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July 2019 
New Approaches, New Opportunities: Expanding the Reach of Local Government

By OGP Support Unit

For open government to reach its full potential, it is important to engage reformers in and outside of government at all levels - including the local level. As we build a new strategy for the OGP local program, we are asking the OGP community to contribute to this process. Read more here.

We are broadening our efforts to include all of you in the development of the new OGP Local strategy. We invite you to take a short survey to tell us what you think about the new strategy, give us inputs on design, and to let us know how to best engage with you moving forward.  
Securing Human Dignity Through Open Governance

By Mukelani Dimba, former Chair of the OGP Steering Committee  

On Nelson Mandela Day, Mukelani Dimba reflects on the many ways countries and local governments can use OGP to deliver better public services and take #ActionAgainstPoverty. Read more here.


In our latest publication, we explore how open government can be a strategic tool to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more here.
Parliaments as Partners for Open Government

By María Barón, Directorio Legislativo and Paul Maassen, OGP Support Unit

At the OGP Global . Summit in Canada, representatives from more than 40 legislative institutions met to discuss ways parliaments from around the world can support and participate in open gov processes. Read more here.

Six Facts for your Next Open Gov Gathering

By Jessica Hickle, OGP Support Unit

With nearly 4,000 OGP commitments from almost 100 governments, it’s a little hard to keep up with the successes of open government and the challenges the community faces. Read these six key findings from our latest batch of OGP policy area fact sheets.

The Break the Roles campaign encourages open government reformers to identify and experiment with solutions to age-old stereotypes and power structures. Learn more here.
Faces of Open Gov

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders and former President of Ireland

Mary Robinson was the first woman president in Ireland and went on to serve as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She shares her experience of being a woman in leadership and how ensuring citizens have clear and easy access to justice is a key part of opening government work. 

Employment Opportunities

Short-Term Consultant to Support Operationalization of OGP’s Local Strategy
OGP is looking for a short-term consultant to lead the development and delivery of an approach to learning and knowledge sharing within the new OGP Local Strategy. Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis, so applicants are encouraged to submit their materials as soon as possible and no later than August 5th. Learn more here.

The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national and local levels in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans. Learn more here.
Globally, five billion people do not have access to justice. Argentine Minister Germán Garavano and OGP’s Joe Powell explore how we can accelerate the 2030 Agenda through open government here.

Buzz on #OpenGov

- At the OAS General Assembly, OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan called for open government reformers to forge a global force that reinvigorates democracy, between and beyond elections.  

- OGP’s Practice Group on Dialogue and Deliberation released its second volume: Informed Participation: A Guide to Designing Public Deliberation Processes.

- OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan sat down with Colombian newspapers Semana and El Colombiano to talk about the state of democracy and open government around the world.

- How can we catalyze the power of the G7 to move the needle on gender equality? Open government champions Joe Powell (OGP), Friederike Röder (ONE) and others share their advice here.

The World of #OpenGov

- Are you a democratic innovator working on citizens’ juries, citizens’ assemblies & reference panels? Submit your case by July 31 to be included in an upcoming OECD report. Learn more here.

- Interested in running your own Open Gender Monologue? The Open Heroines explain their model for sharing the voices and experiences of women, men, gender queer, and LGBTQ+ people working in open government here.

- Transparency International finds that most people in Africa think that corruption has increased in their country, but many feel optimistic that citizens can make a difference. Explore the Global Corruption Barometer for Africa here.

- The fiscal governance field has made major progress in the last decade. Read Courtney Tolmie of Results for Development’s recent blog on the missing middle in evaluating fiscal governance here.

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