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July 2019
Vol. 4 Issue 7

Whirlwind! That’s what comes to mind as I begin this article, not only to the mind but truly what has been happening for some time now. In some ways, the wind has become a breeze or ceased to whirl in such a chaotic fashion. Answered prayers! Confidence that God is at work in the whirl of the wind! Seeing how things are coming together have created more of a calming breeze and hope for today and the future.
I don’t know of too many people who like the whirling wind. The chaos causes uneasiness and disturbs our peace. The peace that we seek to live into daily is harder to experience with the distraction of the whirlwind. So how do we keep our peace, God’s peace given to us amid the turmoil? I know from experience it comes from centering ourselves in prayer, speaking the powerful word of God over our situations, our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Peace comes from trusting in the One who will carry us through the whirlwind. And not all whirlwinds are bad because some whirlwinds are good things happening in our lives, bringing blessings.
One whirlwind was the awesome experience of finishing the journey to ordination and full connection as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. I am thankful to God and all those who journeyed with me to the culmination of this work of God. I know it’s only by God’s hand I made it! But amid the celebration was the reality the UMC is still not settled, the wind is still whirling, and we are headed towards something we cannot clearly see as of yet. But even still, we trust God is in the whirlwind and will bring a blessing as we remain steadfast and focused on him.
As we enter this new year, year five for Linden and Markham, and year four for Marshall (can you believe it!?) my prayer is that we become more and more like Jesus. I pray we find our true authority as believers and speak to the chaotic winds in our lives and the life of the church. I pray we seek to live as a people surrendered to the Spirit and allow Jesus to reign in our lives, not the chaos of what we see in the natural, and trust the One who says, “Come, follow me!”
Let us pray together and ask God, “What can we do for you, Lord? And for the people who have yet to know you?”  “Lord, how do you want us to be your hands and feet, reveal your love and grace, and welcome others into your community?” How can we be the Church in the world today? Pray!
Jesus tells us to, "Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened” (Mt. 7-8).
Let us join together in prayer as we seek God’s will and way for us in this new season. God’s blessings to you all!
Grace & Peace,

