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Parshas Chukas - Shlishi with Rashi

Moshe and Aharon hit the rock to give water to the Yidden. Hashem told them that because of this, they will need to stay in the Midbar and not go into Eretz Yisroel.

Even though the Yidden didn’t ask nicely for water after Miriam passed away, Hashem still wanted to give them water.

Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu to take his stick and bring all of the Yidden to see. He should talk to the rock where Miriam’s well used to come from. Then it will give water again, in MOSHE’S zechus.

Moshe and Aharon got all of the Yidden together. It was a neis that everyone was able to see!

But they had a problem — they couldn’t find the rock where Miriam’s well used to be from! It had gotten mixed up with other rocks. The Yidden said, “We don’t care which rock you get water from!” But Moshe was upset at them — “Do you think we can get water from a rock that Hashem didn’t ask us to get water from?”

To show them, he spoke to one of the rocks like Hashem said — and it didn’t give any water, because it wasn’t the right one. Moshe and Aharon thought that maybe they need to hit it — since the first well the Yidden had in the Midbar came from a rock that Moshe hit.

By Hashgacha Protis, Moshe hit the RIGHT rock, instead of the one he spoke to before! But since he was supposed to TALK to the rock, it only gave out a little bit of water. So Moshe hit it again, and the water came out. Now the Yidden had water to drink for themselves and for their animals. This well stayed with the Yidden until Moshe passed away.

Hashem was upset with Moshe and Aharon, because they could have made a big Kiddush Hashem! All of the Yidden would see how even a ROCK listens to Hashem. But since Moshe and Aharon didn’t talk to the rock, Hashem will need to punish them. Now they won’t be allowed to go into Eretz Yisroel.

This water got a name “Mei Merivah” (the water of argument), since the Yidden had argued with Hashem. Hashem punished the Yidden for this by not giving them the lands of Amon, Moav, and Edom now — they will have to wait until Moshiach comes.

Chassidus explains that hitting the rock was not the MAIN REASON why Moshe shouldn’t go into Eretz Yisroel — it was like an excuse. Really, the main reason is because Moshe Rabbeinu was the Rebbe of the Yidden in the Midbar. Even though Moshe Rabbeinu was ready to go into Eretz Yisroel, since his nation had to stay in the Midbar, Hashem wanted him to stay with them — until the time of the Geulah, when Moshe Rabbeinu will bring these Yidden with him into Eretz Yisroel!



35 - 38

Today’s kapitelach are Lamed-Hey to Lamed-Ches.

In Kapitel Lamed-Zayin, Dovid Hamelech tells people not to be jealous of the hatzlacha of Resha’im, so that they won’t try to copy them.

The first posuk starts “L’Dovid Al Tis’char Bamereiim Al Tekanei Be’osei Avla” — “A kapitel by Dovid: Do not make competitions with people who do bad things, do not be jealous of those who do aveiros.”

The Medrash Yalkut Shimoni teaches that there is a similar posuk in Mishlei, written by Shlomo Hamelech. That posuk also tells us when we SHOULD be jealous — we should be jealous of people who have Yiras Shomayim!

The Medrash explains that the world couldn’t last without this good kind of jealousy! If people weren’t jealous of other people for the good things they do, people would never plant a field, get married, or build a house. In fact, without jealousy, Avraham Avinu could not have become the first of the Avos, and began the entire Yiddishe nation!

When did that happen?

Avraham Avinu was once speaking to Malki-Tzedek (another name for Sheim, one of Noach’s sons). Avraham asked him: “What zechus did you have to be able to come off the teivah alive and well?”

Malki-Tzedek said, “It was because of the tzedakah that we gave on the teivah.”

Avraham Avinu was confused! “What tzedakah? Were there any poor people on the teivah? Only Noach and his sons were there!”

Malki-Tzedek explained, “We gave tzedakah to all of the animals and birds! We never went to sleep until we made sure that every single animal and bird had the food it needed.”

When Avraham Avinu heard this, he said: “If doing this kind of chesed to animals and birds was enough of a zechus to leave the teivah, imagine how special it will be if I do chesed for PEOPLE, who are created B’Tzelem Elokim, to look like Hashem!”

