
Week #24 (June 10-16, 2019) - Am I Black Enough For You?


I posted the photo above earlier this week on my IG page an it garnered a lot of attention to say the least. So much so that other people, including a very popular IG page reposted it to their account. The vast majority of the attention was positive, but there were a few detractors, one of which particularly stood out for its ferocity and stark ignorance. I'm highlighting it, not because I'm giving the person's opinions any credence but simply for the purpose of anchoring  my response that followed. 

This critic was particularly vile in her attacks, asserting that my having a child with a white woman was indicative of deep self-hate and insecurities. She was/is certain that no fully healthy and stable black man would ever enter into union with a non-black woman. To do so, is 100% clear evidence that he suffers from "a sick mentality". At one point, in affirmation of another critic's comment that my son bears no resemblance to me (debatable), she adds, "That's the whole point as to why he's with a white woman. He didn't want to see himself in his children". I'll spare you the rest of her tirade, although it's all there in the comments if you're interested.

So what follows are screenshots of my response to this lady, her subsequent response and some lessons I drew from this incident. You might need to zoom in a bit.




There isn't much else to say here.
Until next week, 


P.S. The new lyric video for "When You Land" is officially available now. See link below and enjoy!



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