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Hello dear reader & welcome to my world again this week. Over the last few days I have been reflecting on the word “rest”.  What does it mean to operate from a place of “rest”? I feel it is healthy for us to regularly stand & look at our lives… & consider where we are headed. We are so pre-occupied today with the journey everybody else is taking, we forget our own life is still a work in progress.

You have to stop running long enough to make an informed decision about which road you will travel.

An old Chinese proverb says, “If you do not change the direction you are going, the likely result will be to end up where you are headed.”  Look ahead. If you stay on the road you are travelling today, where are you going to end up?

Let me ask you a question my friends. If we could plot the path & progression of our soul, where does it end up?” Maybe right now you are at a crossroads. Perhaps life has not turned out like you would have hoped. Maybe today you find yourself empty & drained from the demands of life.

There is hope. There is a different way. . . a better way. But you are at a crossroads & you have to make a decision about the path from this point forward. The past is a friend. Many people have walked the road before us, & we can learn a lot from them. This is not about something new but rather something ancient. It is about following the footsteps of those who have gone before us.

It is not the fast way. It is not the busy way. It is not the successful way.  It is not even the leadership way, it is the good way. We all want to have a “good” life ~ a life which is emotionally healthy, relationally satisfying, & spiritually life-giving. But it is not enough to identify it, know it, or teach.  We must walk in it. 1

One author puts it this way: ‘There is a remarkable difference between 99 per cent & 100 per cent commitment. At 100 percent you see your problems all the way through to their solution. At 99 per cent you can still find a way to take the path of least resistance. Regretfully, we live in a culture where excellence is the exception. 2

People will gauge your character by the height of your ideals, the breadth of your compassion, the depth of your convictions & the length of your persistence. We should therefore approach every task thinking how we can do it better.

So many of us are in need of rest for our soul. Could it be this is what I really need most & even most deeply long for? Imagine what you want, visualise it in detail, meditate on it & list the priorities to achieve it. Make it measureable, so you can see achievement. 3

Then you can ‘rest’ in the knowledge you are the chosen path of your life & can stop to smell the roses…

Thank you for taking the time to be with me once again. I hope my journey may encourage you also. This is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson. With my best wishes for another week… I look forward to being with you all again soon.


1  Lance Witt
2  Bob & Debby Gass
3  Carla Glasgow

Kenn Butler
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