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A Summer of Future Orientations

Volume 9, Number 1
Spring 2019

We are delighted to present our 21st issue which unpacks and tackles 21st century problems. You will see a cover photograph of a Wari’ basket being woven, taken by Aparecida Vilaça; a substantially renewed masthead; and two editorial notes, one a goodbye the other an outline of the orientations of futures projects by the editorial collective. We begin with two lectures: Deconstructing anthropology, the inaugural Stephen F. Gudeman Lecture by Adam Kuper, and Michael Herzfeld’s 2018 Lewis H. Morgan Lecture What is a polity?. The issue also features a Special Issue on science with a dozen remarkable studies by a stellar group of contributors from a number of different fields, including social anthropology, the history of philosophy, science and mathematics, and computer science. This collection edited by Geoffrey Lloyd, a philosopher, and Aparecida Vilaça, an anthropologist is a classic Hau assembly engaging with themes that have animated the journal since its inception: translation, comparison, indigenous modes of thought. 

The issue’s Book Symposium is on After Ethnos, by Tobias Rees. After Ethnos is a provocative invitation to rethink contemporary anthropology: against its disciplinary history and into an open future. After Ethnos raises questions about the state of the discipline today: On which configurations is anthropological work based? What -graphies are anthropologists doing and what -logy are they part of? The symposium, coordinated by Sandra Bärnreuther and Johannes Quack, is a tour de force about the relationship between anthropology and ethnography, asking: can the two modes of knowledge be decoupled? Can anthropology exist without human beings at its center? Answers and challenges are provided by the contributions by Tim Ingold, Carolyn Rouse, Gregor Dobler, Paul Kockelman and a rebuttal by Tobias Rees. In critical conversation with the book, all contributors, who represent different generations, different theoretical approaches, and different regional traditions, address timely and far-reaching questions about the past, present, and future of anthropology.

And then there is Pandora’s Box, the unedited typescript of Gilbert Lewis’ 1979 Lewis Henry Morgan Lecture on medicine and human progress, and behind it lies the question: Has there been progress, who was healthier? The book based on Gilbert Lewis’s lectures will be released for the first time by HauBooks in the near future as part of a ongoing collaboration with the University of Rochester to unbury unpublished Morgan lectures, inaugurated in 2015 with the publication of Emily Martin’s The meaning of money in China and the United States.

Contributors to this issue are: Adam Kuper, Michael Herzfeld, Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd, Aparecida Vilaça, Marilyn Strathern, Serafina Cuomo, Mauro W. B. de Almeida, Karine Chemla, Agathe Keller, Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Alan F. Blackwell, Willard McCarty, Stephen Hugh-Jones, Nicholas Jardine, Sandra Bärnreuther, Johannes Quack, Tim Ingold, Carolyn Rouse, Gregor Dobler, Paul Kockelman, Tobias Rees, Gilbert Lewis.

Our entire 21st issue is free to download for one month. Five articles will remain permanently open access, including those of several scholars based in the Global South.
Download and access the issue here

Journal News


Our 21st issue marks a transition for Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. The changes to the organization of the Society for Ethnographic Theory are summed up in the following flowchart, which includes the appointment of an Ombudsman, the introduction of a whistleblower policy and the elimination of any volunteer unpaid work, apart from the pro bono work offered by the Scientific Editorial Board or the Board of Directors. HAU Journal and HAU Books are now led by two collectives of equal editors, each composed of between 2 and 5 members. The new editorial collective for the journal is made up of Luiz Costa (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Deborah Durham (Longwood University; Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, 2019–20) and Mariane C. Ferme (University of California, Berkeley).


We are also delighted to announce that we are enriching our scientific board with new, diverse, and international membership. Moving forward, we plan to remain faithful to the original objectives that made Hau such an admired publication among our readership, particularly on robust debates about the relationship between ethnography and theory, on alternative modes of theorizing emerging from other ways of being in the world, while also showcasing the intellectual concerns of the editorial collective and scientific board. The editorial collective is eager to work with readers to develop new themes for special sections, debates, book symposia, and so forth. Hau has had an important impact on scholarship in the past, and we look forward to an equally impactful future, and to new directions and topics.

Free Access and Open Global South Access (OSA) Programmes

The Society is firmly committed to the idea that access to knowledge and publishing quality must be achieved by mediating gratuity with sustainability. The journal pursues this ideal with two innovative models, where a balance between high publishing standards, knowledge sharing, and sustainability is achieved without relying on unpaid labour, famished departmental research budgets, and individual membership dues. We hope that moving forward, we will be an example for the many journals that still use unpaid graduate student labor for their editorial and production work. 

Each journal issue will be available to download for free for one month after release and be Green Open Access (in compliance with the UKRI requisites for REF submission). Each issue will include up to 5 Gold Open Access articles, which the Society would like to dedicate to Indigenous authors or scholars from the Global South.

Do you have a 20,000-word article? Send it to HAU!

Where would Mauss publish the Essai sur le Don today? And which contemporary journal could accommodate a 20,000-word detailed ethnography of ritual? Since its foundation, HAU journal has pursued publications of long essays in two parts, spread across two consecutive issues. The journal has been sensitive to the lack of venues for publishing long ethnographic articles that don’t necessarily prove a single point or for more theoretically expanded pieces (“archaeologies of thought”) that are not necessarily short monographs. We welcome long essays for publication in the journal and the book series (more soon). Please send your proposals to the editorial collective!

2018 Board Statement and Bylaws

On the 13th of December 2018 a new board statement explaining the last changes in the governance of the Society for Ethnographic Theory was issued. You can read it here. The Society also adopted new bylaws, which can be found on our website.

Download and access the last issue here

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