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Richard Branson wants you to be happy.

And not in some weird way. But because he thinks it's the best way to make you productive at work. It's why the billionaire famously said that "customers come second", bucking traditional customer service knowledge from the past 50 years. 

Branson goes to explain that happy employees are more productive, more collaborative, and more creative. They take ownership over their work and take pride in the result. 

Want a simple word to explain what Branson loves about happy employees? They are intrapreneurs

Our featured article this week dives into that topic, looking at how billionaires, academics, entrepreneurs, and even intrapreneurs talk about what we know to be "intrapreneurship". 

From Dragon's Den star Michele Romanow to world-renowned academic Richard Florida, each person has a slight twist on how they describe the ideal employee or worker. 
Feature story: What is intrapreneurship?
We delve into public statements made by 5 business owners, academics, and investors on how they describe the best employee. 

What do they all have in common? Each is describing intrapreneurship.
What is intrapreneurship?
Other awesome stories from PulseBlueprint
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- What one founder learned after selling her company to Google (BetaKit)

- 10 diversity and inclusion courses you can take right now (Tech Daily)

And I'll end with a humble ask: if you know someone who you think would like this content, forward them this newsletter and encourage them to subscribe! 

With gratitude and until next time, 

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