REQUIRED - First Day of School Attendance Census
In order to accurately account for student enrollment at Lutz Preparatory School K-8 in the 2019-20 school year we require all K-8 families to complete a First Day of School Attendance Census online form for EACH student who is attending our K-8 school. This required online form completion includes any new students who were accepted through our lottery process.
Please note, this is NOT for preschool students attending Lutz Pre-Prep, only K-8 students enrolled in the public charter school.
Click on the red button below to complete the online form, deadline is Friday, July 12, 2019, at midnight.
You need your student's 7 digit HCPS Student ID to complete this form, if you do not know this number please email and it will be emailed to you ASAP. New Kindergarten families were emailed their HCPS Student ID's on June 23, 2019, please check your SPAM folder for receipt.
You will receive a confirmation screen at the end of the online form stating "THIS PAGE CONFIRMS RECEIPT OF YOUR FIRST DAY ATTENDANCE CENSUS" with additional details. Please do not contact the school asking for a second confirmation of receipt. We will contact you if your student is missing any enrollment requirements.
2019-20 Hillsborough County Public Schools Volunteer Application Opened July 1, 2019 Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year.
Our year starts July 1 and runs through June 30.
All volunteers who will be:
Onsite at Lutz Preparatory School OR
Offsite on a Lutz Preparatory Field Trip
are required to complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year. This includes Level 2, Fingerprinted volunteers. Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year. A new application is available on July 1, the start of a new school year.
Click on the button below to complete or reactive your application beginning July 1st, 2019. Please don't delay - it can take up to 4 weeks to get approved and volunteers are not permitted on campus or field trips until approved by the county.