Pastor Terry
Lay Leader Message
Ministry Teams
Cooperative Parish Leadership
SPRC:  Bonnie Schmidt (CP Chair), John Fedorchak (Lay Leader), Brook Middleton (SPRC Rep.), Edith Middleton (Alt. Annual Conference Delegate), Sal Ortiz (Lay Leader/Annual Conference Lay Delegate), Dawn Bueno (Co-Lay Leader), Sheila Showers (SPRC Rep.), Cindy Kokernak (SPRC Rep.), Joe Bersack (SPRC Rep.), DeAnna Taylor (Lay Leader), Mike Rodgers (Co-Lay Leader), Amy Glascock (SPRC Rep.), Bob Lambert (Alt. Annual Conference Delegate)
Linden Church Council
Chair of Council:  Steve Showers
Lay Leader:  Sal Ortiz
Co-Lay Leader:  Dawn Bueno
SPRC Chair:  Cindy Kokernak
SPRC:  Cindy Kokernak (Chair), Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno, Sheila Showers
Finance Chair:  Vacant
Trustee Chair:  Loyd Dunford
Co-Chair:  Steve Showers
Treasurer:  Kathy Drummond
2019 Lay Member to Annual Conference:  Sal Ortiz
UMW President:  Sheila Showers
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Dawn Bueno
Young Adult Representative:  Dawn Bueno
Worship Chair, Music:  Connie Clatterbuck
District Steward:  Vacant
Church Historian:  Helen Kenney
Nurture, Evangelism:  Genia Ortiz
Adult Discipleship:  Sal Ortiz
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), Ruth Ann Rector, Helen Kenney, Maureen Dunford, Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno
Trustees:  Loyd Dunford, Steve Showers, Mary Potter, Lou Ann Bennett, Stuart Showers, Zachery Bueno
Parsonage Trustees:  Loyd Dunford (Chair), Steve Showers (Co-Chair), Zachery Bueno
Finance:  Chair Vacancy, Pastor Terry, Sal Ortiz, Dawn Bueno, Steve Showers, Loyd Dunford
Markham Church Council
Chair of Council:  Michele Middleton
Lay Leader:  John Fedorchak
Co-Lay Leader:  Vacant
SPRC Chair:  Bonnie Schmidt
SPRC:  Bonnie Schmidt (Chair), Brook Middleton, Edith Middleton, John Fedorchak
Finance Chair:  Debbie Jo Foster
Trustee Chair:  Brook Middleton
Treasurer:  Nancy Sickel
Alternate Member to Annual Conference:  Edith Middleton
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Vacant
Nurture, Hospitality, Worship:  Edith Middleton
Community Missions, Music:  Vacant
Age Level Ministries:  Vacant
Historian:  Henry Green
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), John Fedorchak, Edith Middleton
Trustees:  Brook Middleton (Chair), Cheryll Green, Nancy Sickel, Michele Middleton, Henry Green
Parsonage Trustees:  Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel, Edith Middleton
Finance:  Chair Vacancy, Pastor Terry, Edith Middleton, John Fedorchak, Bonnie Schmidt, Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel
Council Secretary:  Theresa Malinsky
Marshall Church Council
Chair of the Council:  Amy Taylor
Lay Leader:  DeAnna Taylor
Co-Lay Leader:  Mike Rodgers
SPRC Chair:  Joe Bersack
SPRC:  Joe Bersack (Chair), DeAnna Taylor, Mike Rodgers, Bob Lambert, Amy Glascock
Finance Chair:  Laurie Bersack
Co-Trustee Chair:  Rich Umbel
Co-Trustee Chair:  Terri Hill
Treasurer:  DeAnna Taylor
Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference:  Bob Lambert
Men’s Group:  Louis Nicholls
UMW:  Sally Wilfong
Youth Member:  Bobby Doane
Senior Pastor:  Terry Hendricks
Recording Secretary:  Candy Glascock
Older Adult Ministries, Memorials:  Doris Edmonds
Children’s Ministry Director:  Jean Egeland
Worship Chair:  Cathy Harris
Communications Director:  Terri Hill
Mission/Outreach Chair:  Vacant
Family Ministries:  Vacant
Education Director:  Cheryl Kowalczyk
District Steward:  Wendy Emery
Nominations:  Pastor Terry (Chair), Candy Glascock, Amy Glascock, Frances Snider, Amy Taylor, Bob Lambert
Trustees:  Rich Umbel (Chair), Terri Hill, Mike Rodgers, Philip Harris, Jimmy Lyon, Robert Glascock
Finance:  Laurie Bersack (Chair), Pastor Terry, Amy Taylor, DeAnna Taylor, Mike Rodgers, Joe Bersack, Rich Umbel, Bob Lambert, Cheryl Kowalcyzk


1  Cindy Glascock
4  Louise Vest
5  Dorothy Shiflett
6  Phyllis Gray
6  Smokey Jacobs
7  Chris Harris
7  Donald Thorpe
10  Mary Potter
11  Brian Clatterbuck
11  Connie Showers
11  Doug Payne, Jr.
11  Steve Showers
20  Joe Bersack
22  Ricky Reynolds
23  Carter Veverka
23  Joan Fries
23  Peggy Goldsmith
25  Bradley Glascock
28  Jeff Machamer
28  Michelle Middleton
3  Cheryll & Hank Green


We ask for prayers for People suffering natural and man-made disasters, Global   financial crisis, families in financial trouble, unemployed, our nation & leaders, our military at home and abroad, the lost, work of  Gideon’s Intl, persecuted Christians worldwide, God’s guidance in our churches, those incarcerated, harmony in USA, respect for police, racial tensions, parolees searching for God and new direction.

