Learn how to design regenerative human habitats.
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GreenBridge is delighted to be sponsoring the ...
Permaculture is a holistic design science for the creation of
sustainable and regenerative human habitats.
The Taranaki Permaculture Design Certificate is 13 days over an 8 month period. Learning is through a mixture of lessons, activities, and hands-on projects to enhance learning and have fun...

Topics include ecology, landscapes, water, climate change, food production, forestry, farming, urban living, building, resilience, nutrition, energy, technology, community and financial structures.

During the final weekend, participants apply their skills and knowledge to a design project of their choice.
Kama Burwell is the lead tutor for the course. She is a professional permaculture designer and ecological engineer, has over 15 years experience as an educator, and is a Permaculture in NZ affiliated teacher.
What past participants have said:

“Would completely recommend!”      “Excellent”     
“Classroom + design + practicals = understanding”
“Amazing facilitator walking her talk”
“Yes the weekend once again exceeded my expectations”
“Great combo of practical & theory”        “Very supportive of all learning styles”
“I love that you’ll say ‘I don’t know” when you don’t know—mark of a great teacher. Loved your ready ability to give examples to illustrate topics, and your sincerity and great big heart”

The course starts September 7th & 8th.

For more information, email Kama, see the website, or facebook page.
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