
We're done with training and safely home!

"Return to your home, and declare
how much God has done for you."
 Luke 8:39

Hi <<First Name>>! 
Greetings from California... 

We’ve been back in Ventura for almost two weeks now. It's nice to be back in our own home.

We had an enjoyable trip home over the course of about four weeks while visiting most of Rebecca’s family, who are spread out among the states. We traveled through Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and finally back down through California. What a beautiful country we live in! 

It was fun visiting, catching up, and sharing about our training and future ministry. There were a lot of questions about our time in the Missouri wilderness. We realize now that we didn’t commute clearly in our last update because most of our family thought we were all alone in the woods. That wasn’t the case at all. We were with our small group (18 people including kids) and 3 other groups - all of the 2nd semester class. One of the main goals was learning to work through team conflict while living in a difficult and stressful environment. Another way to prepare us for the field. 

Here are some photos of family we visited during our travels, including Rebecca's mom, grandparents, and brothers, as well as our nieces, nephews, and cousins. 

Visiting Mission Aviation Fellowship headquarters in Nampa, Idaho.
Rebecca’s aunt and uncle have served with MAF since the 80s.

Above are some photos of our family from our travels; Rebecca's mom, Rebecca's Grandparents, Our nieces and nephews, Rebecca's brothers Darius and David, Rebecca's sister, and her husband Adam, and Rebecca's dad, his brother-in-law and his kids.

Living in the Wilderness

Our time in the wilderness was great! It was raining and muddy most of the time so that was a challenge but overall things went really well.

Our small group would take turns cooking for each other. On one occasion when it was our turn to cook we had planned to make tamales. We had never made tamales before so it was taking longer than expected. It had been raining pretty hard and dinner was already late. The next thing we knew there was a flash flood and water was pouring through our camp. Everyone jumped up and rallied to divert the water around the camp while the tamales continued to cook.

Actually, we ended up putting too much water in the pot (we couldn’t see the bottom since they were so packed in) so the tamales were bathing instead of steaming! They were flooded just like our camp. We ended up pulling most of the tamales out of the pot and into a pan where we turned them into a tamale hash. The flood drill was a great team building experience and a few people in our group even said that the tamale hash was their favorite meal!

We’d like to talk to you more about our experience in the wilderness in person but in the meantime check out this video which gives an overview of our camp and living conditions:

^ Watch a video about our time in the wilderness
The boat ride to our destination across the lake.

Rebecca and Ayin painting the outside of our plastic house.

Interior of our plastic house. We built everything inside using cedar slabs.

Our team's common area where we cooked, ate, and hung out.

First cut on the Alaskan Sawmill where we produced all our lumber.

It all got torn down at the end. Some of the lumber will be used for future classes.

Our Training is Complete!

We’re now officially done with our training! We’ve had a total of two years of awesome training spread over three locations and we are very thankful for it. That wasn’t something we planned but we have definitely felt the Lord’s hand over it all. We can see how God has grown our family these past years, preparing us for a long-term church planting ministry. As the proverb says, The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

We are also now official members of Ethnos360, who is our sending agency. We are very excited about that! Our sending church is also our home church, Reality Ventura. 

So what does that mean? We'll be following Reality Ventura's guidance as they, along with our support team (that might be you!), are there for our emotional and spiritual needs. Ethnos360 will provide the support we need when it comes time for surveying the tribe we go to, team formation, language checks, teaching literacy, translation, testing for the kids' education, and all aspects of church planting. They'll also collect our funds and send them to us while we're in Mexico. We are very thankful to the Lord for providing a church and sending agency for us. 

We Need Your Help

Our last step before returning to Mexico is to raise up a team who will faithfully pray and give financially to support our ministry.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting us and our ministry?

We’d like to sit down with you to lay out where we’ve been and where we’re going. Our time here in California is solely to spend time with you, talking, sharing, and hearing from you. Let's connect with each other. Please let us know if you’re interested!

You can text us at (805) 452-5449 or email us anytime.

Los Niños

Isei finished 6th grade and Ayin finished kindergarten this June. We're thankful for the Summer that we get to spend in Ventura. So far we have had lots of swim days and get-togethers with friends.

Isei's current favorite pastime is drawing very intricately. His preferred art instrument is a black pen. He's been gifted with remembering shapes and images, and is capable of recording them on to paper. 

Ayin has developed into quite the evangelist. She is very concerned for the salvation of her friends and family. She also wonders about the salvation of famous people she sees or hears about as well. 

These two people are our teammates, specifically created and given to us by our Creator God. We are so thankful for them, and are ever aware that we need their total buy-in to make Jesus known among an unreached people group. 
  • Our time in the wilderness went very well
  • Our trip home was safe and fruitful
  • Our home was cared for well while we were away
  • For our future teammates and supporters
  • For our future people group in Mexico
  • For support raising to go well
  • For us to love Jesus above all
<<First Name>> - thank you so much for praying for us. We are so thankful for you. We would love to pray for you too. Please email us your prayer requests by replying to this email.

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