As we walk this human road together .. 
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Speak A Language Of Life ..
Sept 28-29 | Victoria
Details (earlybird Sept 6)
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Speak A Language Of Life ..
Oct 19-20 | Golden Lake
Details (earlybird Aug 31)
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A Call To Live Deeply
Feb 22-29, 2020 
Mar de Jade, Mexico
Details (earlybird Nov 1)
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Fall seven times, stand up eight.

—Japanese proverb

In Gnostic societies and cultures, there’s a belief that on the night you were born, you had a twin that was thrown into exile—we all have one. And the business of being a functioning adult, with all the complexity that entails, is that at certain points in your life, you seek out the wild twin that culture at large wants you to ignore. So you gotta be in touch with your own senses to do that. You’ve got to be un-tranced. You’ve got to be woken up. You’ve gotta know what you stand for. You gotta know what you’re gonna defend. You gotta know what music you like, what colors speak to you—the whole thing.

—Martin Shaw


Rain and poetry ...

Dear <<First Name>>,
I write to you as the rain softly comes down here in Victoria BC. So much of our grass has turned yellow like straw and is in much need of hydration. I remember the thunder storms in Ontario where I grew up and how the rain would come down in buckets for a good hour. Everything would be well soaked. That doesn't happen here where I live. Thunder storms and heavy downpours are rare.


As many of you may already know, I like to write poetry. It's one of the ways I deal with the complexities of being in this world. Poet David Whyte describes poetry as "language against which we have no defenses." Too often I think we opine and argue to resolve situations where none are to be found. Yes there are times when we can certainly do better and improve on our choices, but there are dilemmas that come by virtue of being born that cannot resolve in the ways we would perhaps hope.


Bewildered Humans

There are men in this world who love more than one woman
There are women in this world who love more than one man
There are men who love men

And women who love women
There are artists, shamans and prophets who whisper into a beloved's ears
Compelling them with a tender kiss to carry a blazing torch

Love curls up inside all manner of places beyond borders
I remember that I lose track of right and wrong when I colour outside the lines ..
I am suddenly the wing of the eagle as the talons grip the unsuspecting fish from the water’s rippling surface
I am the mother bear prepared at any moment to defend her cubs on the blueberry thick hill
I am the loon sending a haunting alarm to its mate across the glass waters lit by a periwinkle dusk

This much I know: what meets my need for safety and trust is that which remains inside the lines of how I want life to be

People have their rules. It makes life simpler at times
And yet, life sneaks out past the curfew, slips through the locked gate and goes off into the wild to remember itself unchained, sensuous and free
Life extends an open hand to the bewildered humans shaking their heads at the trespass and beckons benevolently from the morning breeze ..
Can you be human and take a knee to wonder?
Can you marvel that you saw a shooting star even if you didn’t understand it?
Can you burn your approval score card?
Can you simply marvel at having been there when such uncommon blessings were scattered at your feet?

Aye .. the waters are choppy these days
People despair and take their lives
Whales choke on plastic
Polar bears starve on melting ice caps
Too much suffering to digest
Every day I must choose which world to live in ..
all the while remembering that there is but this ONE precious shimmering blue world upon which we are all so vulnerably dependent
I am planting my amens in as many places as I can before death comes for me
The window called my life is impossibly marvelous and brief

What's right? What's wrong?
I finally said, "I don't know" and wept
Daisies later sprang from the moistened soil, their bright yellow faces jubilant for my offering

© Rachelle Lamb


Art: Cady Driver


It's all about the courtship! This is such an amazing 4 minutes narrated by Sir David Attenborough illustrating the enormous length a bird will go to in order to attract a mate. This bird in particular is very good at house keeping and dancing!



Wondering how to take NVC to the next level? Please consider my mentorship program: an effective way to deepen your practice and possibly become a reliable source others can turn to in times of need. 



Thank you for reading. Until the next time, may you and your kin be well .. 

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Rachelle Lamb, Breakthrough Conversations · 7-1276 Ryan Street · Victoria, BC V8T 1Y3 · Canada

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