Empowering children and teens to embrace and express their inherent divinity.

Director's Note

Decide how your day will go.  You can, you know.  It starts in your mind and heart.  Wake up grateful for another day of life.  Breathe in peace for just one minute as you open your eyes and turn back the covers.  Claim your divine inheritance of prosperity in all areas of your life.  Then move on to what's yours to do.  Disclaimer: This does not mean that curve balls won't be thrown your way.  They might.  But, centered in Spirit, you will be able negotiate them with grace.  When you wake up knowing that you are a child of the Divine, you make a decision to have the best day possible.  And when you decide to live from the Christ you are, the path forward is made clear.  So it's up to you ... make the decision now and each day.
Three Summer Cool Specialist Slots Still Available:  During the summer months, we offer a different cool, interactive class each week for our K-8th grade students.  Will it be Art?  Yoga? Puppetry?  Music?  Dance?  Cooking?  Acting?  Crafts?  Gardening?  It all depends on our Summer Cool Specialists!  What engaging hobby or activity can you share with our Soul School one Sunday this summer?  Do you know someone with an activity they could share?  Contact Kate or look for the sign up sheet in the Atrium.

This Week's Angel Affirmation:  "Greet each new sunrise with joy, and you will greet each sunset with peace."

Rev. Kate Jordan, LUT, CSE
Youth and Family Ministry Director

This Sunday in Soul School

Soul School starts at 10:25 am, with our Sacred Circle, where we share the Daily Word, our affirmations for the week, and our Love Offerings.  Please sign-in your child(ren) in the Garden Room by 10:20 am, so we can get started on time.

Unitots (Infant - Pre-K):  Loving childcare in a free-play environment.

Unikids (Gr. K - 2): All Together Now 3 - "Abundance is All Around Me."  God's good is not just money, but in all of God's creation.  We'll do a Bubbles of Prosperity" activity; read and discuss "Katie;" and practice Sharing the Wealth by designing and creating our own clay coins.

Unitweens (Gr. 3 - 5) and Uniteens (Gr. 6-8):  All Together Now 3 - "I Co-Create Prosperity"  We work with the Spirit within us to bring prosperity into our lives.  We'll do a Helping God activity; re-visit the story of the Lilies of the Field; play an I Am Prosperous card game; and celebrate our 12 Powers.

YOU (Gr. 9 -12):  At their June Rally in Wisconsin.

UNS Potluck Barbecue Picnic on August 25 after the Service

Fun, food, and fellowship.  UNS provides the hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers; you sign up to supply buns, salads, sides, desserts, or beverages.  The sign up sheet will go up in July.  We're also looking for event volunteers (set-up, grillers, clean-up), so look for that sign-up sheet, too!

There will be games and prizes for the kids.  Uniteens and YOUers can earn service hours for events by running the games, and should see Kate if interested.

One of the most fun activities of the year, and a great farewell to the summer.  Put it on your family's calendar today!

Summer Cool Schedule for July and August

During the summer, we give our Soul School teachers a break and offer Summer Cool, different interactive and fun classes each Sunday.  The classes are taught by our Summer Cool 'Specialists' (people who share a talent, skill, or hobby), with Kate assisting.

Here's what we've got scheduled so far:

July 7:  Cool Cooking with Jan

July 14: Puppy Power Art & Games with Jeannine

July 21: Qi Gong with Gemma

July 28:

Aug. 4: Peace by Piece Art with Piper

Aug. 11:

Aug. 18:

Aug. 25: Reiki Healing Energy with Jasmine

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