The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter
Milestone Birthday and BIG Changes
The Caregiver's Voice

Volume 10: Issue 8

Milestone Birthday and BIG Changes

August is my favorite month. This year, I celebrate my 60th birthday! I had plans for this birthday... BIG plans. I wanted to do something different... REALLY DIFFERENT. Visit a country far far away. On the other side of the equator. Australia. New Zealand. 

Then life happened.

LIFE HAPPENS for all of us. Our well-laid plans take a detour. We become caregivers. We face disease and illness. We need care.

I became a family caregiver in my 30s. I lost my mother to congestive heart failure in 1993. A massive stroke took my father in 2001 as he was living with late-stage Alzheimer's. 

In recent years, I've faced a different challenge. (I've hinted about a major change coming this year.)

Two weeks before what will be our 42nd anniversary (November), I will be single again. I've dealt with extreme emotions, anxiety, and significant weight loss, coping with betrayal and an unknown future. I've been as low emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as one can go without a burial. As motivational speaker, Les Brown said, "When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up." 

I welcome opportunities to explore what life has to offer. While married, I served as Coach, Speaker, and Writer for and about caregivers for people with dementia. I've applied my proven approach to winning proposals. As a strategy partner/coach, I've worked beside leaders to achieve multiple returns on investments.

The next chapter of my life is waiting to be written. I welcome co-authors to help write these pages. We'll create something special! Click to write to me.

Brenda Avadian presenting caregiving speech
Brenda Avadian, MA
Alzheimer's/Dementia & Caregiving Professional Speaker
Editor, The Caregiver's Voice Newsletter

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Caregiver Tips

Curated Article Excerpts - Brain Implant | Advertisers’ Tricks | Rx’s and Dementia RiskRodin_The_Thinker_Crystal_Borde
Could a brain implant improve how a person with dementia functions? Elon Musk's Neuralink is exploring chip implants - pacemakers for the brain. Could people with dementia benefit with improved function in certain areas? This and a legal template for a healthcare power of attorney, tricks advertisers use to compel us to buy, and philosophers' tips for greater wisdom are among this month's curated article excerpts for busy caregivers.
Personal Safety Tech for Home Healthcare WorkersKATANA Safety device for Home Healthcare Workers
In-home caregivers and other healthcare workers are vulnerable to unexpected and potentially violent episodes while in their patients' or clients' homes. KATANA Safety technology - a device that attaches to your smartphone - provides convenient three-point safety measures. Guest article by KATANA's COO, Paul Ambrose.

Brenda Avadian emphasizing: Caregiver You Matter
Invite an Animated Caregiver SPEAKER 
for Your Event in 2019 or 2020

Brenda says: "Caregiver, YOU Matter!"

Caregiver TIPS | Inspiring Stories | Humor

The Caregiver's Voice HUMOR

A ShBruce and Ann Williams living with Alzheimers - caregiver humorower with A Pressure Washer?  Oh MY!
Compassionate caregiver has good clean fun. Last time, caregiver, Bruce Williams found a way to make bathing fun. This time, he and his wife, Ann, who lives with Alzheimer's shared a few laughs. He assembled a pressure washer and invited Ann to take a fast shower prior to their departure to visit a friend. Bruce's caveat with such humor, "I want to make sure people think it was a big joke and my comment was obviously tongue-in-cheek."

Caregiving and Decluttering titles
from your favorite local bookstore or online.
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Write to us for discounts on CASE orders.

The Caregiver's Voice INSPIRATION

We desire independence as caregivers; after all, we wonder how hard can it be? And then we discover that caregiving can be really hard at times. During those times, it's best if we can work together in the South African spirit of ubuntu. It could save a caregiver's life and even a care recipient's. 



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The Caregiver's Voice MISSION

  1. Support Caregivers for People with Dementia
  2. Illuminate the Multi-Dimensional Role of Caregiving 
  3. Bring Caregivers Hope and Strength with Knowledge, Support, and Humor
CONTACT Brenda Avadian for one-on-one caregiver support,
workshops, and speeches.

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