He then decided to set up an “Eishel.” The word Eishel stands for Achilah (food), Shesiyah (drink), and Leviyah (bringing them on their way). Avraham Avinu set up his tent in the middle of the desert to give people food and drink, and bring them on their way!



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Yud

In today’s Tanya we learn an example of how Hashem made the world using all of the different sefiros.

Today in Tanya, we learn about how Hashem made the world using ALL of His holy Sefiros! Since Hashem is one, everything Hashem does uses all of the Sefiros together.

The Alter Rebbe gives us some examples of how parts of the world were made with ALL of the Sefiros. For example, on the first day of Briyas HaOlam, Hashem’s Chesed was very strong! Hashem said “Yehi Ohr” and made light, mainly using His Chesed! But Hashem’s Chesed also has Gevurah, which made the light a Gashmius’dike light that can be used in this world. (Chesed has no limits, but Gevurah gives it limits.)

On the second day, Hashem’s Gevurah was shining strong! Hashem said “Yehi Rakia” and made the sky to split the world into Gashmius water and Ruchnius water. Separating something shows Hashem’s Gevurah. But this also shows Hashem’s Chesed, since Hashem needed to split the water so we could have a place to live!

PEOPLE can have Midos separately, but Hashem’s Midos are ALL together. So Hashem’s Chesed isn’t just Chesed, and Hashem’s Gevurah isn’t just Gevurah! We call it “Chesed” when Chesed is the strongest, but with Hashem they are all one.



Vov Tammuz

Chassidus explains that the chayus Hashem gives to the world comes in three different levels:

1) Penimi (something we can feel inside)
2) Makif Hakarov (something surrounding us, but close to us)
3) Makif Harachok (something surrounding us, but far from us)

These three levels are also in our neshama and in our Torah and mitzvos.

What do they mean?

Chayus that comes in a way of Pnimius is a chayus we can understand and appreciate. We can feel how it makes a difference for us! For example, the mitzvos of how to do business properly — we understand why we do these mitzvos and we feel how they change things for us.

Chayus that comes in a way of Makif Hakarov is chayus we can’t understand yet. We can tell that it makes a difference, but we can’t feel it in a strong way. As our connection to Yiddishkeit becomes stronger, we can make it into Pnimius!

Chayus that comes in a way of Makif Harachok is chayus that we will never be able to understand. For example, the mitzvah of Parah Adumah — we know that it is there, but we can’t feel it or understand it. In a way, this kind of chayus is even MORE important and makes a BIGGER difference in our Yiddishkeit!

In today’s Hayom Yom, the Rebbe explains how we can start to understand and appreciate the makif part of mitzvos, the part we usually can’t understand! There are certain mitzvos that help make makif into pnimi.

One of these mitzvos is tzedakah.

Giving tzedakah is a keili to help us understand and feel other mitzvos. That is why it is good to give tzedakah before we do mitzvos, so we will be able to feel our mitzvos in a way of Pnimius!

There is also a way to connect to Makif Harachok, the chayus that is much higher than we can understand. Learning Torah connects us to Makif Harachok, which connects us to Yiddishkeit in an even higher way!



Shiur #312 - Mitzvas Asei #248

Today we learn the same mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #248) one last time for this year — to follow the halachos in Torah about a yerusha, an inheritance.



Hilchos Nachalos

Perek Tes: One halacha is that if the oldest brother buys fancy clothes, and now everyone is nicer to their family, it doesn’t come out of his money, because it helps all of them.

In Perek Yud, we learn that if we originally divided up the yerusha wrong, we need to divide it again! For example, if the person who passed away said to give a certain tree as a present to his friend, and they forgot when they split up the yerusha, they need to give the person the tree and then divide the yerusha again.

In Perek Yud-Alef, we learn that if someone passes away R”L when his children are too young to get a yerusha, the Beis Din needs to put someone in charge of watching over his things until the children are older.

Even though the person in charge doesn’t need to write down everything he does, he should be very careful, because Hashem Himself is the Tatty or Mommy of these children, like the posuk says, “Avi Yesomim Vedayan Almanos, Elokim B’Meon Kadsho.”

Mazel Tov! Now we’ve finished learning the 13th book of the Rambam, Sefer Mishpatim! Tomorrow we will IY”H start the last sefer of Rambam, Sefer Shoftim!



