
Soraya's Witches Web Newsletter
7th July 2019

Contents 7th June 2019
A Word from Moma Witch
Taylor Made Holistics - Peppermint
Mel's Weekly Challenge - Embrace the Wonky

Join me for a Spell - Herbs and Berries Verse
Magickal Associations (Minor Tarot Cards Swords)
This weeks Recipe - Marigold Buns
Soraya's Rune Reading £10 offer
Lunar Chart for July 19
Special Offer Signed copies of Books by Soraya
Sandras Smiles
Your Horoscope by Soraya
Cancer, the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac

The Morning Ritual

A Word from Moma Witch
A conversation with Claire about Peppermint and Hot Pants
Hi Claire, Just thinking ... according to the forecast it's to be scorching next week ... maybe something on keeping cool with peppermint. I use it ... water in the wash basin. 1 or 2 drops of peppermint swish a face flannel in it squeeze out and apply to wrists forehead 😊😊😊😊and everywhere except your pants
24 Jun 2019, 20:42
🤣🤣 peppermint pants! Cool 😎 Good for women of a certain age having hot flushes too. Peppermint it is!
Great. I have had it in my pants 😂😂😂😂 induces an amazing dance. Thought I was doing the cool thing with the flanell on all the too hot bits.... what was I thinking 😂😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂hot fanny
I have an image now 🤣🤣 oaft!
Not if my fanny I hope 😂😂😂
It's great stuff
🤣🤣🤣 naw, the dance 💃 🔥🤣

Taylor Made Holistics

If you’d like more information on how to use essential oils safely at home, book a treatment or have a particular ailment you would like a blend for please drop Claire an email
*Remember essential oils are highly concentrated & recommended dosage should never be exceeded. Always follow the safety information & never take internally. Treat as medicines and keep out of reach of children*.

Mentha Piperita – Labiatiae Family


Mint has been prized in China & Japan since ancient times and was found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 1000BC. It was traditionally made into a tea or the leaves were chewed to help stomach complaints and nerves.
In Greek Mythology, Peppermint was named after Mentha, a nymph much loved by Pluto. Persephone (Pluto’s wife) was so jealous of Mentha that she trod her into the ground. Pluto then turned Mentha into the mint herb we all know so well.
A cooling, refreshing, invigorating and antiseptic oil, peppermint is one of the best oils for digestive upsets and to help improve concentration. It blends well with Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Eucalyptus, Ginger & Benzoin.
Mental Health/Nervous System Benefits
Peppermint is effective in easing headaches, mental fatigue, migraines & nervous stress. It aids concentration & memory and stimulates the brain to help you think more clearly.
How to use:
Add to a diffuser or oil burner, add a few drops to a small bowl of water and place on a radiator, or pop a few drops on a tissue and inhale.
Physical Health Benefits
For headaches/migraines
Add to a carrier oil and massage the temples (combine with lavender oil for greater effect), or use in a cold compress – put 4 drops peppermint into a bowl of very cold water, take a flannel/facecloth and soak up the oil floating on the surface without fully immersing the cloth. Wring out the excess water and apply to the forehead/back of
 the neck. (See "A Word from Momma Witch")
Stomach upsets
Peppermint has a particular affinity with the digestive system and can ease nausea, colic, cramp, flatulence, indigestion and irritable bowel.
Mix with a carrier oil such as grapeseed and massage the stomach in a clockwise direction. I’d recommend only 1 drop of essential oil to 4mls carrier oil based on a healthy adult).
For nausea, add a couple of drops to a tissue and inhale.
Peppermint can provide relief from head colds, bronchitis and asthma when steam inhaled (for asthmatics I'd advise you check with your GP before using this method as steam can aggravate asthma in some individuals) - Add around 5 drops of oil to a bowl of hot water, cover the head and bowl with a towel and breathe deeply for a minute - then repeat. Always remember to close the eyes when using this method
 The pain-relieving properties of peppermint are good for soothing muscular aches & pains – use in massage or bath (remember to use in moderation - I’d suggest only a 1% dilution)
For Hot Flushes, Peppermint is effective for Menopausal hot flushes when used in a cold compress (see method above for relieving headaches).
Use in moderation in skin blends/bath due to possible sensitization. Do not use during pregnancy and on babies or young children. Avoid if you are currently using Homeopathic medication.

