July 11, 2019
The art of reading is to skip judiciously.
― Alexander Hamilton

all tracks listed on Coletrickle Daily
Ray Barretto - A Deeper Shade Soul
funky, latino, awesome weird set that seems to be par for the course at Fusion...
The Impossible Dream
Lapham's Quarterly
These words, from Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, are so familiar that it is easy to assume their meaning is obvious. The puzzle lies in the assertion that we have a right to pursue happiness. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of 1690, said we are all created equal and have inalienable rights, including those to life and liberty. But for Locke the third crucial right was the right to property. In Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding, also published in 1690, he wrote about the pursuit of happiness, but it follows from his account there that there can be no right to pursue happiness because we will pursue happiness come what may. The pursuit of happiness is a law of human nature (of what we now call psychology), just as gravity is a law of physics. A right to pursue happiness is no more necessary than a right for water to run downhill.
The modern life requires versatility and for those of you who agree with me that traveling in leisure wear is not an option, I introduce the "24-hour trouser" from L'Estrange. Perfect for virtually every situation, these pants can start the day in the boardroom and end the day at a cheeky little sunset beach drink. 

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