Andria Burchett
Beech Tree Buzz newsletter
fine art in colored pencil
The Utterly Amazing Smorgasbord 
Those of you who have been in the studio with me over the past year may have heard me mention once or twice or hundred times that I am a new “GrAndie”.  Because our two- soon to be three- grandchildren do not live around the corner from us, our calendar has become a "fruit basket upset" as we protect time to witness their developmental milestones.
The power that an infant has over all the adults in the room is profound.  We stand mesmerized by this little “blob” of a body with our eyes locked into his every feature and subtle movement.   
We are indeed awe-struck at the miracle (there really is no other word for it) of how a precious human baby can possibly be created, formed and delivered into our arms and hearts. 

I saw a youtube video years ago about how plants themselves are visual clues to the nutrients they provide for our bodies.  This really has nothing at all to do with colored pencils except that it is creativity at its core.  A visual experience packed with “ah-hah” moments. 

If you have already seen it, watch it again and remind yourself how incredible nature is, and how we are surrounded daily by its beauty and purpose.  If you are watching this for the first time, prepare to be utterly amazed. 
      “God’s Pharmacy”
Now Accepting Online Registration for Classes:
Early Autumn


"Five years ago, when I first started art classes at BTS, I had no idea I was embarking on such a wonderful adventure! Suddenly I was learning to see the world around me in a whole new way, whether I was drawing or not, through the vibrancy of color and the interplay of light, shadows and reflections.
Experiencing the warmth and camaraderie of other students along with making lasting friendships was a completely unexpected bonus! My art class day is definitely the highlight of my week, and it’s been an amazing journey to see how BTS continues enriching my life at every level."

                                                                                                                                                         Lynne Kornecki
A Bird's Eye View Art Show July
Veggie Basket on Dura-lar August 2 or 3
Christmas Card Workshop July 8, 15, 22, 29
Majestic Cat October 4 & 5
colored pencil art by JoEllyn Davey, Joyce Dame, Robyn Clancy, Debbie Birhanu, Denise Wilson, Anne Bernstein and Gemma Gylling

Time to Draw!


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