
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller understood the value of partnerships.  This quarter we celebrate our TIPTOP partnerships that help us achieve our aim every day.  In each of our TIPTOP countries we continue to make great strides, affording more pregnant women opportunities to protect themselves and their babies from malaria.  This could not be achieved without the partnerships we have in place at country and global levels.

For World Malaria Day, joint celebrations with partners took place in all TIPTOP countries while Unitaid and TIPTOP consortium partners collaborated to share important messages about malaria in pregnancy through social media, including the story of Onwe Ujunwa, a community health worker in Nigeria (link below). 
At the global level TIPTOP is engaging high-level participation from The Global Fund, The President's Malaria Initiative, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MMV, ISGlobal and WHO through a Project Steering Committee that provides strategic advisement and feedback to ensure project success and strategic thinking beyond the life of project.  
In countries our partnerships with Ministries of Health are paramount as they set the stage for short and long-term success, as epitomized in the quote below from the Minister of Health in DRC.  Through our partnership with the Mozambican MOH we are working to support communities facing devastating consequences as a result of Cyclone Idai.  Together with the MOH and other partners on the ground, and with support from Unitaid, TIPTOP is actively engaged in emergency efforts underway in the cyclone affected areas. This collaboration is helping to rebuild the needed foundation to restart all health activities, including C-IPTp. 
As we move forward TIPTOP will continue to work with our partners closely to do more for the pregnant women we serve. 

Voices from the field

"The DRC Ministry of health really appreciates what the TIPTOP project is doing as well as how it's progressing in its intervention zones. The ministry of health is confident that your conclusion will allow us to scale up the TIPTOP approach across DRC." 
Oly Ilunga Kalenga, Minister of Health, DRC
at the TIPTOP booth on World Malaria Day, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Photo credit: Fabrice Witanday, Jhpiego
TIPTOP World Malaria Day Stories from Jhpiego & WHO
Malaria Begins and Ends in the Community
Pilot project brings malaria preventive therapy closer to rural communities in Nigeria

Meet some of the TIPTOP team members from around the globe

Deogratias Cibinda Ntale

Program Manager, Jhpiego DRC
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: having grown up in a low income country and knowing the impact of malaria, HIV and TB in our population, I am excited to watch how TIPTOP is leading the path toward an innovative, cheap and community-driven solution.

Maximo Ramirez

Data Manager, ISGlobal
My role on TIPTOP is: the management of the research data. I follow and take care of the data from its origin, until it has enough quality to be delivered to the statistician for analysis; and finally and when this data is not useful anymore, until its destruction. I build the systems and processes to produce high-quality data and manage its whole life cycle.

Lolade Oseni

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Jhpiego
I realized I wanted to work in global health: during my medical internship when I saw countless deaths resulting from inability to afford curative care. I quickly realized  there were affordable and realistic solutions, such as preventive care, and this ignited my love of and pursuit for public health.
Visions from the field
Nhamatanda, Mozambique
Top Photos: Damage from cyclone Idai to Health Facilities in Sede and Tica. 
Bottom Photo: Everyone pitching in to help rebuild communities in the aftermath of cyclone Idai. 
Photo credits: Top: Eladio Muianga, Jhpiego;  Bottom: Emmanuel 'Dipo Otolorin, Jhpiego
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