July 2019
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Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS
A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey

Happy July!

Happy July 1st/Canada Day, and many blessings to our neighbours of the south for July 4th, Independence Day!  We have another intense month ahead as we move into the Dog Days of Summer and Eclipse Season, featuring a total solar eclipse on July 2nd and partial lunar eclipse on July 16th!

Enjoy the heat and try to get some quality relaxation time!

Much love,

Pete's Pick!

Each month, I highlight one of the interviews I'd hosted on my Voice America radio show "Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation" from 2009-2014. Each episode features a leading expert on spiritual topics relating to the great awakening we are all experiencing right now! In some ways, these shows are more valid than ever and are worth listening to once again - from this new vantage point of Earth, 2019.
This Month's Radio Show: A New Way to Understand The Diagnosis of Autism with Suzy Miller

After a 22-year career as a pediatric speech language pathologist, Suzy Miller met a four-year old child diagnosed with autism who was destined to change not only the way she viewed autism, but life in general. This powerful interaction left her with the skill of telepathy, which she uses to communicate with the highest aspects of who we are, bringing awareness and integration of those higher aspects of self into our daily lives. She will also discuss The New Human Experience Project, a revolutionary process that is designed to support the ability to shift consciously and joyfully to higher expressions of self. As we become the new humans, humanity is going through a process where we are continually being re-calibrated to the highest aspect of who we really are. Throughout the world, many are now being called to rediscover and reconnect with the potential and possibilities that have been hidden within them for so long. For more information visit:
What's New!

Spirit of Victoria - Call for Reviews!

I have a new listing on the "Spirit of Victoria" website. If you've ever had a session with me - Gene Keys consultation, spiritual counseling, an Energy Attunement with Zia and myself - or, if you've ever been to one of our retreats/workshops/events, a Review only takes a few moments and would be very much appreciated!  Thank you...  

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of  the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at   

Gene Keys Workshops, Retreats, and Gatherings

Seven Sacred Seals at Mt. Shasta!
Zia and I have been given the tremendous opportunity to facilitate the Seven Sacred Seals Mystical Gene Key Transmission in resplendent view of Mt. Shasta on the shore line of Lake Siskyou. We can't think of a more magnificent force field of light in which to bring this transmission out. It will take place from the evening of Friday July 26th until the afternoon of Sunday July 28th. We are delighted that the Retreat is full and we are really looking forward to working with the 25 participants.

Radio Shows

I had another wonderful experience on the Cari Murpy show and here is the replay page if you have not had the chance to listen. To listen to her ongoing shows sign up for free at 
White Magnetic Wizard!
by Peter Tongue

On March 3rd, Zia and I facilitated the 64 Names of Love 1-Day Retreat, which Richard Rudd first presented when he came to Victoria for his 50th Birthday celebration in 2017. In it, we each focussed on one of the 64 Siddhis coupled with one of the six lines of love. For me, it was Virtue (7th Gene Key Siddhi) and Sweetness (4th line heart chakra).

We held these two qualities in our hearts for 100 days to see how they played out in our lives. It was suggested that we should meet up on the 100th day, which was June 11th, returning to Anam Cara to share experiences. We had a very deep sharing of the events that had transpired, some of which were quite challenging. What has become clear, though, is how working with the Gene Keys enables us to manage much more effectively whatever arises in our daily lives with detachment, taking personal responsibility for our reactions and responding in more thoughtful ways.
We returned to Anam Cara for a wonderful celebration at this magical Yurt in Metchosin for the Summer Solstice where we spent some time reflecting on the powerful Gene Keys of June leading into the Summer Solstice and included a meditation on them.

On the first day of June, the Sun began its annual illumination of the 35th Gene Key which is the only Gene Key of all 64 with a wormhole directly from the shadow to the siddhi. It is about the inner adventure taking you through the centre of the Torus from the entry in the shadow, through the centre, and out the other side into the Siddhi, if you can just have the courage to take the dive.
The journey through the Gene Keys continued as we moved into the 45th after the 35th to bring us all into a frequency of communion, followed by the 12th Gene Key, Purity of the Heart. Clearing the shadows of these two powerful Gene Keys has been an immense task moving beyond male dominance and vanity! A work in progress still, but it is moving forward. The power point of the month was the Summer Solstice when the Sun reached its Zenith, the highest point in the Sky before reversing its journey towards winter.

