and trust to start "being".

💜 Learn practical tools to use every day to constantly weave in and embody the 5 elements - a key to living as a Goddess.

💜 Discover ancient and contemporary shamanic practices from Transference Healing® that will assist you in maintaining a state of 'purification' - an essential step in embodying Goddess energies.

My colleagues and I would love for you to be part of this exclusive and unique "Online 5 Day Goddess Experience."

BECAUSE over these 5 magical days you will have a multi-dimensional set of experiences, including:-  

• Experiencing  immersion into the 'womb of the Goddess' to activate the  creation of  your new reality

• Receiving 'frequency encoded' presentations which will shift your patterning, clear wounding and  reconnect you to the Universe

• Getting a boost to the awakening of your psyche and  intuition

• Having the opportunity to book a PERSONAL frequency healing session from one of our experienced Transference Healing® practitioners.  (I will be participating as a Healing Practitioner and you will be able to book a healing session with me)

• Benefitting from the power of a collective of healers and people like you, who not only believe, but KNOW they were born for such a time as this.

• Accessing a Divine blessing on your Ascension pathway as you commit to the energy and your deepest inner truth.
The "Awakened Goddess 5 Day Experience" June 17th - 21st unfolds like this..

The Universe is made up from  five elements, agreed?  Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether.

And so to be able to create any lasting and sustainable change and  transformation in your life, you have to be able to consciously tap into these 5 elements and work with them in a balanced and harmonious way.

The key here is to 'consciously' tap in. This is why you need to have the knowledge and practices necessary to make change, because change starts in the 'invisible' realms and works its way to the outside, the physical realm.

It is only by learning how to direct the elements in a balanced and harmonious way that you can trigger a healing process from deep within your body. Not only this, but you will also awaken psychic abilities, connect to dimensions within the earth and elemental kingdoms (such as the nature realms) and  tap into your manifestation abilities. 

So let us look to see how our FREE 5 Day Online Event Will Unfold......

Day 1 - Learn how to ground & anchor with the element of Earth. Experience the magic of the inner earth kingdoms & receive a healing from the fairy realms 

Day 2 -
Learn how to work in a sacred way, with the element of Water. Discover what it means to purify your emotions and let them flow, without being overwhelmed by them or projecting them. Learn why 'purification' is one of THE vital steps in embodying The Goddess.

Day 3 -  Discover what the Air Element offers to your personal alchemy. Find a range of practices to embody and balance the element of Air so you can breathe life into your Goddess self.

Day 4 - Fire is necessary for drive, purification and boundaries. Learn how to ensure your inner fire warms you and your dreams without burning out or burning up. You'll also hear how shamanic practices involving fire are something you can build into your Goddess life.

Day 5 -
The mystical element of Ether is the key to Light technology. Without Ether, the other elements would not expand our consciousness. Embodying the Element of Ether is to be treated with reverence and consciousness. Discover how it could work in your life.

How to be part of this 5 Day Goddess Experience

Step One - REGISTER for this unique & empowering Goddess Experience now HERE
It's a 100% free 5 day event!

Step Two - Check your inbox for your welcome email, we'll keep you updated with the best ways you can prepare for this transformative Goddess Experience

Step Three - Each day during the 5 day experience you'll receive an email with that day's video Wisdom Teachings, Meditations & Mini Healings
My intention with the healing work I facilitate is to offer experiences, events, profound healing and wisdom in support of your self-empowerment; to move through stressful experiences and to work towards that person that you would like to become.

Believe it or not, the reality is that we have the ability to become
"on the inside” that stable, balanced professional who has it all.
Blessings and Light,
Copyright © 2019 LyonHart Amrie, All rights reserved.

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