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23 juni 2019

Mooie zielen,

'Je krijgt een creditcard per week aan microplastics binnen.' Zo kopte Foodlog stoer. Het kan ook aanzienlijk minder zijn, we weten het niet. Ook niet of het schadelijk is. Nou ik wel. Zelfs als die kunststofsoorten niet giftig zijn, dan is het een grote en onnatuurlijke belasting voor het lichaam. Bovenop de bibliotheek aan 'belief systems' die gedurende ons leven naar binnen wordt geschoven. En zo druppelen steeds meer publicaties binnen overal allerlei onderwerpen, die steeds duidelijker maken dat we véél dieper in de shit zitten dan we durven te vermoeden. 
Er is echt een revolutie nodig om te keren wat nog te keren valt. Eigenlijk zou ieder land een 'klimaat noodtoestand' moeten uitroepen. Handiger en correcter is eigenlijk 'milieu noodtoestand'. Dat scheelt een hoop gezeur met hetzelfde resultaat. 

Het goede nieuws is dat wij mensen onvoorstelbaar veel krachtiger zijn dan de meesten van ons denken. Zodra dat besef serieus begint door te druppelen in het collectief bewustzijn, kunnen we meters maken. Wees ondertussen lief voor jezelf, en daarmee lief voor Moeder Aarde, je bent immers niet zomaar een bewoner ervan, je bent er intrinsiek deel van. Op deze manier geef je anderen een extra keuze, namelijk jouw prachtige voorbeeld volgen!

You are not an observer, you are a participant
- Thich Nath Hanh - 

Wees gegroet,
Rob Greuter

You can not cease to exist. You can change your form all you want, but the core of you will always be you having the experience of what you have changed to. The 'you' can not be annihilated. Just can't be. Because you exist. 

Why can that what exist never become that wich does not exist? Simple. By definition, non-existence doesn't exist. The quality of non-existence is to not exist. 
- Bashar - 
Following the sacred order
In our culture – we have been trained to be 'let down in the end'.
'The meal was excellent but the tea was a little cold'

We always do that because we have been programmed with the 'Cycle Of Doom'.
Now, change that into: 'The tea was a little cold, but the meal was excellent!'
Wow! that changes everything!

Secondly, Neville says intend from the end. We’re talking about intending from a segment (the natural, logical scene after wish fulfilled), collapse to a point (shake hand, high five, clink the glasses, squeeze hands et cetera) and there’s a reason why we have a positive segment and a positive point and we pump it up by repeating it.

And then we ask those questions:
'Well how else has my life changed wonderfully? Right? We end the sentence with 'wonderfully' because there are people out there who tend to list bad stuff only.
- mr. Twenty Twenty - #ManifestingMastery
A message from the Orca's
We the Orcas of Galapagos, want to share with you, the wisdom of our hunt:

First of all our prey is our friend, and the hunt is a play. The reason we call it play, is because both us and them exist more out of physical form than in it, and so we have the understanding of eternity, something that is unfamiliar to humans.

In this case, we played with a turtle as prey. When we play, the prey does not feel any pain in the way humans feel pain, this is because we exist more out of this body, than within it, and so any sign of an unpleasant experience will make us pull more of our consciousness out of physical reality.

As we know our body does not create our consciousness, it is our consciousness that creates our body, we simply focus less on our physical aspect in the moment of what you would call "pain", also we assist the prey to reach this state by our frequency of the echo, the "clicks and whistles" when we use our frequency this way our prey`s "soul" is at the same time focusing away from the body "beyond" the physical illusion of experiencing the self, this is because our prey is also at this time a part of our consciousness.

This is a higher understanding which is not experienced in the same way by humans, as we are existing in a different way than you do. We know that on this planet, this technique has been tried by humans to experiment on other humans, but this has not been done with agreement from both parts, as this cannot be done by your species, in the way that it is done by us, and it is creating what you would call suffering for your species to act in a predatory way.

The next time you see us, feel into the energy of the play, and you will not feel fear, just play and spirit energy, merge with our consciousness at this time, and you will be able to see within your minds eye what is transpiring in the form of energy exchange between the Orca and its prey.

We call ourselves one being, because we do not have separate consciousness like humans, we are one soul experienced in all form of Orca.
- Anneea Sun - (channeled)
Do you?
A lot of people try to force change through affirmations. They have their place but it’s a minor place and I’ll tell you why. Affirmation tend to be done in assertions, in other words force change through auditory.
It's already a very different thing to say 'imagine what it will be like in 6 months from today.' Though, for most people that’s still almost forcing it.

However, looking back at it at 6 months from NOW, that's a really huge difference, it's a much better, higher energy!