Any and all prayer updates and additions:  or 

Lay Leader Message

2019 Virginia United Methodist Church Annual Conference
I was truly blessed to be selected as the delegate from the Linden / Markham / Marshall Cooperative Parish for annual conference. This was my second annual conference. I attended one several years ago
when Reverend Ralph Crabill was our pastor. My wife Genia and I left for the Berglund Center in
Roanoke, VA early Thursday morning June 20, 2019. The conference began at 10:00 AM.
The theme for this year’s conference was, “Moving in God’s Mission.” The biblical reference for this year’s theme was Matthew 28: 18-20 which states,"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.""
Since our bishop Sharma Lewis is out on medical leave, Bishop Peter Weaver convened the 237th session of conference. Six churches were discontinued in five districts. The Winchester did not have any churches that were discontinued.
Bishop Tracy Malone from Ohio preached on The Great Commission. She said, "We see a conferring of power and authority.  This power that God gave to Christ has also been given to everyone.  As disciples of Christ we are given a charge and commission to go and teach EVERYONE we meet in the way of Christ.  God has given us everything we need to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world."
Reverend Dr. Alexander Duncan Jr, a member of the retiring class preached on the subject Time’s Up. To each season there is a beginning and an end. Time isn’t up until God calls us home.
The Rev. Seungsoo “RJ” Jun, pastor of Raleigh Court UMC, Roanoke District, preached for the Service of Remembrance in which 63 conference clergy and laity who died since the last Annual Conference were remembered. I was sad to find out that Reverend Edward Van Dyck who was a pastor at Linden and Markham had passed away November 3, 2018.
Sixteen people were ordained elders, three were ordained deacons, thirteen were commissioned as provisional members, one was recognized for orders, one associate member was recognized and 24 were licensed as local pastors in the Friday evening Ordering of Ministry service. Bishop Tracy Malone delivered the sermon preached on the topic of “From Start to Finish” based on Hebrews 11:29-12:3. Jesus finished the race set before him and now he is at the place of honor next to God. She shared three significant convictions: you must keep alive the gift, be bold in your witness and keep at your work to let God do what He can do and will do.
The closing worship was preached by Bishop Weaver based his sermon on Matthew 28 with a sermon titled “Go, Glow, Grow.” The bishop said, "The word 'go' means also to travel spiritually and attitudinally. We begin to glow "when we are willing to go and God is with us," he said. When we Go and Glow, we will Grow.
At the end of the closing service, we had communion. Pastor Terry and I were blessed to be one of twenty groups who served communion to the 5000 or so in attendance. It was very humbling to be a server. It gave me a new perspective on what Jesus must have felt like when he fed 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves.
This year’s kit collection required the addition of a third tractor trailer due to the influx of kits. These kits will be transferred to Mission Central warehouse in Pennsylvania for distribution by UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Annual Conference members brought 51,202 disaster relief kits for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to Annual Conference. Kits included: 36,296 Hygiene kits; 14,243 School kits and 663 Flood buckets.
If you ever get the opportunity to attend annual conference, do it. Especially if your pastor is getting ordained. My final words to Pastor Terry on getting ordained are, “Well done good and faithful servant! “
Your Brother in Christ, 

Sal Ortiz
Linden UMC Lay Leader

Linden News
Worship Leaders:

Communion Steward:

Sal Ortiz

Diane Spears &
Sapphire Segar-Young
Linden Choir
Linden’s Choir is taking a break for the summer and hopes to resume come September 2019. However, this will depend on how many people are interested in being part of the choir. We are a small church with a congregation of people with busy lives and understand that it might be difficult to attend a weekly practice and service on Sundays.
However, I want to tell you a little secret about Linden’s Choir. I have been part of the choir for 4 years now. The choir was one of the first things through Linden UMC that I joined and I am grateful I did. I was invited to practice the same week of my first day attending service. I am not a talented singer. I know I am not the next American Idol. I tell Judy often that I can’t hit those high notes like her, oh how I wish I could. Sal and I sit in the back of the choir and sing the lower guys parts, most the time giggling when we realized we were singing the wrong song or on the wrong line. When I started choir I was really nervous. Mary told me not to be nervous, whether I thought I could sing or not, God loves all our joyful noises. That statement stuck with me. My first Christmas Cantata, I had a solo and was terrified. Betty calmed my nerves and made me stare at the stained glass in the back of the church and pretend no one else was around, just me and Jesus in the window. I was told I did a great a job. Choir is fun, relaxing and inspiring. I really enjoy it, but truthfully, I am not part of the choir just for singing. I love the music and I love the songs…but I love the fellowship and people more.
Every Thursday at 7:00pm, September – February, Sal and I would start choir discussing football. Other times of the year, Judy would tell us of her adventures while traveling or Ruth Ann would tell us about her kids/grandkids. Maureen would let us know the progress of her garden. Mary and Connie would bring light to all conversations. The beginning of practice every Thursday was a group of people smiling in fellowship, discussing everything and nothing. No matter how my week had been, good or bad, I would leave LUMC of Thursday nights with a true smile on my face and in my heart. Good people, good conversation, good fellowship and good music!
In order for us to restart the choir in the fall, we need at least 6 people interested and committed to the choir. You do not need to be a talented singer…there are no auditions. You just need to show up and sing praises with us. If you have any questions, please see Connie, Sal or Dawn. We really hope to start singing in the Fall again! Currently scheduled for Thursday evenings, 7pm-8pm. Can be adjusted if needed. I hope to see ya’ll there!
Dawn Bueno

Markham News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:


Markham Directory
The Markham Church directories are now available in the back of the Markham Church.  We thank Tom Falkowski for sharing his artistic talent and taking the wonderful photos for us. 
Markham is organizing a food drive to support C-Cap, a food distribution center in Front Royal.  With the government shut-down, food pantries are providing food to even more people than usual.  To find out how we could help, Edith Middleton spoke to the C-cap director.  They need the following non-perishable items:

Canned Fruit
Canned Meat
Peanut Butter
Boxed food items

Please note that C-Cap Does NOT need canned vegetables and tuna.  Also, they do not want bulk items.