**Remember essential oils are highly concentrated & recommended dosage should never be exceeded. Always follow safety information and never take internally. Treat as medicines and keep out of reach of children**
To buy your 100% Pure Essential Oils and Magickal Grains from Soraya's Witches Web click here
Mel's Weekly Challenge
Tuesday evening is my article writing time. Every week – always! So last night, after CAB training I reminded myself to write something and then immediately it fell out through a hole in my memory (hands up who else has these holes!!). So this evening, I was relaxing trying to sort through my brain all the issues of Employment Law, Universal Credit, Housing, and Tax Credits; all of these were circling around in my brain looking for somewhere to be filed safely – and the memory of last nights thought popped up!
I immediately messaged Soraya apologising as I’m rarely late whilst expecting to sit here for a while waiting for the ‘flow’ as I mentioned last week – and feeling a little guilty! But it suddenly came to me what I have to say this week – and that is – allow yourself to not be perfect!
Now for someone like me, who grew up thinking that only 100 percent and top marks was good enough and then feeling confused and defeated when I achieved anything less than that – it’s a very difficult thing to do. But really – not one human being in this world is perfect. We all make mistakes, miss deadlines, fail, get back up again, fail again, get up yet again, say or do something to upset someone .... and the list could go on and on and on. But if you’re someone like me who expects perfection from themselves it’s super hard not to feel the guilt and the overthinking and the profuse apologies. But the reality is – we accept less than perfect in others so WHY don’t we accept it in ourselves. Now, I’m not saying that upsetting someone over and over using the excuse of imperfection for bad behaviour is OK – but rather that we use those moments of ‘failure’ to learn, re-evaluate and then move on without the need for endless guilt and self loathing.
So I guess my challenge this week (and especially to myself) is..... ALLOW yourself to not be perfect. Recognise the perfect imperfection in you. Embrace the ‘wonky’ bits and take joy in the absolutely beautiful creation from the Goddess that is YOU!!!
With love and light Mel xx

The Power is in Your Hands
I'm grateful that I have a garden and that my herbs and flowers are growing beautifully. I'm ready to gather my first herbs and I always take a moment before I cut a branch or pick a fruit or vegetable, to ask for permission or to give thanks to Mother Earth for her bounty. Here is a verse that you can recite when you are picking berries or vegetables.
Fruits of the earth come to me
From this harvest let there be
Soups, and puddings, or jams to make
That my loved ones can partake

The Lady she doth bless this task
Harvesting my crop, I always ask
More to come, through winter last
Bless our harvest bless our task

We thank the Lord and Lady above
For blessing our crops with light and love

For giving us this bounty free
And it 
harm none so mote it be.
Magickal Associations (Minor Tarot Cards)

Swords are "doing" cards and by that I mean if I was 'Thinking about breaking dishes!' I would illustrate that with a Wand, but if I am actually breaking them I would illustrate that with a Sword. The positive aspects of Swords are action, power, control, but the negative aspect is tears frustration anger and restriction. Use the positive cards to attract and the negative cards to banish

From Soraya's Tarot Illustrated by
©Martin Conway
The Ace of Swords  - Attract power, make decisions, sever ties, or construct and build.  
The Two of Swords - Use to delay matters or prevent knee jerk reactions.
The Three of Swords - Banish grief.
The Four of Swords - Use to stop any kind of action.
The Five of Swords - Banish conflict.
The Six of Swords - Use in property or career spells to stimulate relocation.
The Seven of Swords - Guard against theft of any description during a banishing ritual.
The Eight of Swords - Use to restrict movement of any kind.
The Nine of Swords - Use to banish disappointment, grief or anxiety.
The Ten of Swords - Use to bring difficult situations to an end during a banishing ritual.

