The latest 'tails' from MMRCUK
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Recently, I was at a dinner with Sir Chris Hoy, where he spoke about setting goals and the importance of the steps that help you achieve a goal. He insisted that detailing these steps were just as important, if not more important than overall goal itself.


His philosophy: If you didn’t achieve the overall goal, you could reflect on your journey, the small successes that you had and the ways in which you might modify and improve your plan the next time around. Instead of having the instinctive ‘I am a failure,’ you switch it to ‘I didn’t do what I set out to do, but look at what steps I did manage. I know what I need to do next time’

How very Mermaid of him!

This process of making plans and setting goals is reflected in our curriculum, which conclude with a 5km challenge. Before the end of each programme, we ask every girl to set out her intention for the 5km and then 3 steps that she can put in place to help complete this. 

If the intention is to quiet Siren’s voice during the challenge, her 3 steps may include, to talk to her mentor if Siren starts to shout, to sing her favourite song and to start doing a favourite movement that makes her happy.
If she wants to complete the challenge in a particular time, she may want to make sure that she’s fuelled correctly, that she sleeps well and that she starts nearer to the front. By breaking down the challenge and their intentions into smaller steps, the girls experience how completing the smaller steps contribute to the larger over all goal. We start this practice with Mini Mermaids but it can feed into their wider life and community. The Finish Line is Just the Beginning.

This has been on my mind a lot recently as we hurtle towards the end of the school year in the UK. Our mission, our overall goal is to have programmes in every primary school in the whole of the UK. Yes, a HUGE goal to achieve but slowly we are putting in steps to help us achieve. Four years ago we started in 1 school with 10 girls. Today, we’re in 5 cities (and starting in our 6th this autumn - see below!) with more than 1,000 girls completing a curriculum this past school year. Every few months, the UK team stops and reflects on what steps we have accomplished on our way to completing this goal.  Even though we have a long way to go, we give ourselves a ‘high fin’ when we see what we have done, assess things we can do better, and continue to work toward our goal.

So whether you are 7 or 77, keep setting those goals, no matter how big or how crazy they seem and then take it step by step, celebrating every small step you take.
High fins,

Hannah x
Executive Director
Mini Mermaid and Young Tritons UK

That's right - our 6th CITY! Through our continued work with the fabulous Jane Tomlinson Appeal, we have FIVE subsidised programmes available for schools in Hull! How cool is that? Know a school in Hull that would love to have our programme there? Let us know.  
The first heat wave has barely happened but we’re already thinking autumn and new programmes. We want to help your school get up and running...or walking, skipping or dancing. So how do we do that? Schools that choose Mini Mermaids not only receive our fab, co-designed curriculum and resource kit, but also receive training and ongoing support to ensure both your staff and students experience the wonderful Mini Mermaid impact. Get started today by dropping us a line at
Caroline Barker, a primary school teacher from Holy Name in Leeds, has activated Mini Mermaid Running Club, teaching the girls about Mini Mermaid, our inner cheerleader and Siren, our inner critic, and building their resilience and self-esteem. Caroline has seen first-hand how girls apply these skills and lessons learned in Mini Mermaids, in the classroom. 

'One of my Mini Mermaids was working through a difficult maths problem,' said Caroline. 'Rather than give up, she said ‘I am silencing Siren. I can do my fractions. I’m listening to my Mermaid voice.’ 

Girls in schools across the UK show similar outcomes after their Mini Mermaid experience. By channeling Mini Mermaid, they are better able to manage not only academic but also social challenges they face each day. Examples include: 
  • 'I used to think I was bad at maths....I'm not bad, I just do it at my own pace.' (Confidence)
  • 'You learn to never give up.' (Resilience)
  • 'If you have an helped us get over helped us not react.' (Managing Conflict)
Have you had a fintastic experience with Mini Mermaids? Tell us about it and we'll feature your story. See more about our impact, including quotes from parents, teachers and Mini Mermaids here.
On 22 July, at 7:20pm, Mini Mermaids will take over Leg 499 of the 2nd Annual London Relay and we're hoping you can join us! Started last year, the relay runs NON-STOP from 29 June to 28 July. Literally there are people on the course 24x7 for the entire month.

So what is this relay for? The relay raises funds for The Running Charity, which works to help homeless youth, ages 16-25 across the UK, with a focus on resilience, confidence and self-esteem. 

This shared belief is just one of the reasons we want to be involved. What better way to celebrate the power of Mini Mermaid than getting together to support this fun and inspiring event - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! 

Date: 22 July 2019

Time: 7:20pm 

Location: Potter’s Field Park, London SE1 3LW

Course Distance/Route: 5km and 10km

Registration Fee: £15

Runners FAQ: Right here!

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