There will be a box at the back of the church for our donations.  Please consider bringing something on Sundays.  If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to "Markham UMC" and mark “C-Cap” in the memo section of your check.  

Thank you all for your assistance in feeding our neighbors in need!!!!!
First Sunday of Month, donuts and coffee following worship.

Third Sunday of Month, breakfast following worship at
Edith Middleton’s home.
Weekly ESL classes
Is finished and will resume in the fall.
Marshall News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:

Bob Lambert
Cheryl Kowalczyk
Amy Taylor


Nathan & Ian

Congratulations to Pastor Terry for her journey in becoming an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church. The worship service was beautiful, the music was awesome, and the message was very encouraging. There are so many brothers and sisters who have been working diligently for Christ who received recognition on Friday, June 21st. But also remember, we are all called to be a witness for Jesus Christ and to run the race that God has set out for us. Stay encouraged and let the Holy Spirit lead you. 

If you want to watch the recording of the Service Ordering of Ministry from the annual conference, here is the link:
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Grace and peace,

DeAnna Taylor
A message from Linda Berkermeier's brother-in-law Frank, married to her sister Jan who lives in Aurora, IL.

“As a child in a Nazi occupied country I had many scary moments like when the Gestapo raided our house, which they did several times. Or when I had to go into hiding because the Nazis wanted to deport me and I was followed by a German tank.

And as a police officer I had to go into a building by myself looking for two armed men, or when during a tornado warning, all of a sudden the rain went horizontal and my squad car wound up on somebody's lawn.

NO, the scariest moment was when after I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord, and had learned from studying the Bible that Jesus would return and catch up all true believers into Heaven before the wrath of God was poured out on a sinful world. I had gotten up, put on my best clothes and drove to church, which I did every Sunday morning. But, when I got to the church, the parking lot was totally empty. In horror I thought that the Lord had returned, AND I HAD BEEN LEFT BEHIND.

I could not understand why I had been left behind. I prayed very hard for the Lord to let me know why he had not taken me too. I figured that millions of believers would have seemingly disappeared. When I finally got myself together and was planning how I would survive the coming Tribulation Period which the Bible predicts that 2/3 of all people will be killed. I decided that I needed to see what the newspapers were saying about this event.

There was a Denny's restaurant nearby so I went there and ordered a cup of coffee while looking for the paper. When I looked at the newspaper there was no mention of the disappearance of millions of people. I then noticed the date of the paper was Saturday. I told the waitress that I had wanted today,s paper Her reply was that this was today's paper. I argued that this was Saturday's paper and not today's she looked at my panic stricken self and told me "TODAY IS SATURDAY". It was not Sunday as I had thought I HAD NOT BEEN LEFT BEHIND !!!

That was the scariest day of my life..”
Memorials have been recorded since 1945.  Doris Edmonds is currently our keeper of record of all memorials.  We will try to feature one of the windows in the upcoming newsletters to share this legacy with our church family.

This month I am featuring the two windows done in memory of Elizabeth Frame donated on May 26, 2004.  The cost of these windows were $1,972.

Recent memorial gifts

In memory of Tommy Weeks:   New hearing devices

In memory of Gary Houk:  To date $750 has been donated and will go toward replacing the carillons.   There is an anonymous person willing to match whatever funds we raise for the carillons.  Gary loved the carillons and we would like to dedicate the new carillons in his memory.

Memorials for Charlotte Duncan are currently at $500 and these will also go towards our new carillons.

