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Tecnológico de Monterrey


of Educational Innovation

Hello readers,
Like every Tuesday, we curated a selection of exciting stories on education and innovation. Enjoy your reading.

Should the term “teacher” be changed? A transformative educator thinks so

Educator Ben Johnson proposes the new title “learning engineer,” after the idea that a teacher does so much more than “teach.” They inspire creativity, curiosity, persistence, and forge the workforce of tomorrow; all this while instructing students in a specific topic.


Impact of mobile learning on knowledge acquisition

Research professors from Tecnológico de Monterrey evaluated the effectiveness of the use of videos for educational purposes in an experimental setting for six years. Know the results of the study in this article.


What is math anxiety and how does it block children from learning?

The root of students’ low performance in Math may be psychological. Math anxiety is a psychological problem rather than a learning disability, but it can have the same impact regardless.


Cell phone addiction worries teachers and students

Studies show that teenagers can spend approximately up to nine hours online each day. But not only students are affected by the excessive use of mobile devices. Teachers admit they also get distracted by students who use their mobile phones during class.


What is STEM education and why it matters?

Currently, 20% of jobs worldwide come from STEM fields. In the U.S. only there are only 26 million STEM-related jobs, and they will continue to grow in the following years. Also, the salaries of STEM graduates are generally higher than the average of all posts.


What we are reading

Bill Gates, Please Stay Away from Higher Education
His ideas backed by his wealth have had a tremendous, largely deleterious effect on systems and schools. (Inside Higher Ed)

What Happens When Women Run Colleges?
Only 30 percent of all college presidents are women. "It’s like the old joke: Fred Astaire was a great dancer, but Ginger Rogers did everything he did backward and in heels." (The Chronicle of Higher Education - paywall)

Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills
An analysis found that women are more effective in 84% of the most frequently measure competencies. (HBR)

Higher Ed Has Become ‘An Entrepreneurial and Philanthropic Wild West’
Plenty of groups these days are trying to reinvent college, but those groups don’t always talk to each other or even know what the others are working on. (EdSurge)

When Passion Leads to Burnout
“Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” It’s a nice idea but a total myth. (HBR)

AltSchool rebrands itself Altitude Learning as cofounders step aside
When Max Ventilla cofounded AltSchool in 2013, he had big plans. But operating schools is complicated, mainly when your goal is to reinvent the very idea of school. (Fast Company)

Smartphones aren’t making millennials grow horns. Here’s how to spot a bad study
The researchers “haven’t provided the data to back up their claim,” said John Hawks, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Wisconsin. (PBS)


Quote of the week

“It would be a sad world if we all worked for PwC,”

Says Chris Skidmore UK’s Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation. Skidmore criticizes relying on graduate earnings data to measure the quality of universities and warns that it would be “Orwellian” to base government policy on the figures alone.

Upcoming events

July 17   Webinar: "Higher Ed and Digital Credentials: Creating an Agile Workforce"
August 2 - 9   Digital Pedagogy Lab
August 6 - 8   DT&L conference
September 24 - 27   EAIE 2019
See more...
Are you excited as I am to see today the FIFA Women's World Cup semi-finals? Who are you rooting for today, USA or England? Regardless of who wins, more importantly, is addressing the gender pay gap in the sports world (and elsewhere). While I prepare the snacks for the match, it would be wonderful to hear your opinion (positive or critical) about this newsletter. Please get in touch at

- Karina Fuerte, Editor in Chief, Observatory.

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