Practice remembering conversations from the wish fulfilled:
- Do you remember where you lived 6 months ago? Do you feel what it was like back then?
- Do you remember you could hardly pay your bills 6 months ago? Can you feel your daily struggle again? Look in what fortunate position I am in now! 
- mr. Twenty Twenty - #ManifestingMastery

I just read a paper on it last night and they seem to think that zinc is a key to killing many common viruses, including the common cold, herpes and other common viruses.

Bashar: It does not directly kill those ideas. What it does is form a particular type of stable electromagnetic balance in which those ideas cannot exist.
Source: Bashar - Beliefs About Food (transcript)
Doe-, kijk- en leesvoerig!
1001 Way - Bruno Gröning in the diaries of young people
16 Personalities - test
Alzheimer - vanuit transitie perspectief!
Binnenkort de grootste kristallen grot van Europa te bezoeken
Heal Yourself, Heal Others: Part II
Let's Stop Stealing Time from Children
Presentation of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends
Rediscover Your Heart - free download
Senators briefed by Pentagon on reported UFO sightings
Intentions of the Week
Be There!
Krachtige ondersteuning voor effectieve visualisatie!
DeelBewust nieuwsbrief 9 jun 2019
Kakelvers binnen!
EM-X GoldHEAL Documentary,Microferm, memonizerBODY, memonizerFOOD, Organisch MSM poeder



It is not fear that prevents us, that holds us back, it is our definition of fear that prevents us.
- Darryl Anka -

A conviction is not a conviction if it can be shaken. Your desire will be as clouds without rain unless you believe.
- Neville Goddard - 

Jij kan jezelf niet helen, dat is een taak voor Divine Intelligence. Jij kan wel je heling tegenhouden. Daar ben jij als mens zelfs erg bedreven in. #MastersOfLimitation
- Rob M.M. Greuter -

Replace your show stopper 'I wonder if it is going to happen?' by the powerful manifesting 'I wonder how it is going to happen?'. Don’t be concerned with the hows, but be infinitely curious about them.
- Neville Goddard -

The way to go faster to your preferred reality is to stay in the moment, in the here and now. There is nothing more important then now, where everything happens. You go faster by not needing to. 
- Bashar -

Stop looking for signs. Signs follow, they do not precede.
- Neville Goddard - 

Excitement is the physical translation of the frequency of energy that represents our true self. The whole idea of us being here is to be who we are to the best we can.
- Darryl Anka -

Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.
- Neville Goddard -

You can think whatever you want, but what you believe is your reality.
- Bashar -
Het valt mij op dat de moderne mens dankzij de smartphone-nek, de Netflix-buik beter kan waarnemen. #Evolutie
- Rob M.M. Greuter - 

When the mind is quiet, we come to know ourselves as the pure witness. We withdraw from the experience and its experiencer and stand apart in pure awareness, which is between and beyond the two.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj -

As we are lifted up in consciousness, our world reshapes itself in harmony with the level to which we are lifted.
- Neville Goddard -

When you feel alone, remember that you can simply add the missing L. #AllOne
- Bashar -

You are not a victim of fate but a victim of faith.
- Neville Goddard - 

The cause of my fears is having forgotten who I am.
- Regina Dawn Akers -

If I be lifted up in consciousness to the naturalness of my desire, I shall automatically draw the manifestation unto me.
- Neville Goddard - 

The past doesn’t create your present, your present creates your past.
- Bashar -

Imagination is resonance, it is energy, it is frequency, it is vibration. It has to be matched. If you are not on the same wavelength, you can not experience what is germane to that wavelength. You have to be there before you can experience it.
- Darryl Anka -

Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.
- Lao Tzu -

Met al hetgeen HeelBewust aanreikt, dagen wij het geholpen, zelfgenezend vermogen van mens en dier uit. Wij geloven in de kracht van geïntegreerde holistische geneeskunde! 
Het is onze taak om mensen te helpen bij het behalen van serieuze en blijvende gezondheidswinst. Dit doen wij niet alleen door de meest krachtige en effectieve natuurlijke oplossingen aan te reiken, maar ook door het delen van waardevolle informatie en deskundig en integer te reageren op hulpvragen. Belangrijke actuele kennis en inzichten die daadwerkelijk helpen om het verschil te maken, vinden via HeelBewust hun weg naar steeds meer mensen!
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Het mooie aan natuurgeneeskunde is dat er vele wegen naar Rome leiden. Het lastige eraan is dat het moeite kost om nèt die aanpak te ontmoeten die je wel verder brengt. De aanpak die past bij de persoon, zijn geschiedenis, levensfase en natuurlijk de ziekte of de klachten. HeelBewust doorziet dat en blijkt telkens weer in staat om mensen de goede kant op te laten bewegen, met plezierig stemmende resultaten!

Met HeelBewuste groet,

Rob Greuter

M +31 (0) 642 994 326
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