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"You need your own love the most. Begin + end your day with thoughts of self-love." — Lalah Delia

Morning Musings

First and foremost, I want to start with a note of gratitude. Thank you for subscribing, for responding, for sharing the newsletter with your friends and for following me on social media. I appreciate the support more than words can say, y'all really know how to make a girl feel special. I see you. I thank you. I love you.

A few weeks ago, I was at happy hour with my friend Jamilah when she asked me a question that caught me off guard. She'd barely uttered the words, "What's your..." And I naturally assumed she was going to ask me about my self-care routine. I was prepared to launch into the usual spiel when she finished, "joy routine." This was practically my face:

What's my joy routine?

I hadn't really considered it before. Sure, I meditate and take bubble baths with the best of them, but I'd never stopped to think about my joy routine. And I reflected on some of things I'm doing when I'm at my happiest:
  • dancing around the house in my undies to Beyoncé 
  • singing in the shower/listening to music while I get ready in the mornings
  • reading YA/romance novels
Because I'm someone who measures my worth in terms of my productivity, I have a tendency to fill every free moment with well, activities that make me more productive. But there's something to be said about doing things simply for the fun of it.

What's your joy routine? Hit "reply" and let me know! I want to hear all about what makes you happy.


#31Daysto1K Giveaway

Earlier this year, I set a goal of reaching 1,000 newsletter subscribers. I’m currently at 840, and I just KNOW that y’all can help push me over the edge.

The biggest feedback I’ve been getting from literary agents is that they love my voice and my book idea (about tips to overcome impostor syndrome), but my platform isn’t big enough. Can you help me change that?

If we reach 1,000 subscribers by July 31, one lucky person will receive:⁣

✨ A 15-minute consulation with me⁣
✨ A $25 Starbucks gift card AND⁣
✨ A copy of my fave personal development books: You Are a Badass and You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero⁣.

By being a subscriber, you're automatically entered for a chance to win. Now I just need you to help spread the word to your friends by having them subscribe here. Thank you in advance! Let's go get these goals!

Links I Love

  1. Shine's Guide to Minority Mental Health Month
  2. Watch Me Work: "Congrats on Your Rejection Letter!" (submitted by subscriber Christina Tapper in light of last week's newsletter, sign up for her newsletter here!)
  3. The Free Black Woman's Library Amplifies The Voice of Female African American Writers (written by subscriber Eva Recinos, sign up for her newsletter here!)


You've got questions ... and I've got answers (hopefully). In this new column, I share a word of advice on everything from work to wellness and everything in between. Let's dig in, shall we?

Q: I loved the salary negotiation tips you shared in a previous newsletter, but I work for a nonprofit. How do I get over the guilt of asking for more? ~ M.

A: Okay, first let's get one thing straight: nonprofit is a tax status. It's still a business like any other. You did the work, right? You worked your butt off, right? Then it doesn't matter whether you work for a nonprofit or Fortune 500 company, you have to know the value you bring to the table and not be afraid to ask for it.

Listen, I get it. When I presented the market rate for my position at a former employer, my manager essentially shrugged her shoulders and said, "But we're a nonprofit." The thing is, I'd asked friends at other nonprofits in similar roles what they were making and there was still a $30,000 discrepancy. 

Moral of the story: Not all nonprofits are created equally. I eventually decided to leave, but I still support the mission. You don't have to be a martyr because you work for a nonprofit and you can support a cause without having to sacrifice your salary. We've been told purpose is more important than the paycheck, but I believe we can have both.
Ask a Question

My Latest Obsession

Rihanna could release air at this point, and I would still buy it. I've tried DIY lip scrubs and even bought Vaseline's version, but Fenty Beauty's Pro Kiss'r Lip-Loving Scrubstick and the Pro-Kiss'r Luscious Lip Balm are a match made in cosmetics heaven. Whereas other lip scrubs can be sticky and messy, this stick glides on and wipes off with ease. Top off with the balm and you'll have noticeably softer, kissable lips in 30 seconds or less.

Now Hiring

  1. Executive Assistant to the President at OneGoal (come work with me!)
  2. Social Media Coordinator at GIPHY
  3. Marketing & Communications Director at Make-a-Wish Greater Bay Area
  4. Chief of Staff, Global Communications at Slack
  5. Editorial Assistant at Teen Vogue
  6. Associate TV Editor at Elite Daily
  7. Politics Editor at The Wall Street Journal
  8. Associate Editor at Fashionista
  9. Digital Content Producer at Chicago Sun-Times
  10. Director, Scientific Engagement at Alzheimer's Association
Well, that's all folks. I hope you enjoyed this edition of LT in the City Weekly! Be sure to follow me on the Interwebs using the buttons below or simply click "reply" to tell me what you think. Thanks a bunches!
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