The Summer Solstice coincides with the 15th Gene Key each year, which is our connection to Mother Earth, and the insight to slow down and tune into her natural heartbeat measured by the Schumann Resonance which was once again off the scale at over 90 Hz. We can only do so by slowing down and giving ourselves enough time to sit quietly with her to reach this subtle vibration. When we give ourselves that time, wonderful things happen, including deepening our connection with her, as well as the animals, plants and even humans!
We all had a chance to go outside and spend time on our own in silence, communing with Mother Earth and tuning into her vibration on the day, in the beautiful landscape of Anam Cara, with a sense of awe and wonder. When we returned, Zia guided us through a beautiful Communion Ceremony where we joined  our own inner King and Queen in sacred union and shared the Grail cup with Mother Earth. Following a revitalizing pot-luck picnic, we had a drumming circle celebration, including our community "Mama Drum", who had an amazing workout with all present, at different times with at least three people beating the drum at the same time. She was booming!

June 24th is St. Jean Baptiste Day in Canada when John the Baptist is revered through Mardi Gras type celebrations in the streets of Quebec. I took the opportunity to look deeply into the real meaning of the Baptism of Jesus as there is a lot of misunderstanding around what occurred and why. The clue is given in the 22nd Gene Key Chapter in the Gene Keys book where Richard talks about the Nine Portals Of Initiation, the second of which is Baptism (Page 175).
It is the sacred moment when the Heavens open and the Holy Spirit descends to anoint the recipient, and John the Baptist was the conduit through which the bridge between Heaven and Earth was made. Jesus could not begin his Ministry until he had gone through this Initiation and embodied the Holy Spirit, made possible by John the Baptist. A pretty important role! For us then opening our hearts to receive the Holy Spirit is an important part of our journey, feeling worthy to receive and then to embody and integrate the energies coming through from the higher planes.

July is going to be a very intense and powerful month with two New Moons, the first of which on July 2nd is a Total Solar Eclipse followed by a partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on July 16th. The second New Moon takes place on July 31st. The Solar Eclipse opens the door to a six-month intense period leading into what many Astrologers have seen for some time as a major event in the heavens immediately following the next series of Eclipses on January 12th, 2020. On that date, Saturn and Pluto will have come into a precise conjunction while Jupiter and the Sun are also moving through Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn represents the old patriarchal systems and Pluto is the destroyer and transformer and with the expansion of the Sun and Jupiter close by, many are seeing this as a major turning point, bringing an end to the old and welcoming in the new.
The series of July eclipses then is the forerunner or gateway into this six-month period where we are likely to see a great deal of chaos as the old systems break down and more revelations of secrecy and corruption are revealed. During this time, it is important for us to stay calm and centred, knowing that it is necessary for this to happen before we can open to the new. We need to maintain our focus on what we want this new World and our own personal lives to be in the future, manifesting with love in our hearts in service to the greater good. Then be very clear on what we wish for!

While preparing for this Newsletter, I suddenly had the realization that our 7-Seals Retreat in Mt. Shasta is going to begin on the first day of the New Year of the Mayan Calendar! The Tzolkin Calendar is based upon the thirteen moon 28-day cycle, which comes to a total number of 364 days. To stay in line with our Gregorian Calendar every year on July 25th,  there is a day out of time where you are free to do whatever you wish according to that system. The next day is the first day of the New Year and this year is opened on Kin 14, which is White Magnetic Wizard -  to unify in timelessness. It also coincides with the Opening of the final ray, the Seventh Ray in the Rainbow Portal of Violet - Divine Omnipresence and Supreme Love! The 7th ray opening with the opening of the 7th Seal.

Amazing Synchronicity! I will report back to what transpires next month.          
Photos courtesy of Zia, Claudia, and Judy
Gene Keys 
Counselling, & Energy Attunements
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& Thursdays at 11 am

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