This Weeks Recipe - Marigold Buns

Make sure that you only use
Calendula Officinalis (Marigold)
and not African Marigold or any other variety, you might poison yourself. 
I suppose you could try these buns with other edible flowers.

125g (4 oz) self Raising flour a pinch of salt
50g (2 oz) butter or margarine, plus extra for greasing
50 g (2 oz)  sugar
2 tablespoons marigold petals
1 egg, beaten thoroughly a little milk

Preheat the oven. Gas Mark 8/230°C/450°F
Sift the flour with the salt and then rub in the butter or margarine. Add the sugar and mix in the marigold petals. Add the beaten egg to the mixture with a little milk to moisten it to a dough. Knead until light.
Grease individual bun tins, put 1 tablespoon of the mixture into each one and bake in the preheated oven for 12 minutes. Serve warm with butter and a nice cup of tea.


You can have 3 questions answered or
Week by Week or
Month by Month guidance
using Ancient Runes for only £10.

Your answers will be recorded while I speak to you and sent by email so that you can refer to them from time to time.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer
Email me at
This is one thing that I just can't do without. The Moon helps me to make choices and decisions and know when the best time is for any craft work. It's not just craft work though. Knowing the favourable or unfavourable positions of the Moon can help with everyday matters too - I even have an app on my phone called ILuna - if you like to have the benefit of knowing the position of the Moon at any given time then download it or follow this link and calculate the Moon chart for wherever you are in the world.  


Please, if you would like to contribute to the newsletter all you have to do is send your contribution to
You can contribute as often as you like, but I hate putting anyone including our Mel and Sandra under pressure. 
let me have your input by no later than Wednesdays. If it isn't time sensitive, I may hold it over for a week or two. All your input is welcome. Love and Blessings as always Soraya )O(

Signed Copies of Soraya's Books

Psychic Powers
If you have been drawn to this book, then you have probably had experiences that lead you to believe that you might be even the tiniest bit psychic, but psychic powers need practice and calm to be developed.
Soraya explains the importance of relaxation and how to use 
meditation and opening the Chakras to create a calm state of receptiveness and positive energy. This book gives exercises in divination using various methods that include many forms such as tarot, clouds, fortune cookies, handwriting, numbers, ancient wisdom, and also the zodiac. Appendices include sections of interpretations such as animals, birds, trees and flowers, crystals and numbers. Get your signed copy here
Book of Runes
Soraya has found that the runes, time and time again, are the most accurate of all the esoteric disciplines. Each of the 25 ancient symbols tells its own centuries-old story and in this book, Soraya gives a background to the origin of the mystic alphabet and explains how to find and use your own runes.
Soraya tells a story to describe the meaning of each rune and these stories help you to understand the meanings and how to read them for divination
. Get your signed copy here
Book of Spells
Soraya's Book of Spells contains a wonderful and comprehensive set of spells. The origins and history of
spells, and their rituals throughout the cycle of the year are explained in the first half of the book, with the materials you need, and the purpose of each spell.
The second half of the book presents a collection of spells covering such topics as luck, love, health, career, prosperity
,and travel. Soraya's Book of Spells contains everything that is needed to follow the pagan path, and is a must for both the beginner and practicing witches. Book of Spells has sold over 100,000 copies. Get your signed copy here
Book of Tarot
This book of Tarot by Soraya is an inspiring introduction to the intriguing world of divination using Tarot cards. For centuries people of all walks of life have used Tarot cards for guidance and answers.
Soraya guides you in the reading of the Tarot, from the initial purchase of your cards and theirstorage, to reading for other people.
Every card in the deck has a helpful guide to its interpretation, and there is an invaluable explanation of the significance of each card in every position of the Horoscope spread, which is Soraya's favourite Tarot card spread. Soraya's own unique designs are based on traditional Tarot symbolism and are illustrated by her husband Martin Conway.
 Get your signed copy here

Sandras Smiles
Your Weekly Horoscope from Soraya
7 - 13 July 2019


Have you heard the expression “Things can only get better?” Yes last week was good but this week promises so much more for you Aries while the Moon and the Sun dance happily around in your chart. Things will change by the 10th so enjoy this interlude.


