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Fly Your Meta Flag

I have long wondered: How does an SEO agency that ranks poorly on Google ever get business? 

Shouldn't their rank be their business card? 

Same for designers with bad sites and writers with cloying cover letters.

Yet many of them do, and what I've come to is this: People don't hire the best, they hire the available.

But if you want to build something great, you need someone who's really good at what they do. The signs for that are everywhere, you just need to be patient and look.

I call them meta flags.

Take Dennis. 

Dennis got laid off last year from his role as a content marketer. He decided he'd try his hand at freelance, and he got super meta: He content marketed himself.

He created a newsletter called Content Corner targeted at potential partners and employers that's now read by hundreds. He used it to feature people and draw them into his orbit so they can help each other out.


I signed up. I found it useful. I went to one of Dennis' events. I got featured. I'm now in Dennis' circle.

When I think of a content strategist, I think of Dennis.

Dennis has never said, "I'm a great content marketer." He didn't add "Guru" to his LinkedIn or cold email strangers asking for introductions to their CEO. When we met for coffee, we mostly talked about life in the Bay Area.

All he did was do what he does — write and market really well — in an unabashedly public way.

Read our interview with Dennis.

This week, want to get noticed? Fly your flag.

Want to find your Dennis? Look for flags flying. (Or call Dennis.)


- Chris @ The Beat

Get the word out

What We're Reading

Facebook is launching a currency called the Libra, reports The Economist.
(The article is also a tour-de-force in straight talk.)

Would you rather be better or unique? Your answer may say something about both your politics and your purchases, writes Sarah Steimer for the AMA.

How to design a brand study that's ethical, by Emily Gaudette.

A brief timeline of how Slack took over the workplace.

Social media growth has slowed to just one percent per year.

Can creativity survive the onslaught of short-termism?

How will the movies (as we know them) change is a great example of how much we have to learn from the B2C world about quote roundups. It's punchy, clipped, and buzzword-free.


Power Word


adjective / pan.gloss.ian
Excessively optimistic

The founder's speech about flying taxis was a bit ... panglossian.



In Strategy


Introducing, Eve.

She's a Find A Way Media Co-founder, and our Chief Strategy Officer. Eve makes tech products more human so buyers can actually relate. (Especially in B2B.)

She uncovers the emotional undertones of your offerings and distills them into a position, promise, and brand persona that makes clear not just what you do, but why you do it.

For the next few months, Eve owns this section. She'll share her wisdom as well as observations on when branding helps or hurts a company's content efforts.

And if you have questions, or need help positioning your brand or content, connect with Eve.


Writing Jobs

Dream job alert: HubSpot, the progenitor of inbound marketing, needs a junior staff writer. No better place to learn, really.

Plus, friends say to look here.

theSkimm needs a writer and editor of content development
Paperspace needs a deep learning technical writer (contract)
Updater needs a UX writer and product copywriter (contract)
Stash needs a finance writer
Fathom needs a content marketer
Justworks needs a content producer

Freelancers, why not ask if they'd consider part-time? 🤙

Editor's Quote Of The Week

Say less.

What's Next?

A story about a songwriter-turned B2B marketing executive.

 Questions? Ideas? Tips?

Tweet @FindAWayMedia.

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