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On May 27-28, the MULTI-ACT Project had its 3rd Consortium Meeting in Rome, Italy. Since its launch in May 2018, the ambitious project and its 11 partners have been working hard to meet the goal of the project: 'to create and implement a new model allowing for the effective cooperation of all relevant stakeholders to increase the impact of health research on people with brain diseases'.

MULTI-ACT has now launched its Policy Brief for the incoming members of the European Parliament and other policy institutions, to draw attention to the realities of the 179 million Europeans living with brain conditions and to how Responsible Research and Innovation-focused projects like MULTI-ACT are working to help meeting the challenge. 

Click here to get access to the MULTI-ACT policy brief.

 Towards an EU Framework for the Prevention of NCDs
The European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the NCD Alliance published a joint paper calling for the creation of an EU strategic framework for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
70% of respondents to a recent EU Barometer survey wanting to see more EU action on health and with epidemic levels of NCDs undermining people’s well-being, healthcare systems, and Europe’s economic and social prosperity, preventing chronic diseases should be a main priority for the next European Commission.
The upcoming
European Commission mandate 2019-2024 is an opportunity to act upon commitments made at the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs in September 2018 and follow on the EU Reflection Process on Chronic Diseases to deliver concrete solutions to respond to the main common risk factors.

The report proposes a set of priorities and actions for such an EU strategic framework. 
To read the full report, click here or for a summary follow this link
On the 3th of June, Health First Europe tweeted:
  • Did you know that the #WHO recommends 29 ways to prevent infections at the surgical site? Health Professionals 👩⚕️👨⚕️, help us find out if these recommendations are being applied correctly in the EU by participating in our SURVEY ➡️ @WHO
The path towards a European Welfare - New sustainable approaches for an effectiv social innovation
On the 6th of June, EHMA attended an event organised by KPMG, University Bocconi and the Human Foundation to get new insights on sustainable approaches for improving welfare within Europe. The full report of their work can be found by clicking here.

The discussion involved several key experts including Gianluca Misuraca (Joint Research centre), Ana Carla Pereira (Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), Bea Cantillon (Antwerp University), Giulio Pasi (Joint Research Centre) Christian Bodewig (World Bank) and Agnes Hubert (Gender5plus, College of Europe)

The overall message is that in order to work towards a sustainable welfare system, we need to rethink the foundations it is build upon. The three pillars of social innovation, social investment and social protection have shown to be correlated  with each other and to successfully invest in one area we need to invest in the other. In order to create a sustainable welfare system we need social innovation, but this can only be increased by improving social protection of all EU citizens. 
Uptake of innovation in hospitals through skills development
On the 13th of June, our Policy and Communications Manager Michele joined 'European Regions Research and Innovation Network' (ERRIN), 'Greater Copenhagen EU office' and 'South Denmark European Office' in a discussion panel on the topic of ' Innovation in hospitals and the crucial need for continuous skill development of healthcare professionals'. Below you can find some key points discussed during the event. Stay tuned for the official report!
  • Trine Ungermann Fredskild - Master of Science and Nursing (MSN), Ph.D., DISH: Companies need to work together with nurses to adjust the tools/equipment to their needs, but healthcare professionals also need a behavior change, because privately they can use technologies, but as soon as they work they cannot. She has experienced that healthcare professionals are more interested and hardworking with training when managers join them.
  • Morten Bo Sondergaards Svendsen - Civil engineer and Ph.D., CAMES: Innovation changes processes not only on the operating level, but also on communication and preparation. Healthcare providers such as hospitals need to communicate clearly what they need. 
  • Juan Jose Fernandez Romero - European Federation of Nurses Associations: In order to improve the implementation and use of new innovation, it is important to involve end users in the life cycle of new projects, so that they are familiar with the innovative project and can make it more user friendly. 
  • Michele Calabro' - EHMA: In order to improve innovation acceptance within hospitals we need to look at three levels. On a healthcare system we need political leadership/ regional leadership that drive innovation. On a hospital level we need managers that create the precondition of using new innovation. This requires a bottom up approach where managers lead with a vision and support their teams in using innovation.
European Semester:
European Commission proposes health recommendations
Latest news from the DISH Project - Improving Innovation Readiness and Digital Skills in Healthcare

On the 5th of June, the EC has adopted proposals for Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs), including on health and investments in health as part of its ongoing assistance to Member States in implementing their health systems reforms in the light of an ageing population. The EC recommends that the governments of 16 Member States invest in their national health systems or improve their effectiveness, increase accessibility and strengthen their resilience. 

Check the CSRs on Health 
here and read the comment from Director-General for Health and Food Safety Anne Bucher

The DISH Project, funded under the Erasmus+ Programme, aims at tackling the shortage of  innovation readiness and digital skills in healthcare staff by equipping them with digital competences, enabling them to use and implement e-health solutions supported by national  digitalisation strategies.

The project team met in Bergen, Norway for its second meeting at the beginning of June, discussing the next key steps for DISH, including the development of 'Learning Innovation Units'

To know more sign up for the project newsletter and get ready for the launch of the official website:
Next week, the EHMA team will be in Espoo, Finland for our EHMA 2019 Annual Conference!

If you do not want miss the key points of the discussion, follow our @EHMAinfo Twitter account and interact with our official hashtag #EHMA2019!
The International Foundation of Integrated Care (IFIC) in partnership with The University of Newcastle, Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health, Children’s Health Queensland, Central Coast Local Health District, The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association and Health Justice Australia brings the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care will take place in Melbourne, Australia, from 11-13 November 2019. With the overarching theme ‘Achieving better value for people and populations’ The conference will bring together researchers, clinicians and managers from around the world who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated health and social care.
The scientific committee for this conference has been established from international experts who are leading in the field of integrated care policy and practice, and they are now accepting paper submissions on the science, knowledge and adoption of Integrated Care and specifically relating to the conference themes until Friday, 28 June. The paper should take the form of an abstract of not more than 500 words. Abstract Submission Guidelines are available to download from the conference website.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Integrated Care (Impact Factor 1.837). Accepted abstract will appear in the programme as a formal oral presentation, workshop, oral poster or display poster, as deemed appropriate by the scientific committee. All accepted abstracts will compete for the annual IFIC Integrated Care Awards. 
European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape. Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each day.
Click on the banner for registration and more info!
Oxford, UK  – 23-28 June 2019 
Brussels, Belgium – 3 July 2019
Venice, Italy, 21-27 July 2019
Erfurt, Germany, 26-30 August 2019

On the 3th of June, Marcel Venema joined our team. He will help us out in the coming 3 months and will also be joining us with our annual conference in Finland. Marcel is a student of the European Master in Health Economics and Management (EU-HEM), which prepare students to understand and solve the problems that healthcare systems and healthcare services are currently facing. 

More about this joint master’s degree program can be found here
The EHMA Team
Federica, Michele, Nadia, Adrianna, Flavio, Marcel
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