
Week #26 (June 24-30, 2019) - What I'm Reading This Summer!

I'm not gonna spend anytime explaining why reading is a good habit to develop. Let's just both agree that it is. With that said, earlier this year I committed to reading more books and I got off to a great start, completing the following; “The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi”, and The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

I HIGHLY recommend the books above. The Divide explores how injustice tends to fall along economic lines and how, to summarize; The rich and guilty are often safer than the poor and innocent. The Art of War discusses wartime strategies that really have broad application to life in general. 

It was great consuming so much knowledge, and trying to apply it. But to be honest, I did fall off the wagon and haven’t opened up a book in months 🙈. Anyways, with my freshly renewed library card in hand (well, technically in my phone and wallet), I’m back on the horse and I’m determined to use my summer months to accomplish 2 things; i.) Write/Record a lot of new music 2.) Read a minimum of 3 books.

As I’ve always done, to keep it fresh, I will try to keep 3 different books across different genres in rotation. Genres like Business, Faith, Light Fiction, Non-Fiction/Biographies, and Social Justice/Politics, tend to be the dominant categories I peruse. I’ve also found that with the pace of my life, listening is a much easier (and realistic) way of consuming literature. So I do both old fashioned, physical book reading and listening depending on the book. I know some don’t consider listening to books to be truly “reading” a book, so I’ll let you be the judge 😉.

At any rate, I’m currently reading “Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis” (Faith),  and about to start “Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas” (Biographies). That leaves space for one more. So I put it to you; 

What should my 3rd summer book be?! And why?! I’m taking suggestions. Mere Christianity is interesting, yet cerebral (i.e. requires following closely and thinking), I imagine Bonhoeffer will be emotive, so for the 3rd, I’m looking for something light, perhaps fiction. So let me know of any good books you think I should add to my summer reading list. Even if it’s not light fiction, I might still read it this summer or later on. Sound off!


Until next week, 


P.S. Check out the BRAND NEW Lyric Video for "When You Land" and don't forget to Subscribe to my Youtube page (and turn on notifications). ENJOY!



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