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Hummingbird Waldorf Playgroup


Newsletter, 24th June 2019

Playgroup Dates

Playgroup dates - Now back at the Nerang Uniting Church
  • 9.30am Tuesday 25th June Uniting Church, Nerang.
  • 9.30am Tuesday 2nd July Uniting Church, Nerang.

Children's Puppetry Workshop

9th July

Sophia Waldorf School is proud to present our first puppetry workshop held by Zsuzsa Nemeth from Hungary. Zsuzsa is a creative drama teacher for children, having 10 years experience on stage as a pantomime performer and more than 25 years in the theatre and film industry in Hungary as a producer and fundraiser.

Zsuzsa is passionate about introducing performing arts, crafts and creative acting for children and she strongly believes creative story telling with paper puppets is not only fun but gives families happy and quality time together, encouraging children to invent their own stories using their endless creativity and imagination.

This workshop is a good opportunity to play and craft together, creating new stories with a group of children and of course parents are welcome to join in also.
This workshop is for children aged between 4 to 8 years

WHEN: Tuesday 9th July
WHERE: Uniting Church
Nerang River Drive Nerang
TIME: 9am to 12pm
COST: $20 per child [cash only]
RSVP to Katie
Please pack food and drink for your child also warm clothing.

Midwinter Festival

Nansi serving Zuzana soup.

Szusza's story.

Spiral by day.

Spiral by night.

Seeking light.


"The preschool years, the kindergarten years are the most important of all in the education of the child ….. it is absolutely essential that before we begin, to think, before we so much as begin to set our thinking in motion, we experience the condition of wonder"
Rudolf Steiner
Our postal address is:
Sophia Waldorf School
28 Glen Circuit
Clagiraba, Qld 4211

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