Last week may not have been one of the best and this week, though marginally improved may end up full of weird moments if Neptune has its way.  As Mercury and Mars approach your intellect will be stimulated and you may become more assertive.


Picture the scene; you’re surrounded by friends and admirers, compliments are flowing and you are feeling on top of the world. Others will be drawn to you and new friends may be made. During this current planetary influence, the unexpected usually happens.


Jupiter and Uranus arrive in your chart and bring unexpected good fortune, financial benefits and some surprising opportunities. Be open and receptive to new ideas and you may find that this may be an exciting, lucky and stimulating period.


Between now and the 14th you will find that there is a very mixed bag of planetary influences affecting you. Some will hurry things up while others will slow things down, but if you remain focused on your objectives you will come through this period unscathed.


Take a deep breath and relax because things are settling down for you now Virgo as the position of the planets bestow you with a fortunate influence.
You may experience some unexpected developments, but on the
whole this should be a good period especially on the home front.


Between the 10th and the 13th July the Moon in its position with Uranus marks a majot period in your life and its regarded as one the most important brining life changing events. Daily routines may be disrupted in unusual, unexpected and exciting ways.


Jupiter should arrive in your chart bythe 07th and hang around for a few days and this is good news for the influence it brings shows the likelihood of financial gain and some success in your objectives. This is a particularly good period for social matters.


The Moon and Jupiter are at a standoff in your chart and this could have a drastic effect on your finances so be warned and avoid spending at this time. You wont do much better socially either so keep a low profile until this influence passes, nearer the end of the week to be safe.


Venus and Saturn will ensure that this is a good steady period for you Capricorn and you may form some very favourable relationships that lead to a financially successful period. You are likely to achieve a responsible and important position in life under this influence.


Between the 07th and 10th the Moon and Uranus pop into your chart and with that influence comes a big surprise and it should be one that improves rather than spoils things for you. Saturn brings food for thought as far as the intellect and emotions are concerned.


Your curiosity is likely to be stimulated this week and you will be itching to know how or why something works and this may even develop into studying a new subject or developing more skills or knowledge of an existing one. 

Cancer, the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac: 22nd June - 22nd July

Born under the water sign of Cancer, which is a Cardinal sign, your fortunate gemstones are Pearl, Moonstone Aquamarine and Sapphire.
Your ruling planet is the Moon
Silver, white, yellow and orange, are fortunate to you.
Friday is your best day
Eight and three are lucky for you
You should:-
Live close to water.
Work in Law, Medicine, Teaching, Engineering, Catering, or the Arts.
Be friends with Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces,  the other signs – not so much.
You are likely to be reserved preferring a few loyal friends.
Your sign governs the chest and stomach so maintain a healthy diet.
You are inclined to be sensitive so avoid worry, stress and depression.
You are generally affectionate, serious in matters of the heart and loyal, though you are inclined to be jealous.
I'm leaving the morning Ritual here for new members and as a reminder that if you remember the Goddess in your life She will remember you.
The Morning Ritual
Stand in front of a window and take a deep purifying in breath and visualise that you are breathing in sparkling light energy. Raise your hands high above your head and then clasp your hands together in the prayer position. Draw your hands down in front of your face, still clasped, down past your heart and then separate your hands and spread them as far apart as you can to each side. Visualise all your chakra points being activated and say the following prayer as you do so.
You who are the source of all power and good
Please show me what I need to know when I need to know it
Help me to listen with understanding and speak with wisdom
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
And the wisdom to change the things  I can change.
Please show me what I need to know so that I may understand.
The world is an abundant place and
I am grateful for those gifts I have already been given
And I am open and ready to receive
those gifts that are waiting to come to me
Visualise a purple cloak of protection being placed on your shoulders and draw your hands across your chest as though you are drawing the cloak over you.
You are now ready to begin your day and you can use this ritual at any time especially if you feel insecure anxious or worried.
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