Carpentry Clippings, 26 June, 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
On 27 June 2019, attend the next African Carpentries Community call at 12:00 SAST (see your time). This meeting takes place monthly to help the African community communicate about their plans related to Software, Data, and Library Carpentry. More information can be found on the Etherpad:
The monthly Carpentries community in New Zealand call took place on 25 June 2019. If you missed this call, check out the notes on this Etherpad. Information on upcoming events in New Zealand is available on this post. If you have ideas on how this announcement can be improved for the future, please email Megan Guidry (
Committee and Task Force News
Lesson Infrastructure team
Erin Becker and François Michonneau are in the final steps of getting the new lesson publications out. They noticed that only about 10% of contributors have given permission in AMY to be listed as authors, which has caused a short delay in releasing the publications. If you received an email titled "Permission to include you as an author on The Carpentries' lessons" please follow the instructions in that email to make sure you get authorship credit for your contributions. Read more detail in this post.
CarpentryCon TaskForce 2020
CarpentryCon Task Force is pleased to announce that the CarpentryCon 2020 website is now live at Under the leadership of Anne Fouilloux and Aleks Nenadic, the Website and Outreach subcommittee has also updated the landing page ( that provides information about past and future CarpentryCon events. The TaskForce is finalizing the conference venue and theme, details for which will be announced and added to the website soon.
Membership Team
2019 Member Organization Council Meetings took place last week from 17 to 20 June 2019 to connect with representatives from the member organisations. The participants discussed the current status and challenges related to managing membership and plans for Capacity and Community Building. The summary of the call will be published soon. Meanwhile, check out the notes from the calls on this Etherpad.
Executive Council
The Executive Council has selected Karen Cranston as our new liaison to the Code of Conduct Committee, and thank Elizabeth Wickes for her service as previous liaison. We passed a resolution to clarify the role of the Executive Council liaison in voting on Code of Conduct incidents. We are continuing to explore ways we can cultivate a community culture commensurate with our values. To that end, we are developing a task force to develop recommendations for both the Code of Conduct Committee and the Executive Council for policy recommendations. Finally, we are encouraging staff to continue pursuing sponsorship opportunities to support our future financial planning.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
In our blogs, read about Lesson learned from our community call on equity, inclusion and accessibility by Kari Jordan, Teaching R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis by Philip Reed summarising his workshop in Portugal and Carpentries Workshop Fees - ‘to charge on not’ by Mark Laufersweiler, Christina Koch, Tracy Teal, Darya Vanichkina, Rayna Harris, Chris Njoku and Neal Davis. The Data Carpentry Genomics curriculum was published officially on 18 June 2019. You can promote this curriculum by sharing the promotional flyer or organising a workshop yourself. Watch this video for onboarding instructors and see more details on this post. On the Topicbox discuss channel, find various updates from the community members like this post on Software Carpentry Style Lesson For Conda.
Tweet of the Week

Papers and manuscripts for and from the community
Ten quick tips for effective dimensionality reduction, Lan Huong Nguyen and Susan Holmes, (2019), Plos Computational Biology
The National Science Foundation (NSF) 2026 Idea Machine
Show your support for the proposal on Reinventing Scientific Talent by Jason Williams by commenting on this official page by tonight (deadline is 26 June 2019) to show your support for the proposal on to be considered by NSF. This proposal aims to gain NSF's support for The Carpentries' efforts and sustainability worldwide, and position Carpentries-style instruction as a model for training in all programs supported by NSF. Find other 32 brilliant proposals as well that have been shortlisted as NSF Big Ideas.
CarpentryConnect Manchester
The European CarpentryConnect is taking place this week in Manchester, UK (, creating opportunities for the regional communities to connect and collaborate with each other. You can check updates on the #ccmcr19 hashtag all week.
SciPy 2019
From 7 to 14 July 2019, several community members will be attending the annual SciPy ( conference in Austin, USA. Serah Rono will be co-chairing the open source communities track, Rayna Harris will be presenting a poster on translating Data Carpentry lessons to Spanish and Elizabeth Williamswill be running a session - Experiences Building Local Communities of Open Source Practices Users through The Carpentries’ Membership Program (details).
You can connect with The Carpentries community members in various conferences by indicating your availability on this Etherpad.
Toolshed (Posts from our Past)
Tracy Teal with the Executive Council of The Carpentries conducted a virtual Listening Tour to hear from the community about their experience in The Carpentries events and spaces. This project took place from 24 May to 14 June 2018 to gather ideas and direct feedback on specific questions related to the themes - Learning, Growth, Community, and Gratitude.