Two new exciting courses coming your way...don't miss them out :-)
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Hi beautiful people,

Hope you are enjoying this mild winter, staying warm with lots of herbal teas and pots of delicious warming foods, with plenty of veggies and spices. Winter is definitely the most challenging season for us to keep moving because it is so nice to sit by the fire, with a blanket and a nice book…I hear yah!

It is also the season of the year when I feel we need to move the most and to keep the practice up…winter can be quite draining on both our physical and emotional helps us to create more space and openness, encourage the energy (life force / prana / chi) to flow, release things we don’t want to hold on to anymore, and connect to that place of love, peace and giving. Do you remember that happy, relaxed feeling after a yoga class, loving life and just being grateful for everything? Yeah, I bet it’s worth to leave the house and come to practice, or just do a few simple movements at home :-)

I have been trying to keep a more regular practice myself, and I always feel so good when I find time for myself to move my body and do a short meditation…it’s been always a fun time at our house, interwoven with doggie cuddles because our boys can’t miss a good play ;-)

It’s been some time since I sent a proper newsletter, and because there are more and more things I would like to tell you about, I have thought I better get on top of it...I have made a cup of roasted dandelion tea, glued myself to my chair and here we go…:-)

It’s finally happening! “Fundamentals of Yoga & Vinyasa Flow Yoga” course and “Inversions & Arm Balancing” course…yay!!! These two courses have been on my mind for quite a few months now and I feel the stars have aligned for me to share them with you.

The first course, Fundamentals of Yoga & Vinyasa Flow Yoga, is going to be a 6-week course for anyone who is totally new to yoga or who has been practicing for a while and would like to know a bit more about different postures, correct alignment and how to accommodate the practice to their bodies. This course will be about coming back to basics but also gaining so much understanding and growing immensely during those 6 weeks. It will be packed with great info about what to concentrate on in different postures to help create more space in your body in a mindful way, why I teach individual poses a certain way, what effect these poses have on your body and how to take advantage of it when you suffer from some muscle tension/tightness and how to release it.

If you have seen my latest facebook or Instagram post, you know that this course will be a bit different. My aim is to incorporate a nice flow with the breath in each class, connecting individual poses into nourishing sequences - the Vinyasa Flow Yoga part of the course. I am a firm believer that a fluid effortless movement through different poses can be very healing physically, mentally and emotionally. Another reason to include a nice flow is that the transitions between poses are as important as the poses themselves, if not even more…it is a nice parallel to life itself…often it is those times in our lives when we are going through some changes (“transitioning”), when we feel the most challenged, disturbed and disconnected. If we can learn to move mindfully and with focus in our practice from one pose to another, and to keep fluidity in our movements and calmness in our heart-mind, we can take this beautiful lesson into our lives and welcome changes with more ease and peace.

The second course, Inversions & Arm Balancing, is for all the people out there who have been intrigued and drawn to being upside down and balancing on their arms…if you are into challenging your strength, like a good play and are keen to throw your body into various funky shapes while balancing on your arms, this course is for you :-) It will be a fun course to attend and you'll learn new skills that your inner child will totally adore ;-) This course will be packed with tools/exercises to uncover your weak points and help you gain strength to fly. It will be filled with progressions to do each pose, and when you feel comfortable, more and more layers will be added to keep you challenged. So, if you always wanted to learn how to do a proper headstand, forearm balance, or hold a handstand, plus many more fun poses that we will tackle in this course, let me know that you might be interested ;-) (Inversions are poses in which your body is upside down, where the head is below the heart and legs are often reaching towards the sky (but not necessarily)...a simple downward facing dog is a mild inversion as this course we will concentrate on poses where we will balance on the arms).
Both courses will tentatively run in September/October when I return from visiting my beautiful family in Europe (more info about me being away is below). If you feel like one of the courses (or both) resonates with you and maybe you would like to give it a try, please let me know so that I can put your name down (both courses are limited to 10-12 students). Also if you know of someone who might be keen or you would like to give one of the courses to someone as a pressie, please be in touch. I am yet to finalize the location, day and time but will be in touch within next few weeks with people who express interest to make sure most of you can attend.

I am taking some time off in August to see my family in Europe…it’s been two years since I saw my sister, my nephews and my dad, and while I don’t want to miss more teaching, family is so important and I can’t wait to see them and spend some proper summer time with them 🌞. The good news is that all the classes will continue running as normal. A beautiful friend of mine and a wonderful teacher Sophie Prior will be covering both my Friday and Saturday classes since Friday the 2nd of August till the 1st of September. My first class back will be Friday the 6th of September. Sophie is an amazing teacher and a beautiful gentle person, and I know from deep of my heart that you will love her classes. It's a beautiful opportunity to practice and learn something new from another teacher so take advantage of that :-) You can still use your 10 class passes while I will be away.

One of the most beautiful things about teaching yoga is meeting many amazing beautiful people who carry so much kindness within, despite the challenges that life throws their way. It’s a real honor to get to know people who do such amazing kind things for the community, are selfless and caring.

A few weeks ago, one of my friends Elyssa (who actually came to my second yoga class in the mountains and is still coming to practice four years later :-)) came to my Saturday class and gave me $20 as a “Pay It Forward Yoga Class” for someone I can randomly choose or someone in need. And I thought, "Wow, what an absolutely beautiful thing to do and such a generous gift". Thank you so much gorgeous soul, Lyssie, for your kind heart and making this world a better place, I can't wait to pass your gift on to someone.

And just in case you would like to meet this amazing gal in person, she does awesome remedial massages in the mountains :-) You can either choose to have a massage in the comfort of your home, or you could come to her house in Leura, or she is also at the The Hairloom Hair and Beauty in Blackheath on Tuesdays…her website is

It's been 4 YEARS of my lil baby Tree Love Yoga :-) Happy birthday for the 1st of June!!! What an incredibly amazing ride it has been, and really, mainly thanks to you…what a cool bunch of people I have met in my classes, passionate about life, funny, kind and caring…928 yoga classes…wow…and I am a huge introvert and I hate public speaking…here you go…sometimes when dreams are big enough, it doesn’t matter that you are shy. Thank you for your kind hearts and your warm hugs, for turning up to my yoga classes, and for allowing me to do what I love.

There are four more weeks of classes with me before I am off to Europe and I hope I will see your beautiful smiling faces there :-) Keep enjoying life with everything that it has to offer, keep loving, giving and sharing from inside into the world, and I am sure the Universe will offer so much more back to you.

Much love, a huge hug to you all and a big thank you :-)

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