Hilchos Shaar Avos HaTumah - Perek Beis

Now we learn what happens when a (non-kosher) animal is shechted — it does not make other things tomei until it has stopped moving.



Giving Tzedakah Like a Chossid

There is a story told about the Baal Shem Tov, that he used to give a lot of tzedakah — more than he could afford.

In Usha (one of the places where there was a big yeshiva), there was a takana made that you shouldn’t be mevazvez (spend) more than 1/5th of your wealth on tzedakah.

The Baal Shem Tov was asked, how can you give more than the amount the Chachomim told you to?

The Baal Shem Tov answered, “Mevazvez comes from the word ‘biza,’ the spoils of a war. With a person who has to fight with himself to give, he shouldn’t give more than a chomeish, 1/5th.

“But if someone enjoys giving, why is tzedakah different than any other pleasure, where a person can spend as much as he wants or needs?”

The Rebbe adds to this story, that this is even more true when we remember Hashem’s promise, that we can test Him with tzedakah. This will bring even more simcha and taanug into our giving, and we can give as much tzedakah as we want!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Alef, p. 169


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Yosheiv Beseiser

After the paragraph of Yaalzu in Kriyas Shema She’al Hamitah, we say part of Kapitel Tzadik-Alef of Tehillim, which starts with the words “Yosheiv Beseiser Elyon.”

In the Gemara in Mesechta Shevuos, it says that Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi would say this kapitel at night for protection against the kelipos that are stronger at night. It is called “Shir Shel Pega’im,” the song that protects us against not-good things happening.

This kapitel speaks about Hashem’s protection until the words “Ki Ata Hashem Machsi.” We read these words, and then finish the posuk, “Elyon Samti Me’onecha.”



Saying Pesukim in Shema Multiple Times

In Kriyas Shema She’al Hamitah, there are many different nuschaos and minhagim. The nusach that the Alter Rebbe chose is based on the kavanos of the Arizal, and on things explained in Kabbalah.

One of the things we do in our nusach is to say certain pesukim in Kriyas Shema three times. We say the pesukim describing Shlomo Hamelech’s bed three times, and then again the words Birchas Kohanim three times. (We also repeat many pesukim later on in Shema.)

In Kabbalah, it explains the reason for repeating the pesukim of Hinei Mitaso Shelishlomo three times: These pesukim have 20 words all together. If we say the pesukim three times, we end up with sixty words. This matches the sixty letters in Birchas Kohanim!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



All of Us Will Gather Together

Most of Sefer Yirmiyah is the Navi warning the Yidden to do teshuvah, or else Hashem will cause the Churban of the Beis Hamikdash. So this sefer is not a very happy one.

In fact, even though the Frierdiker Rebbe learned the whole Tanach baal peh when he was a child, the sefer Yirmiyah was very hard for him to do. It was much too sad.

Still, there are some happy pesukim, where Yirmiyah gives nevuos about Moshiach!

In one of these pesukim, Hashem says through the Navi that all of the Yidden will gather together in Yerushalayim:

הִנְנִי מֵבִיא אוֹתָם מֵאֶרֶץ צָפוֹן וְקִבַּצְתִּים מִיַּרְכְּתֵי אָרֶץ בָּם עִוֵּר וּפִסֵּחַ הָרָה וְיֹלֶדֶת יַחְדָּו קָהָל גָּדוֹל יָשׁוּבוּ הֵנָּה

Hineni Meivi Osam Me’Eretz Tzafon — I will bring them from the north land (where they were in Golus)

Vekibatztim MiYarkesei Aretz — And I will gather them from the furthest parts of the world (this is talking about the 10 shevatim that were scattered very far)

Bam Iver U’fiseiach — Including those who are blind and those who can’t walk

Hara Veyoledes Yachdav — Together with the mother who is pregnant and one who just had a baby.

Kahal Gadol Yashuvu Heina — A big group will come back there (to Yerushalayim)!

You may know this posuk from a song about Hakhel! This posuk talks about the big Hakhel of all of the Yidden together, which will happen when Moshiach comes!

See Yirmiyah perek Lamed-Alef posuk Zayin

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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