Thank you,

Doris Edmonds
Coming up at Marshall...
Community Lunches
The lunch is a pot-luck, except new people/ first-timers.  It is held the first Thursday of each month at noon. There are announcements of events in the community and area churches, prayer requests, singing and lots of good food and time for fellowship.
You do not need to be member of Marshall to attend –    all are welcome. Senior trips are also offered with a sign up sheet at each lunch.  Contact Doris Edmonds for details!
We will be collecting Toys for Tots through July and August so bring in your new unwrapped toys to add to the boxes in the sanctuary!
Click here to sign up to prepare a meal for the Barr family:
Congregational Care
We have started the process of creating a Congregational Care team.  This would include prayer, visitations, writing notes, and sometimes just sitting and listening to someone.  More information will be available in the near future.   Please be prayerfully thinking if this is something you would like to be involved with.  
Thank you,

Cathy Harris
Ministry Teams
Children's Ministry
I went to VBS.  At VBS I ate marshmallows!  I saw old friends and  met new friends.  I learned that Jesus is in lots of things.  I had lots of fun !


Misa Doane
Looking for children's ministry and assistants, if interested see Jean or Sasha.  Join our team and support our community by teaching our children about God. 
Jean Egeland
There are so many exciting opportunities to learn, study and become connected.  Please consider joining one (or more) of the studies listed below:

Traditional Bible/groups studies:
Women’s Bible Study: TBD

Adult Sunday School: Galatians

Children’s Church: All Together Now (during Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. service)
Methodist studies - coming soon:
A Disciple’s Path, James A. Harnish (July 10 – Aug 21).  Studies will be held at Linden (2 pm); Marshall (6:30-8:00).  Sign up by 6/23.  A 7-week study, led by Pastor Terry focusing on discipleship within the context of the UM heritage and tradition.  Following this study, you will deepen your personal relationship with Christ and within the Church. 

A Disciple’s Heart, James A Harnish (September 11 – Oct 23).  Studies will be held at Marshall in the evenings only (6:30-8:00) and will be facilitated by Mike Taylor and Cheryl Kowalczyk.

If you have a topic of study you'd like to explore further, please see either Mike Taylor or Cheryl Kowalczyk to see how we can get it on the study calendar.  Also, if you feel led to 'teach' disciples, please let us know -- we would love to provide you with an opportunity to share your talent.
Cheryl Kowalczyk
MUMPS is now enrolling for fall!
One of our congregation’s goals for 2019 is to support our preschool families by providing financial assistance as needed.
Last summer, our planning team had a stated goal to raise at least $3,600 this school year to support two students who had already been identified.  We developed a written application and guidelines for awarding assistance.  The Preschool Board will review the applications and allocate contributions to families who may need tuition assistance for one month, several months or the entire school year. 
We’ve received many generous contributions but we do need help to make this a reality!  If you’re able to assist, please notate “MUMPS tuition contribution” on your checks made payable to MUMC.
Questions may be directed to Donna Thomas, Preschool Director (  or Wendy Emery (  As always, your generosity is appreciated. 
Wendy Emery
Do you know UMCOR?
UMCOR stands for United Methodist Committee on Relief and will be the focal point of a Special Sunday Service in March. When watching disaster unfold around the globe, many of us feel the call to help but are at a loss as to what we can actually do to help. UMCOR Sunday is the day for congregations around the globe to help.  UMCOR offers aid in Jesus’ name to those who suffer:
  • When tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, we responded.
  • When children in Zimbabwe lost parents to AIDS, we responded.
  • When a massive tsunami devastated lives in Japan, we responded.
And when the next crisis occurs, we will be prepared to respond.  On this Special Sunday on March 31, 2019, our generosity as a church covers the operating budget of UMCOR. This allows them to funnel 100% of other donations received throughout the year directly to relief efforts.  UMCOR Sunday is where we come together to help.
If you want to learn more about UMCOR visit:
Weekend LunchBox mid-year Reminder!
Our Lunch program begins in September and runs through May or a couple of weeks before the end of school.   Each week we pack 24-26 lunches in bags for children at Coleman Elem. School.  The average cost of items in all 24 lunches each week is $50-75.  Any week you would like to contribute to this, just mark your check as Weekend Lunch in the Memo line.   You are also invited to spend 15 minutes in the Fellowship Hall after worship to pack these lunches and join  together to pray over them at the end. 
Whether monetarily or hands on, your help is always greatly appreciated!
Terri Hill & Smokey Jacobs
Seniors on the Go!
July 25

Leaving church at 11:00am to Shenandoah Lodge at Lake Frederick

United Methodist Women
Coming up with UMW...
UMW Outing
The UMW will not have their monthly meeting, but will gather at Big Dog Pots on 07/13 at 9 a.m.

Cooperative Parish Calendar & Regional Events

Click the following link for the July Cooperative Parish Calendar

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